The Mental Health Status Of Healthcare Providers Discussion

The Mental Health Status Of Healthcare Providers Discussion

Click on the three-dot menu icon in the upper right corner to view the grading rubric for this assignment. Overall, points are awarded based on the quality of the posts and the degree to which the submissions contribute to the class discussion. Postings should reflect application of the assigned lesson materials. Peer-reviewed references, information from professional organization sites, and evidence (results of formal inquiry published in the literature) are your primary types of support and are necessary to develop posts as expected. The Mental Health Status Of Healthcare Providers Discussion


(3 points) Discuss how regulatory, state, and institutional barriers to APRN practice affect (a) healthcare costs, (b) access to care, and (c) quality of care. Discuss and support each required factor individually being sure to include current research data and examples for each. Your discussion must identify specific barriers and illustrate how each of the factors listed above are affected as a result.

(2 points) Discuss the status of the APRN consensus model’s implementation in your home state, state of residence, or intended state of employment. This section should include all of the following:

What title is used for advanced practice nurses in your state? List each of the APRN roles that are recognized as well as any that are not.
Is the term “licensure” used for APRN roles in your state? If not, what term(s) are used?
Is a graduate or post graduate degree required in your state to practice in an advanced practice role?
Is national certification required in your state to practice in an advanced practice role?
Do APRN roles allow for independent practice in your state? Not independent? No authority?
Do the APRN roles allow for independent prescribing in your state? Not independent? No authority?
(3 points) Choose and discuss ONE (1) of the following related to current APRN policy issues: The Mental Health Status Of Healthcare Providers Discussion

Summarize current information on the mental health status of healthcare providers. What effect does mental health challenges have on providers, the healthcare system, and the ability to educate new generations of providers? Describe a policy idea (federal, state, board of nursing, or organizational) that may improve the impact of this issue.
Discuss how current payment and reimbursement models hinder the ability of providers and organizations to address health disparities. Identify proposed payment and reimbursement changes, and describe how they work to address health disparities.
As pressure rises for the government to make pandemic-related telehealth flexibilities permanent, discuss what other policy considerations are needed in order for telehealth to be effective at mitigating access and quality gaps. Consider factors such as broadband and technology access, reimbursement models, and cultural competence.
Discuss the potential of telehealth to mitigate treatment barriers in stigmatized populations (eg, HIV positive, mental health, behavioral health)The Mental Health Status Of Healthcare Providers Discussion. Summarize current research that supports the ability of telehealth to improve outcomes in these populations.
Summarize up-to-date information on a problem that APRNs will increasingly face as a result of the pandemic (eg, opioid misuse, intimate partner violence, child abuse, decreasing pediatric vaccine rates) and explain how the pandemic increased its incidence. What policy changes are needed to address the problem.
(1.5 points) Identify and discuss legislation regarding the APRN role in your home state, state of residence, or intended state of employment: What legislation is currently proposed? What previous legislation has been successful? What previous legislation has failed? Include bill numbers and titles if named. Cite and reference legislation in APA format.

(2 points) Summarize and share an example of nurses’ or APRNs’ successful participation in healthcare policy (legislative) initiatives. These may be local, state, or federal examples and should be something other than the one provided in the keynote. Include a brief background on the issue, what the nurses did, and the outcome of their work.

(2 points) Substantial cross post to at least one (1) other student who covered a different state than yourself. The cross post provides new or supplemental information to the original posting or raises additional areas for discussion. A new or additional peer-reviewed reference should be cited. The Mental Health Status Of Healthcare Providers Discussion

(1.5 points) Scholarship

(15 Total Points)

Healthcare providers face various challenges, compromising their capacity to provide high-quality, safe, and efficient patient care. Thus, these issues should be addressed to enhance their job performance and ability to provide high-quality patient care. This discussion focuses on the mental health status of healthcare providers; the impact of current payment and reimbursement models on providers’ and organizations’ ability to address health disparities; factors that determine the efficacy of telehealth; telehealth’s ability to mitigate treatment barriers in stigmatized populations; challenges that APRNs are likely to face due to the pandemic and policy changes needed to address the problem; and legislation concerning the APRN role in the State of Florida.

The Mental Health Status of Healthcare Providers and Proposed Policy

Mental health issues among healthcare providers in the United States have increased dramatically in the recent past. Specifically, the prevalence of mental health disorders has been reported among healthcare providers directly involved in the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and management of individuals presenting with COVID-19-related symptoms (Khanal et al., 2020). This trend is associated with various contributing factors, including a dramatic increase in the number of COVID-19 confirmed cases, rising COVID-19-related deaths, being overworked, inadequate personal protective equipment (PPE), lack of specific treatment, lack of time for personal care, being more vulnerable to infection than the general population, the likelihood of infecting the loved ones, and inadequate psychological support at the workplace (Khanal et al., 2020)The Mental Health Status Of Healthcare Providers Discussion.


An increase in mental health challenges among healthcare providers adversely affects medical practitioners, the entire healthcare system, and the capacity to educate new generations of providers. These mental health issues compromise healthcare providers’ ability to provide high-quality patient care and overall job performance, resulting in adverse health outcomes, including high morbidity and mortality rates, longer stays, a rise in medical errors, and a high readmission rate. Poor-quality patient care leads to job dissatisfaction and high turnover rates among healthcare providers (Abate & Mekonnen, 2021). This trend worsens the healthcare worker shortage currently facing the US healthcare system (Zhang et al., 2020)The Mental Health Status Of Healthcare Providers Discussion. Shortage in the healthcare workforce in the US is attributed to an increase in demand for healthcare services and a high turnover rate among healthcare professionals during and post the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the high turnover rate among healthcare providers will compromise the ability to educate new generations of providers. Nursing and medical students learn from their preceptors and other healthcare professionals as they interact during the practicum program. Thus, new generations of providers will lack mentors and people to guide them since current healthcare providers are quitting their careers in large numbers.

A healthcare policy can be implemented in the US healthcare system to reduce the high rate of mental health issues among healthcare providers. The proposed policy involves adopting a support system for healthcare workers in clinical facilities. The support system will promote healthcare professionals’ mental well-being and monitor their activities. According to Khanal et al. (2020), early assessment of healthcare workers’ mental health needs and mental health status enables the management to identify and address risk factors, preventing psychological distress. Thus, implementing support systems will reduce the risk of developing mental health disorders among healthcare providers.

The Impact of Current Payment and Reimbursement Models on Providers and Organizations’ ability to Address Health Disparities and Proposed Changes

In the current payments and reimbursement models, healthcare providers and organizations are compensated based on the value and quality of care provided to a patient, shrinking their profit margins. Consequently, healthcare organizations and providers are focusing on their perceived core business to increase their revenue and earn more profit. As a result, healthcare organizations have become less committed to reducing health disparities. Therefore, changes in payments and reimbursement models are required to enhance healthcare organisations’ ability to address health disparities. For instance, enhanced per member per month payment that has been implemented in patient-centred medical home models and increased flexibility in funds usage under the new shared savings plans can provide care coordinators, especially those taking care of vulnerable patients, with more compensated time, resolving health disparity (DeMeester et al., 2017)The Mental Health Status Of Healthcare Providers Discussion.

Factors That Determine Efficacy of Telehealth

The efficacy of telehealth in mitigating access and quality gaps is hindered by various factors, including broadband and technology access, reimbursement models, and cultural competence. Thus, healthcare policies should be implemented to ensure the accessibility of these factors. For instance, a policy should be enacted to support the implementation of healthcare information technology in all healthcare organizations. The availability of digital information and communication technologies will enable healthcare providers to deliver quality and efficient healthcare services remotely and manage patients’ health care. Technologies that should be adopted in clinical facilities to support telehealth include computers, desktops and laptops, and mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Healthcare providers will rely on these technologies to communicate with patients and monitor their health conditions.

Telehealth Ability to Mitigate Treatment Barriers in Stigmatized Populations

Telehealth will likely eliminate current treatment barriers in stigmatized populations, especially HIV-positive individuals and people diagnosed with mental and behavioural health disorders. Telehealth involves using digital information and communication technologies to provide health services to patients remotely. Thus, most stigmatized populations will be interested in receiving healthcare services provided remotely and would not be required to visit the clinical facility or meet with the healthcare provider. Studies show that telehealth improves health outcomes in people with HIV/AIDs. Wootton et al. (2019) reported that telehealth and texting intervention among youths living with HIV/AIDs improved HIV care engagement, substance use, and mental health outcomes. These results are attributed to the remote quality of healthcare and psychological support provided to this patient population The Mental Health Status Of Healthcare Providers Discussion.

Challenges that APRNs are Likely to Face Due to the Pandemic and Policy Changes Needed to Address the Problem

APRNs are on the frontline in the fight against pandemics such as opioid misuse. Opioid abuse incidence increased significantly in the US following increased prescription of opioids for medical usage such as managing pain. APRNs assess, diagnose, and treat people present to the clinic with opioid abuse symptoms, increasing their workload. The increased workload and high nurse-to-patient ratio increase APRNs’ risk of mental health and psychological issues. Thus, policy changes are needed to establish the maximum number of patients assigned to a single nurse to reduce their high workload and prevent mental health issues.

Legislation Concerning the APRN Role in the State of Florida

Various legislation has been enacted to guide the APRN role in the state of Florida. First, the Florida Legislature enacted the Nurse Practice Act to guide nurses practising in the state in providing professional and safe nursing care to all patients, protecting individuals seeking healthcare services. Additionally, advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) would be allowed to practice independently under the Full Practice Act (CS/HB 607)The Mental Health Status Of Healthcare Providers Discussion. The bill was signed into law on March 11 and effected on July 2020 (Howard, 2020). This law allowed advanced nurse practitioners to practice independently.


Abate, H. K., & Mekonnen, C. K. (2021). A systematic review is job satisfaction and associated factors among healthcare professionals working in public health facilities in Ethiopia. Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare14, 821.

DeMeester, R. H., Xu, L. J., Nocon, R. S., Cook, S. C., Ducas, A. M., & Chin, M. H. (2017). Solving disparities through payment and delivery system reform: a program to achieve health equity. Health Affairs; 36(6): 1-7.

DeMeester, R. H., Xu, L. J., Nocon, R. S., Cook, S. C., Ducas, A. M., & Chin, M. H. (2017). Solving disparities through payment and delivery system reform: a program to achieve health equity.

Howard, C. (2020). Florida APRN Independent Practice Update. Florida Healthcare Law Firm. The Mental Health Status Of Healthcare Providers Discussion

Khanal, P., Devkota, N., Dahal, M., Paudel, K., & Joshi, D. (2020). A cross-sectional survey from Nepal shows mental health impacts among health workers during COVID-19 in a low-resource setting. Globalization and health16(1), 1-12.


Wootton, A. R., Legnitto, D. A., Gruber, V. A., Dawson-Rose, C., Neilands, T. B., Johnson, M. O., & Saberi, P. (2019). Telehealth and texting intervention to improve HIV care engagement, mental health and substance use outcomes in youth living with HIV: a pilot feasibility and acceptability study protocol. BMJ open9(7), e028522.

Zhang, X., Lin, D., Pforsich, H., & Lin, V. W. (2020). Physician workforce in the United States of America: forecasting nationwide shortages. Human resources for health18(1), 1-9 The Mental Health Status Of Healthcare Providers Discussion