• Summary (approximately half page): Include brief summary of the film and demographic information.
  • Types of Abuse (approximately 1 page): Should include the following parts:
    • Identify types of abuse observed in the film.
    • Give definitions or scholarly information on each type of abuse observed in the film.
    • Give examples of each type of abuse from the film. TREATMENT FOR CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT ESSAY ASSIGNMENT


  • Theoretical analysis (approximately 2-3 pages): Pick 1-3 theories (actual theories, not just scholarly information) and include the following:
    • Thorough description of the theory, then apply the theory to the character. Should be equal focus on the description of the theory and application to character.
    • The fewer theories chosen, the more detailed it needs to be.
    • Make sure to cite the information!
  • Impacts of Abuse (approximately 2-3 pages): Should include the following:
    • General impacts of abuse learned throughout the course.
    • Use significant research and critical thought. Impacts should all link together rather than being a list.  Lists tell me that you can research, not that you actually understand how and why symptoms of abuse occur.
    • Identify impacts observed in the character from the film.
    • General impacts should account for 2/3 of this section, observed impacts of the character should account for 1/3.
  • Culture/SES/Ethics (approximately 1-2 paragraphs each):
    • Explain how culture/SES/ethics apply to the character.
    • Use and cite sources for all information. Fontes is a good source for culture and SES, NASW is a good resource for ethics.
  • Family Dynamics (approximately half page):
    • Should include research-based information to describe the family dynamics observed in the film. Your text has good information, feel free to find additional or alternative sources as well. TREATMENT FOR CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT ESSAY ASSIGNMENT.
  • Engagement Strategy (approximately half page): You will need to develop a specific, evidence-based strategy for engagement. You will need sources to support your strategy, and should include actual techniques that you will use.  Your goal in the engagement strategy is to: TREATMENT FOR CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT ESSAY ASSIGNMENT
    • Build rapport
    • Motivate them to come back again and build skills/make change
    • Feel safe and build trust
    • Be willing to relive and discuss traumatic memories and histories.
  • Treatment Plan (approximately 2-3 pages): Describes how you would treat both the acute symptoms of child abuse and heal the traumatic memories associated with child abuse.
    • Should include evidence-based therapeutic model(s), describe the model and theory (use research and remember to cite your research!!).
    • Give an outline or explanation on the steps that the model(s) uses, how it treats child abuse.
    • Should identify any holes you believe the model(s) has, and what additional models or activities you would add to compensate.
    • Describe how you would use this model(s) with the character, and why you believe it is a good fit for the character’s symptoms and needs.
  • Case Management (approximately half page, maybe less): This is the only section that does not need researchJ
    • Identify character basic needs that are missing, and what referrals you would need to make.
    • Hint: They ALL have at least one area in their life that would need assistance or improvement. Some characters need much more than others.
    • You do not need actual agencies that you would refer to, but the type of agency. Example is if the character needs housing, you could simply make a referral to a “housing agency”, you do not need a specific resource such as “Creekside Housing Authority” (save yourself the research on local resources! Just go general). TREATMENT FOR CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT ESSAY ASSIGNMENT.
  • Diagnosis (approximately half page): This part is REQUIRED despite what the prompt says.
    • Include the diagnosis(es), make sure it is an actual diagnosis found in the DSM V.
    • Give a clinical formulation to explain why the characters symptoms match criteria (you do not need to list all criteria, just explain how and why they match).
    • Explain any rule-outs or differential diagnoses that you believe may be present (i.e. any diagnoses that you think they may have but are not sure, would need more assessment).
    • You may use additional research if you want, but you are not required to use any other research other than the DSM.
    • If you do not have access to the DSM, you may use
  • General Information
    • Paper should be between 12-14 pages, not include title page and reference pages.
    • Most of this paper is research-based, and should be full of citations!
    • Make sure to paraphrase instead of quote. You need to comprehend the information and adapt it to your knowledge rather than quoting it verbatim from the source.
    • Use critical thought, integrate the research together rather than simply listing it out.
    • There should be an even distribution to general research and applying it to the character from the film.
    • On “An American Crime” you will need to pretend that Sylvia lives, and based on your knowledge of child abuse, assess what her symptoms and needs would be.
    • Again, I grade this paper critically! Do not hesitate to reach out for support beforehand (though give me at least a week notice so I don’t get 20 requests within two days of the due dateJ).  I strongly recommend not procrastinating on this assignment, and ask questions along the way if you are unsure. TREATMENT FOR CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT ESSAY ASSIGNMENT.

 SOWK 678 Assignment 3 Case Study Grading Rubric

Student Name:

Comments Earned Points
-Brief summary of the plot (10pts)-Demographics

-summary of presenting problems (10pts)

-Types of abuse with supporting examples (12pts)-Analysis of abuse with supporting references (13pts)
-Short term/long term effects (17pts)-cultural issues/SES/ethics (3pts)

-family dynamics (5pts)

-treatment, intervention (15pts)-engagement strategy (5pts)

-case management (3pts)

-DSM diagnosis (2pts)

APA formatting, 7 references, grammar/style (5)


Skills Therapy Alternative Activities
  • Emotional regulation
  • Good support network
  • Building mastery
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Distress tolerance
  • Regulate dissociation
  • Communication skills
  • Stress Management
  • Self-care
  • Good boundaries
  • EMDR- Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
  • TF-CBT- Trauma focused cognitive behavior therapy
  • CPT- Cognitive processing therapy
  • SE- Somatic experiencing
  • Play therapy
  • PCIT- Parent-Child interaction therapy
  • ITCT- Integrated treatment of complex trauma
  • PE- Prolonged Exposure
  • Sensori-Motor Psychotherapy
  • Mindfulness
  • Yoga
  • Massage
  • Exercise
  • Meditation
  • Art
  • Volunteering in something meaningful
  • Playing music


  • Social Engagement Theory by Stephen Porges
  • Polyvagal Theory by Stephen Porges
  • Attachment Theory
  • Ecological Theory
  • Social Learning Theory
  • Psychodynamic Theory
  • Erikson’s stages of development
  • Interpersonal neurobiology
  • Piaget’s Developmental Theory


  • Bessel van der Kolk
  • Stephen Porges
  • Judith Herman
  • Peter Levine
  • Daniel Siegel
  • John Briere
  • Francine Shapiro