The Jew-Gentile Conflict Essay Assignment Paper

The Jew-Gentile Conflict Essay Assignment Paper

What is the relationship between the Jew-Gentile conflict and the gospel? How does the gospel bring these groups together? What aspects of the New Perspective are helpful in developing an understanding of this relationship? What bearing does this have on the way the book of Romans should be read?

INSTRUCTIONS: Your Reflection Paper is to be between 500-750 words in length (about 1-2 pages) following MLA format and submitted as a Microsoft Word compatible document (.doc or .docx). If you cite source material, include a Works Cited page, but do not include the Works Cited in the total requirement for the assignment The Jew-Gentile Conflict Essay Assignment Paper.


Jew-Gentile conflict

Relationship between the Jew-Gentile conflict and the gospel

The early church’s cultural and historical context may help us understand how the Jew-Gentile conflict relates to the gospel. Theological, deep cultural and racial divisions between Jews and Gentiles in the first century AD made it difficult for them to coexist peacefully. Such distinctions were obvious as Gentiles joined a predominately-Jewish movement during the early church. For both Jews and Gentiles, the gospel was a message of salvation; however, it also contradicted their ingrained cultural norms and beliefs. (Stanley 647)

How the gospel brings these groups together

Wilson states, “By providing a new identity that surpasses ethnic and cultural divides, the gospel unites these communities” (85). Jews and Gentiles are made right with God and one another through Christ, joining a new society marked by love, grace, and togetherness. The gospel welcomes all humankind to engage in a fresh existence founded on Christ and recognizes the value and dignity of all individuals, irrespective of their social or ethnic origin The Jew-Gentile Conflict Essay Assignment Paper.

Aspects of the New Perspective help develop an understanding of this relationship

The New Perspective on Paul is useful in comprehending the connection between the gospel and the Jew-Gentile conflict (Stanley 651). This viewpoint highlights the historical setting of Paul’s writings and the necessity of fully understanding his theology in the context of the predominately-Jewish society of his day. The perspective holds that Paul’s central purpose was the church’s unity as a multi-ethnic community, not the person’s righteousness before God. Paul explicitly explores the Jew-Gentile conflict in the book of Romans, asserting that Gentiles and Jews need salvation and can be redeemed through trust in Christ. He emphasizes with great force that everyone is guilty of sin and needs to be rescued, irrespective of their religious or racial background. He further highlights that following the Hebrew law is not the basis for redemption but faith in Christ (Wilson 89)The Jew-Gentile Conflict Essay Assignment Paper.

What bearing does this have on how the book of Romans should be read?

As a result, the book of Romans ought to be interpreted as a call to peace and hope for both Jews and Gentiles. It acknowledges the dignity and worth of every individual, irrespective of their ethnic or racial heritage, and it invites everyone to participate in a brand-new community that is defined by love, harmony, and grace (Tomson 133).


In conclusion, the connection between the conflict between Jews and Gentiles and the gospel is complicated. It necessitates comprehending the gospel message’s historical setting and theological ramifications. The New Perspective on Paul offers a useful framework for understanding this connection. The gospel unifies these cultures by creating a new identity that surpasses ethnic and cultural barriers. Seeing the book of Romans as a message of hope and restoration for both Jews and Gentiles reaffirms the dignity and worth of every individual while also extending an invitation to join in on a new way of living centered on Christ The Jew-Gentile Conflict Essay Assignment Paper.


Work Cited

Stanley, Christopher D. “27 Postcolonial Perspectives on Paul’s “Jew-Gentile Problem. ” The Language and Literature of the New Testament. Brill, 2017. 644-659.

Tomson, Peter J. “Paul, the Rabbis, and the Gentiles: Conversing with Adi Ophir and Ishay Rosen-Zvi.” NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion 76.2 (2022): 131-150.

Wilson, Benjamin R.Jew–Gentile relations and the geographic movement of Acts 10: 1–11: 18.” The catholic biblical quarterly 80.1 (2018): 81-96 The Jew-Gentile Conflict Essay Assignment Paper