Time Management and Study Skills Assignment Papers
Time Management and Study Skills Assignment Papers.
Throughout this course, you will be asked to reflect on various topics in journal entries. Your Topic 2 entry will be about your program of study. The purpose of writing the journals is to provide you with an informal way of learning to express yourself and communicate through writing. Your writing skills will be developed throughout your program of study. Time Management and Study Skills Assignment Papers.
Required Materials
Microsoft Word
Review your planned program of study on the GCU website. Answer the following questions in your reflection:
- What program of study are you enrolled in or planning to enroll in? Identify and discuss some of the courses you will be required to take.
- Which courses do you anticipate being the most challenging, and what GCU resources are available to help you?
- What skills or knowledge will you need for this program of study and how will you gain them? How will effective time management help you complete your program?
- Reflect on the overall learning objectives from this topic. What was a key takeaway for you?
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin. Please review for originality prior to final submission. Time Management and Study Skills Assignment Papers.
Format Requirements
Complete the assignment using Microsoft Word formatted in GCU style.
Your response must be between 250-300 words.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide and GCU Style Guide Template, located in the Student Success Center. Solid academic writing is required.Time Management and Study Skills Assignment Papers.
Grading Criteria
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment. Time Management and Study Skills Assignment Papers.
Assignment B
There are typically several core components to any assignment at GCU. Knowing how to dissect a GCU assignment ensures successful completion of the assignment. The Understanding a GCU Assignment Worksheet will provide you with an opportunity to practice dissecting the components of an assignment so that you are better prepared to complete assignments successfully. Time Management and Study Skills Assignment Papers.
Required Course Materials
Lecture 2
Chapter 4 in the textbook: Time Management and Study Skills
Understanding a GCU Assignment Worksheet
Syllabus Tutorial
Microsoft Word
Read and review the required course materials listed above to assist you in answering the questions on the attached worksheet. These materials are accessible through the course materials tab in your classroom. Time Management and Study Skills Assignment Papers.
To complete the assignment, you will review the sample assignment and rubric provided in the worksheet. This assignment is from another course and is only an example of an assignment, not one that you are required to complete. You will review the requirements of the sample assignment and rubric to guide you in answering the questions listed on the worksheet.
Please download the attached worksheet, as you will need to record your responses on the worksheet, save this, and then submit this as an assignment for this week. Time Management and Study Skills Assignment Papers.