IUCN Red List Introduction Essay Paper

IUCN Red List Introduction Essay Paper

In previous chapters, we learned that life is very diverse. Organisms range from single cells to multi-celled. Some organisms cannot even be seen with the naked eye. Is diversity increasing or decreasing? In the future, will we have more organisms? Does our population play a role in the lives of other organisms? Should we be considered if an organism goes extinct? The following exploratory activity will help you understand threats to organisms, what is being done to save them and how organisms are classified. IUCN Red List Introduction Essay Paper



Computer with internet access

IUCN Red List Directions

1. Go to: http://www.redlist.org/ or copy and paste the address into your web browser.

2. In the search term, box type in the word cheetah.

3. Click on the scientific name for cheetah.

4. Read the information and answer the following questions.

Questions 1 – 20 are short answer questions and should be answered in a few words. Total: 80 points. IUCN Red List Introduction Essay Paper

Type all answers directly in the data sheet text boxes and upload the data sheet as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file with your last name and student number when finished. You may need to adjust the textbox size to display all text.

1. What is the IUCN Red List? (4 points)

2. What is the scientific name for the cheetah? (4 points)

3. What is another common name for the cheetah? (4 points)

4. In what red list category are cheetah classified? (4 points). IUCN Red List Introduction Essay Paper

5. In what part of Africa are most cheetahs found? (4 points)

6. What is the population trend? (4 points)

7. How many total cheetahs are thought to be alive currently? (4 points)

8. In what habitat and system do cheetahs live? (4 points)

9. Cheetahs can run up to speeds of 103 km per hour. How fast is this in mph? (4 points)

10. In which Kingdom is the cheetah classified? (4 points)

11. In which Phylum is the cheetah classified? (4 points)

12. In which Class is the cheetah classified? (4 points)

13. In which Order is the cheetah classified? (4 points)

14. In which Family is the cheetah classified? (4 points)

15. List three major threats to cheetahs. (4 points)

16. What (if anything) is currently being done to protect the species? (4 points)

17. Do cheetahs mate with the same cheetah each mating season? (4 points). IUCN Red List Introduction Essay Paper

18. Due to the decreasing population numbers, is genetic diversity a concern? (4 points)

19. What does it matter if this species goes extinct? In other words, why is it important?

(4 points)

20. In your opinion, can this species be saved or is it too late? Briefly explain your answer. (4 points)

Question 21 is an extended response question. Your response should be at least 100 words in length. Total: 20 points

21. Considering what you have learned from this activity and the textbook chapters, explain your thoughts about the following statement: “Humans rely on other organisms for survival; however, other organisms would be better off without humans.” Take a stand and argue for or against this statement.

IUCN Red List Additional Question:

22. Consider what you have learned about natural selection and mutation concerning health issues like TB and head lice, and apply it to pesticide use and farming. Explain what is meant by a “pesticide treadmill” and why it is a concern to farmers and consumers. IUCN Red List Introduction Essay Paper

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