The Substance Abuse And Addictions Discussion Paper

The Substance Abuse And Addictions Discussion Paper

Healthcare Policy

Compelling tweets about healthcare policy that impact my population concerned proposition of socialist healthcare policies which would help combat fentanyl related deaths. My community has a substance abuse issue affecting the population, and fentanyl is a possible choice of drug that could affect this population. A socialist healthcare policy would positively affect those I care about by helping them access healthcare services easier, to help with addictions. A socialist health policy is espoused within the concept of socialized medicine, where the government pays for healthcare and operates hospitals (Heinrich, 2022)The Substance Abuse And Addictions Discussion Paper. The goal is to provide universal healthcare. In the context of substance abuse and addictions, socialist healthcare policies would require the government to provide universal care to patients suffering from addictions, as a way to reduce their cost of care, and enhance their outcomes. The policy would also endorse enhanced public health education on substance abuse, and notify the public on available resources for those suffering with addiction.


Interdisciplinary collaboration relates to this policy because to accomplish the objectives of the socialist healthcare policy, different professionals in medicine must coordinate to provide service. For instance, the physicians and nurses will treat and care for the patient, while providing community health education, pharmacists will also advice on adverse effects of drugs to counter certain addictions, and overall, all medical practitioners could engage in advocacy to have the government provide the resources required to implement this policy.

An ethical concern this policy raises for me would be that it is possible that people can be reckless with their drug use, because they know that there exists systems to help them recover. Implementing such a policy still needs financial and professional resources, and drug use is a preventable action. The Substance Abuse And Addictions Discussion Paper

Tweet: “What an enlightening topic today, where I shared about socialist healthcare policy, and how it can help in community health issues such as tackling substance abuse issues. #socialisthealthpolicy #healthcare #substanceabuse”


Heinrich, A. (2022). The emergence of the Socialist Healthcare Model after the First World War. International Impacts on Social Policy, 35–46. The Substance Abuse And Addictions Discussion Paper