The Learning Theories And Principles Discussion

The Learning Theories And Principles Discussion

Learning Theories & Principles and Quality Health Care
Which learning theories and principles do you think are most useful to the advanced practice nurse (APN) in providing high-quality health care to clients, and why?
Discussion post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in the current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources within the past 5 years.

The success of nursing as a career and the practice of ANP is based on certain skills and understanding the background of nursing. ANPs are usually guided by these theories in their practice in order to offer quality nursing care to patients thus improving patient outcomes (Younas & Quennell, 2019)The Learning Theories And Principles Discussion. The purpose of this paper is to discuss learning theories and principles that are useful to nurses.


Some of the theories and principles that I find useful in the provision of quality patient care include; the theory of caring, transcultural theory, self-care deficit theory, unitary human beings’ theory, and the 5Cs of caring theory. The transcultural nursing theory also known as the culture care theory (CCT) takes into consideration the rising multicultural populations globally in patient care. It was coined by Madeline Leininger who noted that nursing education lacked training in cultural diversity leading to a disconnect between the APNs and their patients. This theory emphasizes nurses having knowledge of different cultures in order to improve patient outcomes. It emphasizes cultural competence thus highly recommending that nurses should be able to empathize with their patients. This theory comes in handy for APNs as it enables them to form a rapport with their patients gaining their trust as they will feel that they are respected. The Learning Theories And Principles Discussion

The theory of caring developed by Jean Watson is mainly concerned by how nurses care for their patients through human efforts (nursing care) combined with emphasizes that nurses are expected to promote health, prevent disease outbreaks and restore one’s health. According to Jean this theory encourages growth and a good environment for both the patient and the nurse, builds trusting relationships, and promotes learning. The self-care deficit nursing theory(SCDNT) was developed by Dorethea Orem and mainly focuses on an individual’s ability care for themselves(Yip, 2021)The Learning Theories And Principles Discussion. This theory puts emphasize on patient education in order to instill in them skills of how to take care of themselves when they are sick and also in events of the absence of illnesses in order to improve their own quality of life.

The unitary human being theory developed by Martha Rodgers emphasizes on the need for patient care to be linked or associated with the interactions they have with their surrounding environment. Her theory insists on the importance of having the right environmental conditions for patient recovery thus allowing nurses to blend their knowledge of nursing as a science and an art to speed up a patient’s recovery process. The 5 Cs of caring theory developed by Simone Roach insists on conscience, competence, compassion and confidence. Application of the 5Cs in nursing practice is known to foster nurse patient relationship and also improve relationship of nurses with other healthcare providers. This theory expects APNS to be dedicated to their work, have empathy when dealing with their patients and be highly knowledgeable on their patients’ conditions. A combination of these qualities will ensure quality patient care thus improving their outcomes The Learning Theories And Principles Discussion.

In summary, learning theories play an integral part in both the teaching and practice of nursing globally. Nurses are thus encouraged to steer their practice as directed by these theories for good patient outcomes.


Yip, J. Y. C. (2021). Theory-Based Advanced Nursing Practice: A Practice Update on the Application of Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory. SAGE Open Nursing, 7, 237796082110119.

Younas, A., & Quennell, S. (2019). Usefulness of nursing theory‐guided practice: An integrative review. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 33(3), 540–555. The Learning Theories And Principles Discussion