The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment

The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment


The primary objective of the project is to justify the implementation and subsequent use of telehealth to improve patient care outcomes among pregnant women with gestational diabetes in an outpatient clinic in San Diego, California. Because of the increase in communicable diseases in the general public including the highly contagious COVID-19, the use of technology in healthcare has become a visible tool that is used not only to compart the spread of such diseases but also improve access to healthcare by vulnerable groups in the society such as pregnant mothers. The most important finding is that the implementation of telehealth in outpatient clinics is essential in improving care outcomes because it helps to bridge the gap between the healthcare provider and patients hence, the provision of healthcare services becomes seamless. In addition, telehealth helps to improve the quality of care and patient satisfaction while reducing cost The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment.



The capstone project is anchored on the health outcomes of implementing telehealth in outpatient clinics in San Diego, California. The target patient population are pregnant women with gestational diabetes which is a health concern among expectant women because it can lead to life threatening events such as stillbirths, preterm birth, excessive birth weight as well as obesity later in life. The essence of implementing telehealth in the said outpatient clinic is to supplement the physical and periodic clinics that are established for antenatal care. While physical clinics are critical for pregnant women, telehealth as an emerging technology is essential because it helps to compliment physical clinics by empowering women to take care of and manage their health conditions at points when there is an emerging issue that can be addressed while at home. Telehealth also helps to incorporate the patient (pregnant women) into their care plan and this helps to improve outcomes, creates a sense of confidence and trust towards the healthcare providers. With the widespread nurse shortage, that has ravaged the whole world, the use of technology has become a vital ingredient averting negative outcomes that are associated with the shortage.

In essence, with the implementation of telehealth, it is possible for a small number of healthcare providers to manage a relatively large number of patients. The implementation of the telehealth will require inputs from the health informaticists as well as the clinical staff. The implementation plan will encompass interprofessional collaboration among stakeholders as well as setting goals that will facilitate the implementation matrix.

Problem Statement

Need Statement

Healthcare has evolved over the decades to meet the increasing patient needs. Some of the changes that have been experienced in healthcare include change in practice to adopt evidence-based practices that have been scientifically proven to solve specific healthcare issues. In addition, technology has been implemented in healthcare to facilitate the provision of evidence-based practices. There are several technologies that have been implemented in healthcare and they include electronic helath records, robotic surgery, cancer immunotherapy among others. One of the most prevalent healthcare technologies that has gained popularity in healthcare is telehealth which has improved patient outcomes as well as healthcare efficiencies among care providers. For this assignment the PICOT question is; In outpatient clinics, how does telehealth visits compared to office visits result in improved patient care outcomes and satisfaction rate within ten months of implementation? A growing body of evidence shows that telehealth can improve health outcomes. Telehealth can also improve access to care by increasing patients’ ability to see a provider from home or other locations. Telehealth can improve access to care, continuity of care, engagement in care, and self-management of chronic conditions. The ability of telehealth to easily serve most of the vulnerable populations has been a major milestone in quality healthcare delivery.

Population and Setting

The target population for this capstone project are pregnant women with gestational diabetes which is a helath condition characterized by elevated blood sugar levels among expectant women and goes away shortly after deliver. The setting is in an outpatient clinic in San Diego, California. Gestational diabetes is a form of insulin independent diabetes in that the body produces insulin but the insulin is rendered ineffective by the mother’s system elevating blood sugar levels. In a study by Giannakou et al. (2019)The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment, the authors highlighted that increased BMI and hypothyroidism were the common risk factors for the development of gestational diabetes. The condition is also a matter of interest in healthcare because of the associated effects such as premature birth, excessive growth of the fetus and excess amniotic fluid.


The proposed intervention for the practicum project is telehealth. The use of telehealth for the identified population is justified by the fact that pregnancy is associated with several complications that require frequent monitoring that may not be practical in terms of physical visits. In addition, some of the pregnant women miss scheduled appointments or the antenatal clinics because of the distance between their homes and the clinic. It is however important to note that the use of telehealth does not replace the physical visits but rather helps to compliment them by addressing emerging issues. Telehealth helps to connect the pregnant women and the caregivers remotely and hence this can be an important time for educational purposes on management of blood sugar levels.

Comparison of Approaches

Several approaches are available and are being utilized by various healthcare organizations to manage gestational diabetes among pregnant women. Despite the application of various approaches that are currently available, none has achieved that which that can be met by the implementation of telehealth. One approach is issuing of test kits to at-risk pregnant mothers and having them conduct their tests at home. The at-risk pregnant women are advised to monitor their diet to prevent elevation of blood sugar levels. One major limitation of this approach is that it does not accommodate the day-to-day conversations with the healthcare providers as is the case of telehealth. Besides, the approach of giving at-risk pregnant mothers and having them conduct their tests at home is a primitive approach because pregnant mothers only follow a schedule that has been issues during their last visit. According to Vora et al. (2020), gestational diabetes can be managed at home by managing one’s diet and physical exercises hence, empowering pregnant mothers can help them in managing this condition while at home using natural remedies. With the implementation of telehealth, it bis therefore possible to monitor patients even when they are far from their facilities.

Outcome Draft

The main outcome for the implementation of telehealth is to improve patient outcomes while minimizing on cost. With telehealth, it is possible for patients to access quality healthcare services remotely without necessarily traveling to healthcare facilities which helps to save on cost and time. Telehealth can help in managing patients who have challenges in mobility and other financial challenges that can prevent form accessing quality healthcare services during pregnancy. During the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, it became extremely difficult for pregnant women and other special population of patients to access healthcare services due to safety concerns of possibility of contracting the virus. As such, the use of telehealth will help overcome some of the barriers to accessing healthcare services. According to Vasilevski et al., (2022), the scheduling of face-to-face visits and postnatal visits was greatly impacted during the COVID-1 period. These restrictions and challenges to accessing healthcare services can be alleviated through the implementation of telehealth.

Time Estimate

The timeframe for implementing the proposed intervention is ten months, a duration sufficient enough to allow for the implementation of the necessary infrastructure which includes technological input as well as equipment that can support the system and meet the required outcomes. besides, the timeframe has been suggested in a manner that is sufficient to accommodate a relatively large number of users given the increasing number of pregnant women presenting gestational diabetes in the San Diego area and California at large. Training of staff will form part of the implementation program because the staff members who will handle and manage the operation of the system needs appropriate training The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment.

Literature Review

The various disparities that exist in healthcare have played a significant role in increasing the burden of disease among the population as some minor disease conditions develop into complex processes that are difficult to treat and manage as many people do not have equitable access to healthcare. Some of the disparities in healthcare were vividly illuminated during the COVID-19 pandemic. One prominent issue that arose during the pandemic is that of challenges affecting pregnant women in all aspects of pregnancy from the time of antenatal care to postnatal care. Commenting on the challenges women with gestational diabetes faced during the pandemic, Aziz et al. (2020) mentioned that the inability of many of them to access health care facilities increased their risks of gestational diabetes. Drawing from this, the researcher has suggested the need for the federal government to liaise with private and public health providers to embrace the use of telehealth and telemedicine. The contemporary common approach and methods used are for pregnant mothers to make physical visits to hospitals where their vitals are checked, and this reveals whether they are at risk of gestational diabetes (May et al., 2021)The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment. Since collecting self-monitoring data in the case of gestational diabetes is not complicated, the intervention of telemedicine and telehealth would come in handy for caregivers and patients. As noted by Uecker and Kinnaman (2021), this would mean that the need for frequent physical visits would be unnecessary. Proper training on gathering the much-needed self-monitoring data using the toolkits provided by the healthcare providers and submitting the same virtually through digital forms such as mobile phones has had positive impacts. Döğer et al. (2019) have noted that clinicians follow up with the visiting patients to determine whether treatment is needed. The challenge of the physical visits is that they are time-consuming, cumbersome, and leave out a material proportion of pregnant women who otherwise need similar care. With the emergence and rise in popularity of telehealth and telemedicine, clinicians have found a much-needed intervention for gestational diabetes and other ailments pregnant, and nursing mothers face.

Appuswamy and Desimone (2020) argue that it makes no logical sense for pregnant women to visit clinics just to check their glucose levels and spend a lot of time and financial resources. Notably, most of them do this as a precaution to safeguard their plight and that of the unborn child. However, using digital technologies such as telehealth has enabled more women who are otherwise limited by the lack of mobility and resources to collect their records and share them using simple applications on their smartphones. The benefit that this has on these women is that their risks of gestational diabetes and related adverse outcomes are reduced. In addition, the healthcare provider can handle more patients at a time as they only advise those who need treatment based on the data collected to visit them. A different view presented by Appuswamy and Desimone (2020) points to the importance of clinics holding large volumes of data. The researchers have discussed the issue of using telehealth from a holistic point of view, where they argue that with larger volumes of data from patients, these providers can engage in more analysis on the prevalence of gestational diabetes and other illnesses and hence determine the various interventions required for the entire population.


While many benefits are discussed by researchers on the use of telemedicine as an important intervention in healthcare, there are a few limitations that emerge, and the key among them is the availability and access to technologies such as the internet and digital equipment needed to facilitate the intervention. In commenting on this, Natamba, Namara, and Nyirenda (2019) have raised the question of whether healthcare providers factor in the possible limitation in accessing and using digital technologies. Moreover, some patients may delay or misinterpret readings on the test kits available to them or mistype them while relaying the information to clinicians (Aziz et al., 2020)The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment. Challenges such as these are likely to have a slight negative impact on the use of telehealth in intervening in gestational diabetes in places like San Francisco and others. On their part, Natamba, Namara, and Nyirenda (2019) have considered that while providers profit from the increase in digital data for patients, as mentioned, enables the custodian to leverage the big data for research and analysis, there is one slight issue that needs to be factored in; that with the more significant amount of data, more workloads accrue for the healthcare organization. There need additional resources and staff for managing and handling this accumulation of medical and personal data, which could stretch the provider’s existing resources.

Despite the identified drawbacks of telehealth, Zork (2022) has argued that the benefits associated with this intervention, in the context of the United States at least, far outweigh the costs. Patient outcomes are improved because of the convenience that the use of telehealth creates. The existing policy on increasing coverage of patients in the country benefits from the use of technology as the providers can attend to more patients from across regions. Moreover, telehealth and its closely linked concept of telemedicine increase the efficiency of intervention over time. This means that as more people get accustomed to digital technology, their use, and the collection of their medical data using specified medical kits, they increase the efficiency in personal and healthcare, further adding to the success of intended interventions. A huge plus that Zork (2022) has discussed in her article on the revolution technology is causing in health care is communication. Today, more than ever before, the communication between clinicians and patients has improved. This has been partially boosted by increased digital communication such as emailing, video calling, texting, and other digital-based applications such as social media and in-house medical applications. Suffice it to say, an increase in communication between these parties harnesses the understanding of the needs of the patients, ultimately leading to better quality healthcare and patient outcomes.

The one crucial lesson that covid-19 perhaps benefited the healthcare system is increasing awareness and illuminating the importance of virtual healthcare. With providers and patients alike forced by the pandemic to seek alternative ways of medical care that required minimal physical interaction, the ideas of telehealth were popularized at this time, and people recognized the value provisions of the technology. That aside, since the pandemic is arguably diminished, telehealth and telemedicine will likely stay longer and will probably be industry standards over time. Rutledge et al. (2021) claim that sometimes infeasible and difficult in-patient visits are addressed with telehealth. Telehealth ensures that patients receiving or requiring continued medical care and faced with unavoidable challenges still have access to the care.

The details of the analyzed literature reveal two important issues. One is that the emergence and popularity of telehealth have many positive impacts and are likely to improve gestational diabetes patient outcomes over time. This is because more patients will be reached, and the convenience created. Two is that as providers and patients embrace this disruptive technology in healthcare, they will yield better results in the communication and care for patients. More importantly, disruptive technology should be regarded as an approach or alternative that supplements are existing physical and in-patient visits The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment

Intervention Plan

Intervention Plan Components

As outlined previously and with great emphasis on the PICOT question, the target population for the proposed intervention are pregnant women living in San Diego area of California, who ae at risk of gestational diabetes. The proposed outcome of the project is to improve patient care outcomes by improving accessibility to healthcare services despite of eminent challenges such as mobility issues and distance form healthcare facilities. Key components of the plan include the proposed remote patient monitoring and associated support such as ensuring its use is evidence-based, its performance meets standards of care as envisaged in the health care policy in the United States, and persistent communication to stakeholders such as patients, policymakers, and provider organizations. Throughout, the intervention plan is guided by core nursing theories and principles.

The first component is the adoption of an evidence-based action which in this case is remote patient monitoring. Remote patient monitoring is defined by Polsky et al. (2020) as a technological telehealth digital tool that reports, collects, and transmits patient data to healthcare providers who then evaluate it and determine interventions required. In this particular case, the proposed remote patient monitoring tools could come in the form of wearables, mobile devices, and smartphone-based applications (Malasinghe, Ramzan & Dahal, 2019). Pregnant women at risk of gestational diabetes will be constantly reminded through notification nudging to check important vital signs such as their weight and blood glucose levels and transfer them to their physicians for analysis.

The second component is performance management. Aziz et al. (2020) advised that any intervention plan should be checked for effective performance with minimized negative impacts on patients. Following this, performance management of the proposed intervention is done through rigorous monitoring and evaluations in a bid to ascertain that it is a model that can be relied on and achieve the objective of improving health outcomes for patients. In addition to this, the healthcare provider adopting the proposed plan should be guided by the philosophy of continuous and persistent improvement which in this case implies telehealth program improvement.

The third component is for the healthcare provider to make effective and constant communication to stakeholders on the intervention. The healthcare community and decision makers are keenly interested in changes taking place in the industry and they need to be kept abreast of new developments to keep them informed for one and secondly to ensure that the changes are in line with healthcare policy and standards of operation.

Theoretical Foundations

The proposed intervention plan is advised or influenced by core nursing models and theories. One such model is the patient-centered model. Uecker and Kinnaman (2021) commented that the patient-centered model is based on the principle that all patients are unique and have different cultural backgrounds. What this means is that healthcare should not be based on a static set of routines but should rather be based on understanding the individual needs of patients. Patient-centered care is manifested through the demonstration of respect for the values needs and preferences of all patients. The implementation of the proposed RPM plan will be guided by the patient-centered theory where opinions and preferences for the type of device will be considered.

A second theory that offers insights to the proposed intervention model plan is the cultural care model. According to Lee, Greenfield and Pappas (2018)The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment, the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare to patients is best achieved when the providers acknowledge that cultural differences exist in society and among patients and use this diversity to develop a care plan for each patient. What this simply means is that healthcare interventions and approaches to care that providers issue and develop should be congruent with different cultures. As a priority, therefore, the proposed implementation should be guided by the cultural care theory in the sense that the cultural and religious practices of the patients should be highly prioritized.


Since the proposed remote patient monitoring technology requires support resources, it is important to mention that access to digital gadgets, the internet, and computers will be a huge plus. In California metropolitan areas of San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and San Francisco have very high smartphone and personal computer ownership at 86% and 81% respectively. These support technologies will make it more convenient for remote patient monitoring to be rolled out to the general population.

One of the major components of the intervention plan is the introduction of remote patient monitoring. While its implementation will involve a lot of capital layout for providers and for patients, its long-term benefits are immense. Commenting on the proliferation of telehealth and telemedicine, Vora et al. (2020) have pointed out two important issues. Basing their findings during the height of the novel Covid-19, the researchers have mentioned that telehealth lessens the risk of disease transmission. When outpatient pregnant mothers adopt the use of RPM, they reduce the risks of being exposed to communicable diseases that are sometimes acquired in health care settings. The second issue that the researchers commented on is the freeing up of hospital resources. With an increase in the use of remote patient monitoring using the technologies mentioned, hospital resources are freed up enabling the providers to serve the neediest patients more and better. According to Malasinghe, Ramzan and Dahal (2019), the use of remote patient monitoring technology helps providers gain faster access to patient data and in effect respond to emerging trends and issues sooner.

Stakeholders, Policy, and Regulations

The implementation of any health promotion plan is impacted by external and internal elements. These elements are the stakeholders, healthcare policies, and regulations. To this end, there are a handful of stakeholder needs that prevail and the stakeholders that are referred to in the context of this implementation are patients, providers, and policymakers. Su et al. (2020) mentioned that while the patient’s need which in this case is pregnant women is to maintain good health and deliver babies with minimal health complications, care providers have a need to improve health outcomes for all their patient groups. For the policymakers, their interest is that healthcare resources and benefits be equitably distributed. Collectively looking at all these needs, they all point towards health practices that are modeled to address the different groups within the population. In the United States, provider organizations are compensated by third-party payers which in this case are private and public insurance companies. According to Zahmatkeshan et al. (2021)The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment, health policy in the country has been pushing towards increased coverage by insurance companies in an effort to provide care to as many people as possible including the less affluent. Drawing from this, regulations have been set for providers on all interventions intended at improving healthcare outcomes in the country. Suffice it to say, the promotion of remote patient monitoring as a component of telehealth will be analyzed from the perspective of meeting key standards of practice and use.

Ethical and Legal Implications

Whenever a change is proposed or considered in healthcare, consideration must be put into the ethical and legal issues. Following this, key ethical and legal issues related to telehealth and specifically the use of remote patient monitoring, are rules and standards. The rationale for this is that such an implementation should at all times guarantee equitability of access, quality of care, and realistic costs. The fact that the RPM is intended at facilitating care means that it should a better alternative than the traditional physical visits to provider institutions. An equally important ethical issue is the privacy of patients (Polsky et al., 2020). Even as providers are called upon to increase the use of remote technological tools, they must at all times be respectful of patient privacy. On this, a legal issue that emerges is data privacy. It is crucial that providers put in place systems that guarantee that patient data breach likelihood is lessened. It is suggested that the transmitted data is fully encrypted to protect it from unauthorized persons.

Implementation Plan Design

Healthcare interventions are deemed to improve the care and overall Target population’s quality of life. Today, healthcare is being defined by the prioritization of care quality through six lenses, namely efficiency, accessibility, timeliness, safety, effectiveness, and patient-centeredness resulting in increasing or accelerated changes in formulating and adopting initiatives to reach the desired goals in the health sector (Döğer et al., 2019)The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment. The increased need to remain relevant, up-to-date, and effective in care delivery has led to many change management strategies. According to Uecker & Kinnaman (2021), the ability to adapt to change is critical to the contemporary delivery of healthcare services directed toward meeting the population’s changing needs. Leadership and management are critical determinants of change success in an organization. Effective leadership and management strategies must be adopted and implemented for successful change implementation to ensure the realization of the set goals and change objective.

Management and Leadership

Inter-professional collaboration in the nursing and the healthcare industry has become critical to achieving the best patient experience and outcomes. According to Vora et al. (2020), the healthcare sector has seen the shift from traditional individualized healthcare to multiple professionals working together to address the healthcare needs of a given patient, hence offering one-stop and holistic care. The proposed intervention plan is to use telehealth tools to deliver care to pregnant women at a higher risk of contracting gestational diabetes. To effectively deliver and implement the proposed intervention plan, critical leadership practices or strategies will be crucial to the success of the process.

The proposed intervention plan’s success depends on the leadership approach adopted for the process. One of the strategies is the transformational leadership model. According to Zahmatkeshan et al. (2021)The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment, transformational leaders are visionary and utilize employee teams in implementing change. This model will provide a rich foundation for mentoring, instilling, and building trust and confidence among healthcare professionals. Additionally, under transformational leadership, the leaders get to listen to other players’ ideas hence offering an ideal platform for improvement in care delivery and teamwork among healthcare professionals. Secondly, there is the situational leadership strategy. Healthcare is experiencing constant change; situation model of leaders is befitting such change as it allows leaders to be flexible in modifying their leadership input based on the organization and/or individual needs. This approach allows leaders to analyze the situation and determine the befitting team or care professionals impact or deliver the desired outcomes collaboratively. Polsky et al. (2020) identified that situational leadership best works for short targets or projects, hence an equally important tool for delivering the desired intervention. Another leadership strategy critical in formulating successful inter-professional collaboration for the intervention implementation is the servant model, which is relationship oriented.

The proposed leadership strategies ‘transformational, situational, and servant leadership models will play an integral role in change management regarding the care setting in which the proposed intervention plan will be implemented. The identified leadership strategies will be critical in bringing people and key stakeholders together to plan and execute the change. According to Lee et al. (2018)The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment, successful leadership and leaders during the change process foster collaboration and teamwork to influence care quality and patient experience. The adoption of the telehealth care delivery model will positively impact the quality of care by increasing efficiency and accessibility by reducing patients’ need to travel from home to the care facility, enabling the patient and care delivery process to overcome challenges such as timely support and geographical barriers. On the other hand, the proposed changes will allow patients or the target population to overcome waiting times connected to physical healthcare visitations.

Delivery and Technology

The adoption of telehealth to implement the proposed initiative is based on technological advancement and the organizations’ ability to deploy modern technological tools. Technology has become indispensable in healthcare today, with multiple tools depending on it to deliver desired outcomes effectively. Change is not straightforward; hence effective delivery methods coupled with leadership practices and collaboration defines the success of the intervention measures. One of the delivery methods proposed to implement the intervention is through stakeholders’ training. Training allows the stakeholders to access the resources needed for successful intervention. Training ensures all stallholders are well versed with the intervention process and understand diverse patient needs, delivering patient-based care and subsequent improvement in care quality. In addition to training, there is also piloting, where several patients are selected to test the effectiveness of the proposed intervention The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment.

Regarding intervention delivery, the proposed intervention will be the utilization of telehealth in addressing pregnant women’s care needs and ability to manage gestational diabetes. To improve the effectiveness of the planned intervention, the patients will be trained on how to utilize phone calls and video chats with the care provider. The use of video and or phone calls would improve the contact and accessibility of both the patient and the care provider. This would foster timely contact and delivery of quality care.

With increased technological innovation, emerging platforms such as mobile apps and wearable technologies have improved remote monitoring. The utilization of remote monitoring tools such as web-based and mobile apps would provide a key platform for healthcare givers to track changes in patient data hence improving the virtual visits. For example, the utilization of devices that measure oxygen levels, blood sugar, and pressure relaying the data to the care providers remotely. The presence of emerging technologies provides an evidence-based source for effective decision-making.

Stakeholders, Policy, and Regulations

The health promotion intervention will utilize different stakeholders, regulations, and policies as a collaboration project. These facets would be critical in balancing the proposed intervention’s external and internal elements. According to Aziz et al. (2020)The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment, positive integration between different players in the healthcare setting defines the degree of success in care delivery and addressing patient needs. Regarding the proposed intervention program, the primary stakeholders include the healthcare specialists’ nurses, physicians, IT experts, and support teams such as nurse informaticists patients, and policymakers. While the pregnant women will be the end users of the proposed intervention program, their role will be critical in giving feedback to ensure quality and effective care is delivered based on their individualized needs. Nurse Informaticists and IT experts will actively ensure that telehealth connectivity remains successful. Their support ensures the patient and the caregivers are well connected with minimal interferences. They will equally provide the best IT support to the proposed system and introduce other new and supportive technologies to improve the connection between the caregiver and the patient. The healthcare professional and specialist will be critical to the success of the proposed intervention.


The proposed intervention program is expected to run for ten months, comprising training of care providers, planning, and intervention implementations. 0-2 months will entail selecting the patients and installing a relevant telehealth system. The patients to be used in the proposed intervention will randomly be picked within the selected region and self-volunteer to be part of the program. 3-5 fifth months will include piloting and execution of the intervention. This time will give the stakeholders to adjust to the program demands, including training of the patients, care providers, and support staff to ensure the smooth running of the system for 6-10 months; the intervention will be fully functional with minimal interference but constant monitoring for possible improvement.

Different factors will, however, determine the timing of the intervention implementation. These include patient education level, geographical location, and willingness to participate. The geographical locations determine the availability and accessibility to practical communication tools such as the internet and phone network coverage. Patients in less covered regions will be disadvantaged from accessing the telehealth tools, hence a disadvantage to the proposed intervention. Additionally, patient education level determines the success of the program in the aspect that low education levels may hinder practical and able to use the different telehealth tools, apps, and web-based platforms to deliver desired impact effectively.

Evaluation Plan Design

The evaluation plan will factor in the vital components of the intervention plan and the project’s objectives. The evaluation plan can identify the patient involvement in care, monitoring, and transition to contemporary technology in enhancing clinical and patient care practices. The evaluation plan will highlight stakeholder involvement, interprofessional collaboration, patient monitoring, and dissemination of routine check-ups and follow-ups with pregnant women, especially those with a history of gestational diabetes. The project’s objectives will be met through the successful implementation of the intervention plan. However, various measures can be applied to evaluate the project’s outcomes. The basic approaches in the utilization of technology in remote monitoring of patients and education programs on the use and self-care, such as meeting relevant nutritional requirements, will form the foundation of the care delivery process. In support, Liu et al. (2020) advocated innovative designs that improve patient-physician interaction. The project’s expected outcomes in meeting the objectives can be used in developing the model to improve the healthcare experiences such as follow-ups and check-ups in managing gestational diabetes in the target population The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment.



Nurses play a crucial role in patient care and are actively involved in assessing and reporting the effectiveness and efficacy of the treatment plan. The active role in patient care and the direct involvement in patient management in the care setting make nurses an important component in improving the quality of care in the health care system. The evaluation plan will focus on the intervention plan and the project goals, including patient monitoring, performance management of the telehealth services, and streamlining communication with the stakeholders to enhance care outcomes. In light, nurses can be directly involved in implementing the aforementioned project goals.

Nurses can shape professional practice and patient experience by improving interpersonal communication and interprofessional collaboration. By coordinating the communication among health care professionals, they stand out as the patient care leader. Besides, nurses can influence interprofessional collaboration through goal setting, judgment formulation, and establishing a clear communication framework. The diversity in patient backgrounds is crucial in designing a care plan. Nurses can help integrate different cultures, appreciate patient diversity, and accord patient-centered care influencing the care outcomes. Communication with the stakeholders adopts technology to meet the project goals. The performance management of the telehealth services, communication, and remotely monitoring patients relies on zoom video conferencing. Interprofessional communication ensures patient safety and quality care (Lee & Kim, 2020). Telehealth services depend on video-conferencing, which provides real-time interaction among physicians, nurses, patients, and other healthcare professionals.

The intervention plan highlights the project objectives and outlines the high-quality approaches for pregnant women with gestational diabetes. The plan affects nursing practices by intriguing advancements in evidence-based practice in promoting telehealth in care delivery and patient monitoring. The intervention plan requires the nurses to design a unique nursing care plan that integrates the patient care needs and the available video-conferencing technology. Improved interprofessional communication streamlines the multifaceted relationship between healthcare providers. Telehealth services will impact the practice of nurses, physicians, and other health care professionals, thus changing the approach to interprofessional collaboration due to the shift from physical to virtual interaction. Besides, ensuring quality patient care outcome influence interprofessional collaboration and increase the involvement of nurses, social workers, physicians, and dieticians in maintaining quality care outcome. The intervention plan enhances interdisciplinary cooperation by harmonizing the inputs of the diverse team members. The care providers need to recognize the individual traits, abilities, obligation to enhance gynecological and obstetric experiences, and commitment to patient safety. In light, the intervention plan will impact the overall quality of care delivery, patient experiences, and physician-patient interaction.


The evaluation plan is based on the identified assessment needs, stakeholder involvement, and resources. Remote management of gestational diabetes is based on the intervention goals and highlighting the evaluation framework in assessing the performance and establishing communication with stakeholders. Reflection on the project establishes the significance of the intervention plan in practice, leadership, and replication. The evaluation plan recognizes the technological integration based on contemporary health care and population needs.


The project significantly impacts my practice by informing the integration of contemporary technology, transferability of knowledge, and leading change in leadership practice. The project refines my skills and experience in practice and career advancement, instilling the potential to utilize evidence-based practice in improving health care delivery. In addition, I have gained significant insight into adopting leadership skills in patient advocacy. According to Goldsberry (2018), the nurse is the team leader and needs to drive a shared vision in the care continuum in the interdisciplinary relationship in the care process. The project has streamlined my interpersonal relationship, appreciation of multidisciplinary collaboration, and recognition of the individual contribution in the care setting crucial in my leadership skills development. The experiences detailed in the project have improved my skills, knowledge, and expertise and influenced transferability into practice. The technological application in care delivery is highlighted, which can be replicated in other health care needs and transform the quality of care. The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment


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Rutledge, C. M., O’Rourke, J., Mason, A. M., Chike-Harris, K., Behnke, L., Melhado, L., … & Gustin, T. (2021). Telehealth Competencies for Nursing Education and Practice: The Four P’s of Telehealth. Nurse educator46(5), 300. The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment

Guiding Questions

Final Project Submission

This document is designed to give you questions to consider and additional guidance to help you successfully complete the Final Project Submission assessment. You may find it useful to use this document as a pre-writing exercise, an outlining tool, or as a final check to ensure that you have sufficiently addressed all the grading criteria for this assessment. This document is a resource to help you complete the assessment. Do not turn in this document as your assessment submission.

Remember, as laid out in the assessment description, the grading criteria will be the program outcomes (POs) for the Master’s of Science in Nursing program. They are reiterated below, and the parts of the final project that correspond to each are indicated throughout.

MSN Program Outcomes

  1. Lead organizational change to improve the experience of care, population health, and professional work life while decreasing cost of care.
  2. Evaluate the best available evidence for use in clinical and organizational decision making.
  3. Apply quality improvement methods to impact patient, population, and systems outcomes.
  4. Design patient- and population-centered care to improve health outcomes.
  5. Integrate interprofessional care to improve safety and quality and to decrease cost of care.
  6. Evaluate the ability of existing and emerging information, communication, and health care technologies to improve safety and quality and to decrease cost of care.
  7. Defend health policy that improves the experience of care, population health, and professional work life while decreasing cost of care.


Summarize the purpose, approach, and any relevant findings of the final capstone project submission (PO #1).
  • What is the purpose of your capstone project?
    • What need are you trying to address, and for whom?
  • How, in general, did you approach trying to achieve your purpose?
  • What were the 1–2 most important results or findings of your capstone project? The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment


Summarize your need, target population, and setting (PO #1).
  • What is the need you are trying to address with your capstone project?
    • Remember, this in an introduction, so this should only be 1–2 sentences, at most.
  • What is your target population for your capstone project?
    • Remember, this in an introduction, so this should only be 1–2 sentences, at most.
  • What is the setting in which your capstone project will be carried out?
    • Remember, this in an introduction, so this should only be 1–2 sentences, at most.
Provide a high-level overview of your intervention plan (PO #4).
  • What are the major components of your intervention plan?
    • Remember, this in an introduction, so this should only be 1–2 sentences, at most.
Justify the importance of your need and intervention plan (PO #1).
  • Why is it important to pursue your intervention plan in the context of addressing your identified need for you capstone project?
    • Remember, this in an introduction, so this should only be 1–2 sentences, at most.
Provide a high-level overview of your implementation plan (PO #4).
  • What are the major components of your implementation plan?
    • Remember, this in an introduction, so this should only be 1–2 sentences, at most.
Provide a high-level overview of your evaluation plan (PO #4).
  • What are the major components of your evaluation plan?
    • Remember, this in an introduction, so this should only be 1–2 sentences, at most.

Part 1: Problem Statement (PICOT)

Need Statement

Analyze a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education, or management need (PO #1).
  • What type of need is your project trying to address?
  • Why is addressing this need important?
  • What are one or more key pieces of evidence that support the urgency of the need? The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment

Population and Setting

Describe a target population and setting in which an identified need will be addressed (PO #4).
  • What is the population you will be targeting with your project?
    • Why is it important to address your identified need within this population?
  • What is the setting you will be targeting with your project?
    • Why is it important to address your identified need and target population within this setting?

Intervention Overview

Explain an overview of one or more interventions that would help address an identified need within a target population and setting (PO #3).
  • What interventions could be applied to your identified need?
    • How well do the interventions fit your target population?
    • How well do the interventions fit your target setting?
    • How well do the interventions address your identified need?

Comparison of Approaches

Analyze potential interprofessional alternatives to an initial intervention with regard to their possibilities to meet the needs of the project, population, and setting (PO #5).
  • Discuss one or more alternatives to the intervention(s) presented in your Intervention Overview.
    • How do the alternatives encourage interprofessional care approaches compared to the interventions in your overview?
    • How well do the alternatives fit your target population compared to the interventions in your overview?
    • How well do the alternatives fit your target setting compared to the interventions in your overview?
    • How well do the alternatives address your identified need compared to the interventions in your overview?

Initial Outcome Draft

Define an outcome that identifies the purpose and intended accomplishments of an intervention for a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education, or management need (PO #4).
  • What is one outcome (or goal) that you want to achieve with your intervention and project?
    • How does this outcome illustrate the purpose of your intervention and project?
    • How does this outcome illustrate what you hope to accomplish with your intervention and project?
    • How does this outcome establish a framework that can be used to achieve an improvement in the quality, safety, or experience of care?

Time Estimate

Propose a rough time frame for the development and implementation of an intervention to address an identified need (PO #1).
  • What is a rough time frame for developing your intervention?
    • Is this time frame realistic?
    • What potential challenges may impact this time frame?
  • What is a rough time frame for implementing your intervention?
    • Is this time frame realistic?
    • What potential challenges may impact this time frame?

Part 2: Literature Review

Analyze current evidence to validate an identified need and its appropriateness within the target population and setting (PO #2).
  • How does the evidence validate your identified need?
  • How does the evidence support the appropriateness of attempting to address your identified need within your target population?
  • How does the evidence support the appropriateness of attempting to address your identified need within your target setting?
Evaluate and synthesize resources from diverse sources illustrating existing health policy that could impact the approach taken to address an identified need (PO #7).
  • What health policy exists that is relevant to your identified need?
    • How will this health policy impact the way to try to address your identified need?
      • In other words, are there considerations that you need to be sure you include or approaches that will be unavailable to you based on policy, as you continue to develop your project?
    • Remember: In this literature review you are expected to have addressed 10–15 unique resources.

Part 3: Intervention Plan

Intervention Plan Components

Define the major components of an intervention plan for a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education, or management need (PO #4).
  • What are the major components of your intervention plan?
  • How will these components lead to improvements related to your identified need?
  • Why are these components the best option to address your identified need?
Explain the impact of cultural needs and characteristics of a target population and setting on the development of intervention plan components (PO #4).
  • What are the cultural needs and characteristics of your target population for this project?
    • How will the cultural needs of the population impact the development of your intervention plan components?
    • What aspects of the target population’s cultural characteristics impact the development of your intervention plan components?
  • What are the cultural needs and characteristics of your setting for this project?
    • How will the cultural needs of the setting impact the development of your intervention plan components?
    • What aspects of the setting’s cultural characteristics impact the development of your intervention plan components? The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment


Theoretical Foundations

Evaluate theoretical nursing models, strategies from other disciplines, and health care technologies relevant to an intervention plan (PO # 6).
  • What theoretical nursing models are relevant to your intervention plan?
    • Which of these models will most impact the design of the intervention plan components?
  • What strategies from other disciplines are relevant to your intervention plan?
    • Which of these strategies will most impact the design of the intervention plan components?
  • What health care technologies are relevant to your intervention plan?
    • Which of these technologies will most impact the design of the intervention plan components?
Justify the major components of an intervention by referencing relevant and contemporary evidence from the literature and best practices (PO #2).
  • How will the theoretical nursing models you referenced help justify your design decisions regarding intervention plan components?
  • How will the strategies from other disciplines you referenced help justify your design decisions regarding intervention plan components?
  • How will the health care technologies you referenced help justify your design decisions regarding intervention plan components?

Stakeholders, Policy, and Regulations

Analyze the impact of stakeholder needs, health care policy, regulations, and governing bodies relevant to health care practice and specific components of an intervention plan (PO #7).
  • Who are the relevant stakeholders?
    • How will the needs of these stakeholders impact your intervention plan components?
  • What are the relevant health care policies?
    • How will these health care policies impact your intervention plan components?
  • What are the relevant health care regulations?
    • How will these health care regulations impact your intervention plan components?
  • What are the relevant governing bodies?
    • How will these governing bodies impact your intervention plan components? The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment

Ethical and Legal Implications

Analyze relevant ethical and legal issues related to health care practice, organizational change, and specific components of an intervention plan (PO #1).
  • What are the relevant ethical issues related to your project?
    • How will these ethical issues affect the health care practice considerations that are relevant to your intervention plan?
    • How will these ethical issues affect any organizational change considerations that are relevant to your intervention plan?
    • How will these ethical issues affect one or more specific components of your intervention plan?
  • What are the relevant legal issues related to your project?
    • How will these legal issues affect the health care practice considerations that are relevant to your intervention plan?
    • How will these legal issues affect any organizational change considerations that are relevant to your intervention plan?
    • How will these legal issues affect one or more specific components of your intervention plan? The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment

Part 4: Implementation Plan

Management and Leadership

Propose strategies for leading, managing, and implementing professional nursing practices to ensure interprofessional collaboration during the implementation of an intervention plan (PO #5).
  • What leadership strategies are most relevant to successfully implementing your intervention plans?
    • How will these strategies help to ensure interprofessional collaboration?
  • What management strategies are most relevant to successfully implementing your intervention plan?
    • How will these strategies help to ensure interprofessional collaboration?
  • What professional nursing practices are most relevant to successfully implementing your intervention plan?
    • How will these practices help to ensure interprofessional collaboration?
Analyze the implications of change associated with proposed strategies for improving the quality and experience of care while controlling costs (PO #1).
  • How will your proposed leadership strategies change the care setting in which your intervention plan will be implemented?
    • How will these changes impact the quality of care?
    • How will these changes impact the experience of care?
    • How will these changes help to control the costs of care?
  • How will your proposed management strategies change the care setting in which your intervention plan will be implemented?
    • How will these changes impact the quality of care?
    • How will these changes impact the experience of care?
    • How will these changes help to control the costs of care?
  • How will your proposed professional nursing practices change the care setting in which your intervention plan will be implemented?
    • How will these changes impact the quality of care?
    • How will these changes impact the experience of care?
    • How will these changes help to control the costs of care? The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment

Delivery and Technology

Propose appropriate delivery methods to implement an intervention which will improve the quality of the project (PO #3).
  • What delivery methods are appropriate for implementing your intervention plan?
    • Why are the proposed methods appropriate for implementing your intervention plan?
    • How will the proposed methods improve the quality of your project?
Evaluate the current and emerging technological options related to the proposed delivery methods (PO #6).
  • What are the current technological options that are relevant to support and improve your proposed delivery methods?
    • How will these current technological options help make your delivery methods more effective?
    • Which of the current relevant technological options will likely have the largest positive impact?
  • What are the emerging technological options that are relevant to support and improve your proposed delivery methods?
    • How might these emerging technological options help make your delivery methods more effective?
    • Which of the emerging relevant technological options could have the largest positive impact? The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment

Stakeholders, Policy, and Regulations

Analyze stakeholders, regulatory implications, and potential support that could impact the implementation of an intervention plan (PO #5).
  • Who are the relevant stakeholders?
    • How will the needs of relevant stakeholders impact the implementation of your intervention plan?
  • What are the relevant health care regulations?
    • How will health care regulations impact the implementation of your intervention plan?
  • What other support considerations are relevant to implementing your intervention plan?
    • How will these additional considerations impact the implementation of your intervention plan? The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment
Propose existing or new policy considerations that would support the implementation of an intervention plan (PO #7).
  • What are the existing policy considerations that would support the implementation of your intervention plan?
    • How will the existing policy positively impact your implementation efforts?
  • What are one or more new policy considerations that could support the implementation of your intervention plan?
    • How would the new policy considerations positively impact your implementation efforts?


Propose a timeline to implement an intervention plan with reference to specific factors that influence the timing of implementation (PO #1).
  • What is the time frame for implementing your intervention?
    • Is this time frame realistic?
    • What are the specific factors that will impact the timing of implementation?
      • To what degree will these factors impact the timeline? The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment

Part 5: Evaluation Plan

Define the outcomes that are the goal of an intervention plan (PO #4).
  • What are the outcomes that you are attempting to achieve with your intervention and project?
    • How do the outcomes illustrate the purpose of your intervention and project?
    • How do the outcomes illustrate what you hope to accomplish your intervention and project?
    • How do the outcomes establish a framework that can be used to achieve an improvement in the quality, safety, and experience of care?
Create an evaluation plan to determine the impact of an intervention for a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education, or management need (PO #3).
  • How are you going to measure and evaluate the degree to which you achieved your outcomes?
    • What data do you need to fully evaluate the outcomes?
      • How will you collect the needed data?
      • What tools or technology will you use to aid in data collection?
    • What strategies will you use to analyze and evaluate the collected data?
      • What tools or technology will you use to aid in data analysis?
    • How will the evaluation plan illustrate the impact that your intervention plan had, or will have? The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment

Part 6: Discussion


Analyze the nurse’s role in leading change and driving improvements in the quality and experience of care (PO #1).
  • How does the nurse help to lead change in professional practice and interprofessional teams?
  • How does the nurse help to drive improvements in the quality and experience of care in professional practice and interprofessional teams?
Explain how the intervention plan affects nursing and interprofessional collaboration, and how the health care field gains from the plan (PO #5).
  • How does your intervention plan affect the nursing profession and role?
    • In other words, how does your intervention plan improve the nursing profession and practices?
  • How does your intervention plan affect interprofessional collaboration related to improving outcomes for the target population and setting of your intervention plan?
  • What are other gains and benefits to the health care field in general from your intervention plan and project?

Future Steps

Explain how the current project could be improved upon to create a bigger impact in the target population as well as to take advantage of emerging technology and care models to improve outcomes and safety (PO #6).
  • How could your intervention plan and project be revised to create improved or broader reaching impacts for your target population?
  • How could your intervention plan and project better take advantage of emerging technology to improve performance related to the outcomes of the intervention plan?
  • How could your intervention plan and project better take advantage of emerging care models to improve achievement of the project’s outcomes, as well as improve patient safety? The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment

Reflection on Leading Change and Improvement

Reflect on how the project has impacted your ability to lead change in personal practice and future leadership positions (PO #1).
  • How has your work on your capstone project impacted your ability to lead change in your personal practice and current care setting?
  • How has your work on your capstone project impacted your ability to lead change in any future leadership positions you may have?
Reflect on the ways in which the completed intervention, implementation, and evaluation plans can be transferred into your personal practice to drive quality improvement in other contexts (PO #3).
  • How can the work you have undertaken with your capstone project be transferred into your current practice and care setting?
  • How can the work you have undertaken with your capstone project be transferred into other care settings and contexts?

Address Generally Throughout

Integrate resources from diverse sources that illustrate support for all aspects of the project as appropriate throughout the final submission (PO #2).
  • Do the resources cited support all aspects of your capstone project?
  • Do your resources come from a diversity of sources?
    • For example: the literature, professional standards, existing health care policy, relevant health care laws, et cetera.
  • Do you cite a minimum of 12–18 resources?
  • Does your submission conform to current APA style standards?
Clearly, concisely, and cohesively articulate a health care need, population, setting, stakeholders, supporting evidence, intervention, and evaluation (PO #6).
  • Is your writing clear and professional?
  • Does your writing effectively communicate the health care need, population, and setting of your capstone project?
  • Does your writing effectively communicate the important stakeholders and supporting evidence for you project?
  • Does your writing effectively communicate your intervention and how it will be evaluated?
  • Is your writing free from errors?
  • Is your submission 20–25 pages?
  • Does your submission conform to current APA style standards? The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment
Integrate writing feedback to improve the clarity and quality of final product.
  • Did you integrate feedback received on previous assessments?
    • Did you integrate the feedback in such a way that the clarity of your writing was improved?
    • Did you integrate the feedback in such a way that the quality of your writing was improved?

Final Project Submission
Submit your 20-page final capstone project that synthesizes the work you completed in the previous four assessments
Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.
Congratulations! The finish line is in sight for both the capstone project you have been working on all quarter and your Master’s of Science in Nursing program. Take a moment to appreciate all you have accomplished and give yourself a pat on the back; you have earned it! The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment
Your final submission for your capstone project will bring together all of the sections you have worked on throughout this course, as well as the relevant revisions you have made to those sections based on feedback from your instructor, as well as feedback you have received or observations you may have made during your practicum experience. True professionals can learn to strive for continuous improvement in their work and incorporate feedback from colleagues and leaders to help scaffold improvement efforts. As a master’s-level nurse you will be expected to create and implement plans and evaluate their outcomes. Being able to envision a pathway for a project to move from the idea phase all the way through the evaluation phase is a critical skill. By successfully synthesizing the various sections of this project together into one final artifact, you will have demonstrated your competence in this essential skill.
• Read Guiding Questions: Final Project Submission [DOC]. This document is designed to give you questions to consider and additional guidance to help you successfully complete this assessment.
• As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.
• What is the most useful skill or concept you learned while pursuing your MSN degree?
• How will you leverage your degree to help you reach your ideal practice career path?
• How will you be able to apply the work you have done on your capstone project to improve your personal practice?
Note: The assessments in this course are sequenced in such a way as to help you build specific skills that you will use throughout your program. Complete the assessments in the order in which they are presented.
For your final capstone project submission you will synthesize the work you completed in the previous four assessments. Please make sure that you have made relevant revisions as suggested by your instructor, as well as relevant additions that you uncovered during your practicum experience. The only brand-new content that you will need to create for this assessment is an Abstract and an Introduction.
This final submission will be graded using the seven program outcomes (POs) for the Master’s of Science in Nursing program. As a reminder they are: The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment
1. Lead organizational change to improve the experience of care, population health, and professional work life while decreasing cost of care.
2. Evaluate the best available evidence for use in clinical and organizational decision making.
3. Apply quality improvement methods to impact patient, population, and systems outcomes.
4. Design patient- and population-centered care to improve health outcomes.
5. Integrate interprofessional care to improve safety and quality and to decrease cost of care.
6. Evaluate the ability of existing and emerging information, communication, and health care technologies to improve safety and quality and to decrease cost of care.
7. Defend health policy that improves the experience of care, population health, and professional work life while decreasing cost of care.
In addition, you will be assessed on how well you incorporated the feedback you received from your instructor on your previous work in this course via the following criterion:
• Integrate writing feedback to improve the clarity and quality of final product.
You will also be assessed on the completion of hours toward your practicum experience.
• Demonstrate completion of hours toward the practicum experience.
See the scoring guide for specific grading criteria related to these requirements.
Please carefully review the outline below to see which parts of the final submission will align to which program outcomes. (Note: The bullet points in the outline correspond to the grading criteria from your previous assessments. It may be worth putting in some extra revisions on the material related to criteria on which you did not previously score as well as you would have liked. You may also wish to read the Guiding Questions: Final Project Submission document to better understand how each aspect of your submission will be assessed.) It is important to remember that if you do a quality job addressing the points below, you will meet all of the program outcomes. The alignment is provided for transparency, but do not become preoccupied with how each point will feed into the scoring guide.
• Summarize the purpose, approach, and any relevant findings of the final capstone project submission (PO #1)The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment.
• Summarize your need, target population, and setting (PO #1).
• Provide a high-level overview of your intervention plan (PO #4).
• Justify the importance of your need and intervention plan (PO #1).
• Provide a high-level overview of your implementation plan (PO #4).
• Provide a high-level over view of your evaluation plan (PO #4).
Reminder: these instructions are an outline. Your heading for this this section should be Problem Statement and not Part 1: Problem Statement.
Part 1: Problem Statement
Need Statement
• Analyze a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education or management need (PO #1).
Population and Setting
• Describe a target population and setting in which an identified need will be addressed (PO #4).
Intervention Overview
• Explain an overview of one or more interventions that would help address an identified need within a target population and setting (PO #3).
Comparison of Approaches
• Analyze potential interprofessional alternatives to an initial intervention with regard to their possibilities to meet the needs of the project, population, and setting. (PO #5).
Initial Outcome Draft
• Define an outcome that identifies the purpose and intended accomplishments of an intervention for a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education or management need (PO #4).
Time Estimate
• Propose a rough time frame for the development and implementation of an intervention to address and identified need (PO #1).
Part 2: Literature Review
• Analyze current evidence to validate an identified need and its appropriateness within the target population and setting (PO #2).
• Evaluate and synthesize resources from diverse sources illustrating existing health policy that could impact the approach taken to address an identified need (PO #7).
Intervention Plan Components
• Define the major components of an intervention plan for a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education, or management need (PO #4).
• Explain the impact of cultural needs and characteristics of a target population and setting on the development of intervention plan components (PO #4)The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment.
Theoretical Foundations
• Evaluate theoretical nursing models, strategies from other disciplines, and health care technologies relevant to an intervention plan (PO #6).
• Justify the major components of an intervention by referencing relevant and contemporary evidence from the literature and best practices (PO #2).
Stakeholders, Policy, and Regulations
• Analyze the impact of stakeholder needs, health care policy, regulations, and governing bodies relevant to health care practice and specific components of an intervention plan (PO #7).
Ethical and Legal Implications
• Analyze relevant ethical and legal issues related to health care practice, organizational change, and specific components of an intervention plan (PO #1).
Part 4: Implementation Plan
Management and Leadership
• Propose strategies for leading, managing, and implementing professional nursing practices to ensure interprofessional collaboration during the implementation of an intervention plan (PO #5).
• Analyze the implications of change associated with proposed strategies for improving the quality and experience of care while controlling costs (PO #1).
Delivery and Technology
• Propose appropriate delivery methods to implement an intervention which will improve the quality of the project (PO #3).
• Evaluate the current and emerging technological options related to the proposed delivery methods (PO #6).
Stakeholders, Policy, and Regulations
• Analyze stakeholders, regulatory implications, and potential support that could impact the implementation of an intervention plan (PO #5).
• Propose existing or new policy considerations that would support the implementation of an intervention plan (PO #7).
• Propose a timeline to implement an intervention plan with reference to specific factors that influence the timing of implementation (PO #1).
Part 5: Evaluation of Plan
• Define the outcomes that are the goal of an intervention plan (PO #4).
• Create an evaluation plan to determine the impact of an intervention for a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education, or management need (PO #3).
Part 6: Discussion
• Analyze the nurse’s role in leading change and driving improvements in the quality and experience of care (PO #1).
• Explain how the intervention plan affects nursing and interprofessional collaboration, and how the health care field gains from the plan (PO #5)The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment.
Future Steps
• Explain how the current project could be improved upon to create a bigger impact in the target population as well as to take advantage of emerging technology and care models to improve outcomes and safety (PO #6).
Reflection on Leading Change and Improvement
• Reflect on how the project has impacted your ability to lead change in personal practice and future leadership positions (PO #1).
• Reflect on the ways in which the completed intervention, implementation, and evaluation plans can be transferred into your personal practice to drive quality improvement in other contexts (PO #3).
Address Generally Throughout
• Integrate resources from diverse sources that illustrate support for all aspects of the project as appropriate throughout the final submission (PO #2).
• Clearly, concisely, and cohesively articulate a health care need, population, setting, stakeholders, supporting evidence, intervention, and evaluation (PO #6).
• Integrate writing feedback to improve the clarity and quality of final product.
Additional Requirements
• Length of submission: 20 pages (including references).
• Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
• Number of resources: 15 resources.
• APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA 7th edition style.
• Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
• Competency 1: Lead organizational change to improve the experience of care, population health, and professional work life while decreasing cost of care.
• Competency 2: Evaluate the best available evidence for use in clinical and organizational decision making.
• Competency 3: Apply quality improvement methods to impact patient, population, and systems outcomes.
• Competency 4: Design patient- and population-centered care to improve health outcomes.
• Competency 5: Integrate interprofessional care to improve safety and quality and to decrease cost of care.
• Competency 6: Evaluate the ability of existing and emerging information, communication, and health care technologies to improve safety and quality and to decrease cost of care.
• Competency 7: Defend health policy that improves the experience of care, population health, and professional work life while decreasing cost of care.
Note: You will also be assessed on two additional criteria unaligned to a course competency:
• Integrate writing feedback to improve the clarity and quality of the final product.
• Demonstrate completion of hours toward the practicum experience.
See the scoring guide for specific grading criteria related to these additional requirements. The Use Of Technology In Healthcare Assignment