The Socratic Problem-solving Essay Assignment

The Socratic Problem-solving Essay Assignment


Step 1: Identify the elements of the problem, issue, or question. Did the response adequately include this step? Yes or No? If no, what was missing?

Yes. An issue arises when trying to determine whether nurture or nature has a greater role in shaping an individual’s personality. It is generally accepted that our human nature is inextricably linked to nature. Nature is affected by elements such as genetic heritage as well as other aspects of biology. A person may be said to be the product of their surroundings, the lessons they have learned throughout their lives, and the experiences they’ve had throughout their lives.


This is what is meant by the term “nurture.” Nature and nurture, in my view, both have a role in determining who we are as individuals. I believe that a person’s nurture may have a significant impact on their development but does not fully determine who they will become. In my opinion, if the environment we were raised in makes us vulnerable to certain challenges, then our natural inclination is eventually what will enable us to triumph over those challenges.  The behavioralist theoretical approach maintains that a person’s personality may be shaped by being taught certain ways of thinking and feeling The Socratic Problem-solving Essay Assignment.


Step 2: Analyze/ define/ frame the problem, issue, or question. Did the response adequately include this step? Yes or No? If no, what was missing?

Yes. This step involves doing an analysis of the issue. The first thing to do when trying to solve a problem is to pinpoint exactly what the issue is that needs to be fixed. Second, after the issue has been established, it’s time to come up with as many potential remedies as feasible. Third, after generating a list of potential solutions, it is time to evaluate those options and settle on a single one. Step four comprises putting the solution developed in the first three phases into action The Socratic Problem-solving Essay Assignment.


Step 3: Consider solutions, responses, or answers. Did the response adequately include this step? Yes or No? If no, what was missing?

No. The pieces of evidence only fit together loosely. The idea that the vast majority of individuals are adept at the actions necessary to achieve in life is both a viewpoint and a premise that is not substantiated. A conclusion may be drawn from the fact that the conditions in which many individuals find themselves make it very improbable that they would achieve success in life. There is no proof from the course materials or academic publications to back up the claims made in the response. The Socratic Problem-solving Essay Assignment


Step 4: Choose a solution, response, or answer. Did the response adequately include this step? Yes or No? If no, what was missing?

Yes. The lack of proper reasoning in Step 3 undermines the validity of the argument. While the author’s arguments are reasonable, they lack an explanation of the theory of behaviorism that serves as the basis for those arguments.

Socratic Approach Questions for Sample Response

Did the response apply the following Socratic Approach, using Steps 1 through 4? The Socratic Problem-solving Essay Assignment


Step 1: Identify the elements of the problem, issue, or question. Did the response adequately include this step? Yes or No? If no, what was missing?


Step 2: Analyze/ define/ frame the problem, issue, or question. Did the response adequately include this step? Yes or No? If no, what was missing?



Step 3: Consider solutions, responses, or answers. Did the response adequately include this step? Yes or No? If no, what was missing?

 QUESTION 4 of 4

Step 4: Choose a solution, response, or answer. Did the response adequately include this step? Yes or No? If no, what was missing? The Socratic Problem-solving Essay Assignment