Mental Health for ADHD Essay Assignment Papers
Mental Health for ADHD Essay Assignment Papers.
For this assignment, you will select a disease of your choice and conduct a detailed analysis of that disease, exploring it from a balanced traditional and alternative health perspective.
Begin by searching the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website Diseases and Conditions Index to choose a disease or condition of interest to you. Mental Health for ADHD Essay Assignment Papers.
Next, review the website for Healthy People 2020 for information related to the disease or the disease category (e.g., mental health for ADHD).Mental Health for ADHD Essay Assignment Papers.
In your paper, discuss the following:
· Prominent aspects of this disease
· Current data and statistics related to the disease
· Health disparities related to the disease
· Prevention strategies including complementary and alternative health therapies
· Contemporary research and clinical studies related to the disease
· An analysis of the pathophysiologic effects of stress related to the disease
· Evidence-based stress management interventions that might help with prevention or cure
The paper should be between 3–4 pages.
Incorporate at least three scholarly sources within the paper. Sources should be no more than three years old.
Use proper APA format to cite and reference sources.
Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded. Mental Health for ADHD Essay Assignment Papers.
The writer clearly and effectively responds to the assignment.
There is one clear, well-focused topic. Main ideas are clear and are well supported by detailed and accurate information.
The introduction is inviting, states the main topic, and provides an overview of the paper. Information is relevant and presented in a logical order. The conclusion is strong. Mental Health for ADHD Essay Assignment Papers.
The assignment consistently follows current APA format and is free from errors in formatting, citation, and references. No grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. All sources are cited and referenced correctly. Mental Health for ADHD Essay Assignment Papers.
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