The Synoptic Problem Of Three Gospels Essay Paper

The Synoptic Problem Of Three Gospels Essay Paper

In your own words, describe the synoptic problem. Is it significant that the Gospels may have “borrowed” from other sources? How does this affect their inspired status?

INSTRUCTIONS: Your Reflection Paper is to be between 500-750 words in length (about 1-2 pages) following MLA format and submitted as a Microsoft Word compatible document (.doc or .docx)The Synoptic Problem Of Three Gospels Essay Paper . If you cite source material, include a Works Cited page, but do not include the Works Cited in the total requirement for the assignment.

Synoptic Problem

The synoptic problem refers to the issue presented by the literary relationship among the three gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. Referred to as the “synoptic gospels”, the three books can be seen as being similar as they contain many of the same saying and stories. In addition, they have the same relative sequence of events. In fact, the three gospels present Jesus Christ with the ‘same eye/perspective’ (syn-optic)The Synoptic Problem Of Three Gospels Essay Paper . This is in contrast to the  different sayings, stories and perspective presented in the gospel of John or the other non-canonical gospels that published as part of the bible. While the three synoptic gospels appear similar, they have significant differences in the wording of the sayings and stories, and overall extent to which these stories and sayings are presented. Still, there are some degree of sequential agreement and verbatim noted in the arrangement of the sayings and stories thereby presenting a synoptic problems and supporting the argument that the three gospels have some kind of literary relationship.


The gospels of Luke, Mark and Matthew are referred to as the synoptic gospels because they have extensive similarities and parallels in wording, content and structure. The similarities between them are so numerous and so close, not just in the order in which the material is presented, but also in exact wording of long stretches of text. These similarities and parallels make it possible to arrange the three gospels side by side. The synopsis arrangement of the three gospels can be perceived as gospel harmony showing actual agreement and disagreement in content, source, literary and wording, all critical relationships leading to the question of whether the three gospels have the same source. If the three gospels are not from the same sources, then why is their content so similar? Three explanations can be offered for the similarity. First, the three gospels are inspired by God resulting in them having similar content. Second, one gospel war written first and the other gospel writers had access to this first gospel that guided their writing. Third, the three gospels were from eth same sources to include witness accounts The Synoptic Problem Of Three Gospels Essay Paper .

Regardless of the source of the three gospels, the synoptic problem is not really a problem as it is presented. the three synoptic gospels have similarities, and this can be explained that they were inspired by the Holy Spirit and God. Persons who witnessed the events or were told of the same events wrote the gospels. The Apostle Matthew wrote the Gospel of Matthew as an account of what he witnessed and heard as one of the twelve apostles commissioned by Jesus. John Mark wrote the Gospel of Mark. He was a close associate of Peter, one of the twelve apostles. Luke wrote the Gospel of Luke. He was a close associate of Paul, one of the twelve apostles. Each of the three synoptic gospels has a close association with the twelve apostles who were commissioned by Jesus, and thereby it should be expected that they would be similar on sayings and stories, and even the sequence and wording. Besides that, they were inspired by God through the Holy Spirit. As such, unity and coherence should be expected between the three synoptic gospels as there is literary dependence in the three since they are associated with the apostles commissioned by Jesus and were inspired by God The Synoptic Problem Of Three Gospels Essay Paper