Marijuana is one of the most commonly abused drugs in the United States and legalizing Marijuana has been an ongoing controversial debate for decades. Marijuana comes from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa and the main active ingredient is THC. Marijuana is usually smoked as a cigarette (joint), but can also be put in food or brewed as tea. When smoked it has a distinctive smell, which is usually a sweet-and-sour smell. There are 18 of 50 states and DC that have legalized the medicinal use of marijuana. People will argue that marijuana may cause physical damages, have mental effects and more criminals will be on the streets. The Pros to Legalizing Marijuana Essay


Although there may me adverse effects that in moderation, the drug is no more harmful than legal drugs, such as tobacco or alcohol. Marijuana has many medical benefits, which outweighs its potential abuse. The government could earn money from taxes on its sale, create jobs and improve our economy. So marijuana should be legalized because the pros outweigh the cons. Opponents claim that marijuana harms the brain, heart, lungs, and immune system. It affects your learning and hinders your memory. People will also argue that marijuana can cause cancer. The Pros to Legalizing Marijuana Essay

There is very little proof that smoking marijuana has a significant health risk. There have also been no reported cases of lung cancer or emphysema credited to marijuana. Research into the effects of long-term marijuana use on the structure of the brain has produced unreliable results. Marijuana is less toxic than many drugs that doctors prescribe every day. I believe that there are many drugs that are worse on our body than marijuana and far more addictive. Many studies have shown a link between chronic marijuana use and increased rates of anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia.

But does marijuana use cause depression or schizophrenia or do people with these mental health disorders us it as a medication? At this time, it is not clear whether marijuana use causes mental health problems or aggravates them. Opponents will argue that it will cause more crime if marijuana is legalized. Some people believe that individuals involved in illegal buying and selling of marijuana are more likely to be involved in other crimes and feel society would be safer with marijuana offenders incarcerated. Legalizing marijuana could reduce property crime such as burglary, larceny, auto theft and shoplifting. The Pros to Legalizing Marijuana Essay

Many people that do these particular crimes are trying to get money to buy drugs, therefore if legalized it could reduce this kind of criminal activity. There are more people incarcerated for marijuana charges than violent crimes combined. Our prisons are overcrowded and costing the taxpayers more money. Legalizing marijuana could make room in our prisons for the people that do violent crimes and need to be in jail. This would also reduce the burden of our prison system on taxpayers. There is very little evidence that conveys a risk of true addiction, unlike alcohol and cigarettes.

There is more of a mental dependence to marijuana for some users. There are no clearly defined withdrawals, the hallmark of true addiction, when you stop using marijuana like there is if you stop smoking, drinking or other hard drugs. Drinking alcohol or smoking is more toxic, more addictive, and more harmful to the body than marijuana. Alcohol use contributes to aggressive and violent behavior, which can lead to hurting ourselves or others. According to the CDC, hundreds of alcohol overdose deaths occur in the United States each year. There haven’t been any reported deaths from overdose of marijuana use.

Tobacco use, particularly cigarette smoking, has been determined cancer of the lungs, pancreas, kidneys and bladder. To date clinical studies on the use of marijuana and cancer are few and not definitive. Marijuana smoke unlike tobacco smoke has not been definitively linked to cancer in humans, including those cancers associated with tobacco use. Marijuana smoke contains cannabinoids such as THC and CBD, which are non-carcinogenic and demonstrate anti-cancer properties in vivo and in vitro, unlike nicotine promotes the development of cancer cells and their blood supply. The Pros to Legalizing Marijuana Essay

Marijuana use has many medical benefits that can help critically ill patients. Marijuana has been proven to relieve certain types of pain, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms caused by illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, cancer and AIDS or by the harsh drugs that are used to treat these diseases. Marijuana is a safe way to treat these illnesses and is far less toxic than many other drugs prescribed by doctors. Patients who have smoked marijuana or have taken marijuana pills have had improved immune function compared to those receiving placebo.

In consumer reports they believe that, for patients with advanced AIDS and terminal cancer, the benefits from smoking marijuana outweigh the suspected risks. The economic benefits of legalizing marijuana would increase tax revenue, create jobs and improve our economy. States could impose excise tax and sales tax, which could earn the government money by legalizing marijuana. Unlike excise tax, sales tax would be proportional to the final retail price, including the added markup for premium brands. Just like alcohol, it can be expected that marijuana would be sold for substantially more than its minimum price.

Assuming average retail prices of $1. 50 – $2. 50 per joint, and sales taxes between 4% and 6%, the total revenues raised might range from $200 million to $1. 3 billion. Marijuana should be regulated, taxed and sold like alcohol, tobacco and other commodities. Although there are some cons to legalizing marijuana the pros outweigh the cons. It will help the critically ill and increase tax revenue from the taxes on the sales, which could improve our economy. Marijuana is safer than alcohol, cigarettes and many other drugs prescribed by doctors. Therefore I feel that marijuana should be legalized. Works Cited Cannabis-med. org.

“Medical Uses of Cannabis and THC. ” Cannabis-med. org. International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines, n. d. Web. 14 Nov. 2012. Drugabuse. gov “DrugFacts: Marijuana. ” Drugabuse. gov. National Institute on Drug Abuse, Nov. 2010. Web. 14 Nov. 2012. Gieringer, Dale. “CA NORML Costs of Prohibition. ” Canorml. org. California National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, n. d. Web. 14 Nov. 2012. ProCon. org. “Top 10 Pros and Cons. ” MedicalMarijuana. ProCon. org. ProCon. org, 6 May 2009. Web. 13 Nov. 2012. SAFERchoice. org. “Marijuana vs. Alcohol. ” SAFERchoice. org. Safer Alternative For Enjoyable Recreation, n. d. Web.

Nov. 2012. Charlotte Davis Professor Hull English 1213 Outline Essay #3 7 November 2012 I have selected to argue the pros on legalizing marijuana Thesis: Legalizing Marijuana has been an ongoing controversial debate for decades. There are 18 of 50 states and DC that have legalized the medicinal use of marijuana. People will argue that marijuana may cause physical damages, have mental effects and more criminals will be on the streets. Although there may me adverse effects that in moderation, the drug is no more harmful than legal drugs, such as tobacco or alcohol. Marijuana has many medical benefits, which outweighs its potential abuse. The Pros to Legalizing Marijuana Essay

The government could earn money from taxes on its sale, create jobs and improve our economy. So marijuana should be legalized because the pros outweigh the cons. I. Although there is cons to legalizing marijuana; the pros outweigh the cons A. Physical damages B. Mental effects C. More criminals on the streets II. Marijuana is less dangerous and less addictive than cigarettes and alcohol A. Marijuana is not physically addicting, only mentally B. Dangers of marijuana vs. cigarettes and alcohol C. Unlike for nicotine, alcohol and hard drugs, there is no clearly defined withdrawal syndrome, the hallmark of true addiction, when use is stopped.

Marijuana has many medical benefits and is safe A. Relieves certain types of pain, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms caused by illnesses as multiple sclerosis, cancer and AIDS B. Marijuana is relieving the distress of many very ill people, and doing so with safety under medical supervision C. Marijuana is less toxic than many other drugs that physicians prescribe every day IV. Increase tax revenue A. Government could earn money on taxes of the sales B. Create jobs and improve our economy C. Regulate it like alcohol and tobacco.

Should marijuana be decriminalized and/or legalized? Should it be used for medical reasons? Are there negative effects from its use or are there positive benefits which should allow limited usage for medical purposes? This debate has been going on for a long time and has created a lot of confusion in many countries. The Senate of Canada has entered the debate with full force declaring that marijuana should be legalized. People think that the time is right for marijuana to finally be decriminalized. A decision needs to be made and it has to be well thought out because once they legalize it is difficult to make it illegal again. .

Many things have been said about the use of marijuana. But, what are the facts and what are the myths? The facts have to be separated from the fiction. It has been said that marijuana has no medical properties whatsoever. This fact is not true. Marijuana has been effective in reducing nausea induced by cancer chemotherapy, marijuana also helps aids patients and people with glaucoma. marijuana is not entirely safe, but its dangers have been blown out of proportion. Another myth is that marijuana cigarettes are more damaging to the lungs than tobacco. A single joint contains the same amount of tar and other substances as approximately four to six filtered cigarettes so if you smoke twenty-five to thirty cigarettes a day witch is the average and someone else has say two joints a day who is doing more damage to their lungs? . The Pros to Legalizing Marijuana Essay


So how did the possession and use of marijuana become a crime if the negative side effects have been exaggerated, and the positive medical effects have been ignored? There have been many references to marijuana and its useful effects. Marijuana has been used in history to treat illnesses including, anorexia, asthma, nausea, pain, glaucoma, epilepsy, depression, migraine, inflammation, hypertension, insomnia and cancer. .

Knowing the beneficial uses and knowing the history of how it was only in the past hundred years in Canada that it became a legal offence, marijuana should be decriminalized and used for medical and special purposes. The Pros to Legalizing Marijuana Essay