Utilisation of Grasscutter for Household Protein Intake Sample Essay Assignment

Utilisation of Grasscutter for Household Protein Intake Sample Essay Assignment

Utilisation of Grasscutter for Household Protein Intake Abstract

Sustainability in Nigerian Agriculture with preference to grasscutter production was examined in this study. The study is considered necessary due to insufficient information on the subject, ineffective reforms embarked upon by government, individual and donor-sponsored animal production projects in the tropics at various levels and scale of production the stock that has little impact. Utilisation of Grasscutter for Household Protein Intake Sample Essay Assignment. Grasscutter is an herbivore and so can feed conveniently on some forages, crop residues (e.g. rice straw), agro-industrial by-product and kitchen leftovers. Some fodder species that can also be fed to the animals are Pennisetum purpureum (elephant grass) and Panicum maximum (guinea grass). It is concluded that grasscutter production which is suitable for backyard family production offers a great potential for increased food security, income generation, employment opportunities and above all, provision of high quality animal protein intake……


Utilisation of Grasscutter for Household Protein Intake

Physical Characteristics of grasscutter

Grasscutters are strictly herbivores, and prefer mainly thick-stemmed grass species (Schrage and Yewadan, 1999). Grasscutter (Thryonomys swinderianus) also known as cane rat among some people is one of the best animals now domesticated in Nigeria as well as in other sub-Sahara part of Africa. With grasscutter farming, income generation from the initial establishment would continue to flourish because of its fast generation of income. The animal has many traditional names depending on the tribe. Among the Yorubas, it is known as Oya, while some people called it Obije, Nohi as well as Gafya. It is a heavy, compact and the largest African rodent after the porcupine (Hystrix Cristata). When fully grown, the body length varies between 42 and 58cm. its tail measure between 22cm and 25cm and standing height is between 23cm to 30cm. The average adult weighs about 3kg for female and 4.5kg for males making grasscutter to have an outstanding weight than average matured broiler with lesser capital involvement. Utilisation of Grasscutter for Household Protein Intake Sample Essay Assignment.