The Role Of Theory In Nursing Practice Discussion

The Role Of Theory In Nursing Practice Discussion 

1)What is the role of theory in nursing practice? Explore how you have used theory in your nursing practice. Provide specific examples
2)What is the difference between theory-guided practice and evidence-based practice?

These responses must be scholarly contributions with at least 5 references from your text and outside sources not older than five years old, written in APA 7 format.
It is your responsibility to formulate your own ideas in a meaningful way that advances your professional knowledge while stimulating the thinking of your peers. Your responses must demonstrate in-depth analysis, critical thinking, and practical application of theory while being written in a professional manner commensurate with the graduate school level The Role Of Theory In Nursing Practice Discussion.


Theory-Based Practice

Theory influences the nursing practice and the quality of the patient care continuum. According to Brandão et al. (2019), nursing theory underpins the universality of nursing care delivery, thus distinguishing it from other disciplines. In light, the theories instill a professional identity among the nurses informing on the universal approach to nursing care, which improves their confidence in care delivery and enhances healthcare services and outcomes. The theories highlight interactions between patients, healthcare providers, and their environments, thus improving the nurses’ understanding of their patient’s needs and the healthcare environment. According to Adib-Hajbaghery and Tahmouresi (2018)The Role Of Theory In Nursing Practice Discussion , the core of nursing theories is a humanistic relationship and client dignity that foster mutual and therapeutic interactions between nurses and their clients. Moreover, the history, advancements, and diverse specializations in the nursing care process are rooted in the nursing theories which inform contemporary practice. Besides, it informs on the ethos guiding the practice in the nursing care environment.

I have employed theory in most of my nursing practice and patient care process. This includes objective care to the patients without disclosing my perceptions, thoughts, and feelings, as informed by Ida Jean Orlando’s Deliberative Nursing Process Theory. Moreover, I influence the patients’ independence in the care process and Orem’s Self-care process. Besides, the theory of Goal Attainment appreciates the interaction of humans with the environment, thus increasing the need to promote the nursing profession. Carroll (2018) stated that telehealth should be considered an opportunity to operationalize and transform the art of care rather than focusing on it as a disruptive technology and a financial burden. In support, I utilize the theory by embracing telehealth services for patients with chronic diseases.

Theory-guided practices differ from evidence-based practices based on administration approaches. Theory-based practice is informed by theoretical concepts defining the scope of nursing care, such as the theorists’ approaches and purpose (Younas & Quennell, 2019). On the contrary, evidence-based practice integrates research work in the contemporary environment to improve the quality and outcome of patient care (Kirk et al., 2021)The Role Of Theory In Nursing Practice Discussion . Although theory-based practice promotes a humanistic approach to patient care, it fails to acknowledge the measure of the success of the care process. On the contrary, evidence-based focus on the improved patient outcome through informed research activities and highlight a validation of the patient care outcome. In light, theory-based practice can outline the scope of evidence-based practice in the contemporary nursing environment, linking history and advancements in practice to patient care demands.


Adib-Hajbaghery, M., & Tahmouresi, M. (2018). Nurse–patient relationship based on the Imogene king’s theory of goal attainment. Nursing and Midwifery Studies7(3), 141.

Brandão, M. A. G., Barros, A. L. B. L. D., Caniçali, C., Bispo, G. S., & Lopes, R. O. P. (2019). Nursing theories in the conceptual expansion of good practices in nursing. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem72, 577-581.


Carroll, K. (2018). Transforming the art of nursing: telehealth technologies. Nursing Science Quarterly31(3), 230-232.

Kirk, M. A., Haines, E. R., Rokoske, F. S., Powell, B. J., Weinberger, M., Hanson, L. C., & Birken, S. A. (2021). A case study of a theory-based method for identifying and reporting core functions and forms of evidence-based interventions. Translational Behavioral Medicine11(1), 21-33.

Younas, A., & Quennell, S. (2019). The usefulness of nursing theory‐guided practice: an integrative review. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences33(3), 540-555. The Role Of Theory In Nursing Practice Discussion