The Representation In Congress Assignment Discussion

The Representation In Congress Assignment Discussion

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: The Struggle for Democracy, 2018 Elections and Updates Edition by EDWARD S. GREENBERG, Benjamin I. Page Chapter 11, 12
Minimum of 2 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.
Research the proportion of women, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans and openly gay or lesbian members of Congress.


Reflect on what these patterns say about the nature of representation.
Why do some groups tend to be underrepresented in Congress?
Why do you see a trend in which more women and minorities are being represented?
Do you think the underrepresentation of women and minorities affect Congress’s business? The Representation In Congress Assignment Discussion
How might we as a people address this situation and strive towards equal representation? Make sure to cite sources used.
Length: 2 pages (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources in addition to textbook if cited)

  1. Reflect on what these patterns say about the nature of representation

Despite many efforts aimed at mainstreaming the entire American political system, the widespread and significant levels of discrimination are largely witnessed in the nature of representation in the Congress. Greenberg and Page (2018) established that the patterns of representation in congress have largely depicted many experiences of discrimination among the underrepresented groups (namely: Latinos, Asian Americans, African Americans, Native Americans, women, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer (LGBTQ) and disabled adults) in U.S. Congress. Ansolabehere and Kuriwaki (2019) emphasized that whist a majority of the elective officeholders in the United States have traditionally been male, the recent years have witnessed changing patterns in representation in favor of the formerly underrepresented groups. However, these groups are still far from achieving parity with the majority white male when it comes to elective office-holding in Congress and other key elective offices. The Representation In Congress Assignment Discussion

  1. Why do some groups tend to be underrepresented in Congress?

Greenberg and Page (2018) asserted that the existence of embedded inequality in the economic, educational and social domains have largely contributed to the political inequality faced in the context of American democracy. Moreover, Sanbonmatsu (2020) indicated that the single-member congressional districts have also played a major role in undermined the realization of a proportional system, thus reducing the ability of many of the underrepresented groups to gain representation in the U.S. Congress. Similarly, Ansolabehere and Kuriwaki (2019) reiterated that the lack of term limits and the two-party system has largely worked in favor of incumbent congress members, who have traditionally been majority male. Combined with the structural challenges (e.g. gatekeeper skepticism and bias, prejudice and stereotypes, racially-polarized voting, scarcity of women candidates, stiff competition)The Representation In Congress Assignment Discussion, the underrepresentation of some groups in Congress is based on the reduced opportunities for political participation due to the persistent male dominance of congressional elections.

  1. Why do you see a trend in which more women and minorities are being represented?

The rise of “women-friendly districts” is considered a primary factor behind the growing support for women and other minorities to be elected to Congress. Greenberg and Page (2018) insisted that the elimination of informal and formal restrictions on voting and the political participation of women and minorities in politics have also contributed to the emergence of majority-minority legislative districts. Other key developments including the withdrawal of race-based distinctions in immigration policy and the positive effects of reforms have also contributed to the growing tend toward diversity in Congress (Ansolabehere & Kuriwaki, 2019)The Representation In Congress Assignment Discussion.

  1. Do you think the underrepresentation of women and minorities affect Congress’s business?

Yes. The underrepresentation of women and minorities has significant and widespread implications on the core interests of the U.S. Congress. Greenberg and Page (2018) revealed that the continued dominance of white male in Congress have largely undermined the interests of women and other minorities from gaining adequate coverage and determination in Congress. Sanbonmatsu (2020) claimed that the underrepresentation has greatly undermined the capacity of these groups to participate in governance, and hence their reduced ability to better represents their districts.

  1. How might we as a people address this situation and strive towards equal representation?

A key means toward promoting diversity in Congress lies in the pursuing proper institutional, procedural and legislative changes in favor of proportional representation. Greenberg and Page (2018) emphasized that achieving equal representation in Congress is a key feature in the struggle for democracy, and hence comprehensive changes to partisan and ideological makeup of Congress may also form a meaningful basis for promoting equal representation The Representation In Congress Assignment Discussion.



Sanbonmatsu, K. (2020).Women’s Underrepresentation in the U.S. Congress.

Greenberg, E.S., & Page, B.I. (2018).The struggle for democracy: 2016 election edition. Pearson, New York.

Ansolabehere, S., & Kuriwaki, S. (2019). Congressional representation: Accountability from the constituent’s perspective. The Representation In Congress Assignment Discussion