The Use Of Robotics In Healthcare Essay Discussion

The Use Of Robotics In Healthcare Essay Discussion

This is the week to really see where technology and healthcare are connecting. Select ONE of the following trends and discuss your understanding of this trend in healthcare and its potential impact on your practice as a nurse. What are the legal, privacy, and ethical considerations of this trend? (Trend that was selected Robotics in healthcare)The Use Of Robotics In Healthcare Essay Discussion

Robotics in Healthcare

There is a rapid growth of robots as part of the contemporary healthcare field. Emerging in the 1980s, the first robots in the field of medicine offered surgical assistance through robotic arm technologies. According to Khan et al. (2020)The Use Of Robotics In Healthcare Essay Discussion, the applications of automation and robotics in healthcare and allied areas are growing with reaching passing day. The International Federation of Robots forecasts an ever-rising trend in the demand for medical robots in the coming years. Robots help medical staff and physicians perform precise and complex tasks and also reduce their workloads and lead to improvements in the efficiency of the healthcare facility.


Potential impact on my practice as a nurse

Nursing robots are likely to relieve the burden on nurses and improve the quality of care and quality of life.  Robots might effectively ease the burden on nursing staff permitting them to focus on tasks relevant to their primary care duties.   Robotic machines have been regarded to support processes such as distributing laboratory specimens, medicines, and food trays throughout a healthcare facility.  Also, robots may play an upgraded role of collaborating with or working alongside nurses to support their tasks and enhance efficiency. Furthermore, nursing robots can assist lower occupational exposure of human nursing staff to hazardous chemicals or infections (Christoforou et al., 2020)The Use Of Robotics In Healthcare Essay Discussion.

The legal, privacy, and ethical considerations of robotics in healthcare

Robotics in nursing continues to be challenging due to ethical deployment to ensure the emotive, competent, secure, and safe functions of healthcare robots. According to Gibelli et al. (2021)The Use Of Robotics In Healthcare Essay Discussion,   posit that the extensive utilization of nursing robots comes with an issue of confidentiality. While robot nurses are currently capable of exploiting complex surveillance systems that record, store, and transmit data relating to individual patients, this flow of information could cause the emergence of privacy violations, which needs to be averted via the definition of proper healthcare facility protocols and regulations.  Also, programming failures and communication errors with the artificial interface on the part of physicians and nurses, or simple malfunctions can make robots behave abnormally and thus put the safety of patients at risk.


Christoforou, E. G., Avgousti, M., Ramdani, N., Novales, C., & Panayides, A. S. (2020). The Upcoming Role for Nursing and Assistive Robotics: Opportunities and Challenges Ahead. Frontiers in Digital Health, 2, 585656. doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2020.585656

Gibelli, F., Ricci, G., Sirignano, A., Turrina, S., & Leo, D. D. (2021). The Increasing Centrality of Robotic Technology in the Context of Nursing Care: Bioethical Implications Analyzed through a Scoping Review Approach. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2021, 1478025. doi: 10.1155/2021/1478025

Khan, . H., Siddique, A., & Lee, C.  (2020). Robotics Utilization for Healthcare Digitization in Global COVID-19 Management.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(11),3819. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113819

The Use Of Robotics In Healthcare Essay Discussion