The Use Of Social Media In Contemporary Campaigns Discussion

The Use Of Social Media In Contemporary Campaigns Discussion

Textbook: The Struggle for Democracy, 2018 Elections and Updates Edition by EDWARD S. GREENBERG, Benjamin I. Page: Chapters 5, 6 and 10
Lesson: Read this Week’s Lesson which is located in the Modules tab
Initial Post: minimum of 2 scholarly sources (must include your textbook for one of the sources)
List the ways in which contemporary presidential campaigns have used social media as a campaign tool. Do you consider social media as a successful tool? Explain your answer. Do you see social media as an unsuccessful tool? Explain your answer and provide examples. The Use Of Social Media In Contemporary Campaigns Discussion


  1. Creating and managing campaign accounts on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
  2. Utilizing paid advertising on social media platforms to reach targeted audiences.
  • Engaging with supporters and potential voters through social media interactions, such as live Q&A sessions and online polls.
  1. Using social media analytics to track engagement and measure the effectiveness of campaign messages.
  2. Creating and sharing campaign content, such as videos, graphics, and live streams, on social media platforms.
  3. Using social media to mobilize supporters and encourage voter turnout.
  • Utilizing social media influencers to amplify campaign messages and reach new audiences.
  • Using social media to respond to news and events in real-time, allowing campaigns to shape the conversation and agenda. The Use Of Social Media In Contemporary Campaigns Discussion

The Success of Social Media as a Successful Tool

The question of whether social media is a success tool depends on its utilization and the context of the campaign. Lee and Xenos (2019) noted that social media can be an effective in reaching and engaging with voters, but it also has its limitations. According to Greenberg (2018)The Use Of Social Media In Contemporary Campaigns Discussion, measuring the impact of social media is sometimes difficult. Arguably, assessing voter behavior, and campaigns faces challenges such as misinformation and online harassment. Moreover, social media is often used as a tool to manipulate public opinion.

 My Opinion

Presidential campaigns can dwell on and benefit from social media. Greenberg (2018) stated that social media provides a platform for presidential hopefuls to directly connect with potential voters and mobilize support. Nonetheless, social media can also be an unsuccessful tool if used ineffectively. For example, if a campaign’s social media strategy is not well-crafted or well-executed, it may not reach the intended audience or have the desired impact creating a negative and destructive perception.


Greenberg E. (2018). The struggle for democracy 2018 elections. Prentice Hall.

Lee, S., & Xenos, M. (2019). Social distraction? Social media use and political knowledge in two US Presidential elections. Computers in human behavior90, 18-25. The Use Of Social Media In Contemporary Campaigns Discussion