The Role Of Environmental Stressors In Influencing Obesity Assignment Paper

The Role Of Environmental Stressors In Influencing Obesity Assignment Paper

Reflective journaling is utilized for introspection. The purpose is to facilitate nursing students and nurses to understand their own strengths and weaknesses. It helps to elucidate the learning process and demonstrate professional growth. Particularly in the course NSG4069, Caring for Diverse and Vulnerable Populations, reflective journaling will provide insight to focus on the topic areas of: The Role Of Environmental Stressors In Influencing Obesity Assignment Paper

2. Article #2: Environmental and Epidemiological Issues



You must submit both journal article and your personal reflection assignment under assignment drop box by your due date (No late assignment will be accepted***)

• Write a brief (approx. 300 word) personal reflection as assigned by topic area

• Utilizing current community and clinical experiences reflect on the topic area and how it relates to your clinical interactions and the experiences you encountered.

• At least one professional, peer reviewed journal (within last five years) should also be referenced within the reflection and attached to the assignment drop box

• APA 7th edition must be utilized (title page, reflection, reference page, article
Reflective Contents is worth 70 points

Reflects upon clinical experience and appropriately discusses topic area

Journal articles is worth 20 points
Utilizes appropriate article to topic area, article is from peer and summarize the articles- published within the past five years

APA Format is worth 10 points
Paper formatted correctly, title page, content and reference page, appropriately references article in APA 7th ed. Format The Role Of Environmental Stressors In Influencing Obesity Assignment Paper

The purpose of this paper is to provide a personal reflection on the role of environmental stressors in influencing obesity among school-going adolescents through the Maryland Safe and Supportive School Project (MDS3). Milam et al. (2017) explored how environmental and psychological stressors affect the decision of adolescents and the physiological response concerning body mass index(BMI). The study evaluated school climate factors concerning obesity, such as bullying, harassment, stress, provision of healthy food, physical exercises, school connectedness, gender and ethnicity.

There was a positive relationship among female students between poor school climate and obesity in females, but the results were insignificant for male students. However, there was a significant association between personal stress and poor school climate to obesity in both male and female students. School environmental factors such as sports activities had no significant impact on the BMI of the students. However, students who exercised more than 4 days a week were less likely to be overweight. Students who received free and reduced-priced meals were likely to be overweight and obsessed, which was common among African American students and other minority groups which could be associated with low socioeconomic status. Also, male students were more likely to be overweight compared to their female counterparts. Older students were less likely to be overweight as they understood the consequences of poor eating behaviours on their body weight. The Role Of Environmental Stressors In Influencing Obesity Assignment Paper

The relationship between personal stress and obesity has been studied. Personal stress is associated with inflammatory reactions in the body, emotional eating episodes, and cortisol response. Females are more likely to experience eating disorders when under personal stress. Stress also reduces engagement in physical activity, which is a protective factor against being overweight. Savas (2018) found that stressed people with high cortisol levels increase their risk for central obesity. In clinical nursing practice, most of the obese patients we encounter have had personal stress in the past or do not engage in physical body fitness activities. Most of the patients are from minority groups and low socioeconomic backgrounds. Abbass (2022) established that there was a decisive positive factor between poor eating behaviour and obesity which increased the risk of developing chronic conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and cancer The Role Of Environmental Stressors In Influencing Obesity Assignment Paper.



Abbass, M. M. (2022). Unhealthy Dietary Habits and Obesity: The Major Risk Factors Beyond Non-Communicable Diseases in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9.

Milam, A. J., Jones, C. D., Debnam, K. J., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2017). School environments and obesity: the mediating role of personal stress. Journal of community psychology, 45(6), 715-726.

Savas, M. (2018). Stress and Obesity: Are There More Susceptible Individuals? Current Obesity Reports, 7(2), 193-203. The Role Of Environmental Stressors In Influencing Obesity Assignment Paper