The Quality Psychological Experiment IRB Protocol essay assignment

The Quality Psychological Experiment IRB Protocol essay assignment

The IRB handouts are a guide for you to know what to include in your assignment. Do not merely fill in the spaces on the handout for your assignment, but in your written assignment of 5+ pages (abstract page, reference page, and consent form are in addition to the 5+), provide complete and clear quality information that is being requested as written in the handouts for every part of the IRB handouts. The Quality Psychological Experiment IRB Protocol essay assignment This includes a properly completed consent form or forms.
I will attack the sources that I have that your information should come from.


Below is an outline of how my proposal should be written:
A. To see how students are effected academically from bullying in school.
B. The objective of the research is to determine if students perform differently due to bullying. The Quality Psychological Experiment IRB Protocol essay assignment

A. Student and professors
B. Students ages 8-11 who are special education classes and general education classes.
C. The target number is an opportunity and the amount that would like to be in the week is 50 students
D. Location is the library at Saegert Elementary
1. A random selection from the school will be done on grades 3-5
2. The selection will be done one week prior at Saegert Elementary at random selection from the principal
3.The materials are pencil, paper with 20 survey questions, projector, wifi, and video clip
4. Teachers will have a list of their students that will participant in the survey, the office call at the time the survey will start. Pencils and the survey paper will be passed around for each student. No emails no mailing
5. The timing of the study will be one day during school hours. 30-45 minutes. No incentives no payment just volunteering. The Quality Psychological Experiment IRB Protocol essay assignment

A. Anonymous collection of data just age and grade level
B. The study is to be conducted in Saegert Elementary School library. I will conduct the test with first getting to know the students first. After a brief introduction of who I am and getting know the students. I will so a video clip of a student being bullied. After the clip I will ask the student questions about the clip after which the survey of 20 question will be given to the students to answer about themselves.
C. The equipment needed a projector and a room with wifi.

Risk & protection

A. No risk
B. School and parent consent for student participation


A. To determine if bullying affects students academically
B. To make the school and parents aware of how bullying can effect a student. The Quality Psychological Experiment IRB Protocol essay assignment.