The Importance Of The Pharmacists Assignment Paper

The Importance Of The Pharmacists Assignment Paper

The purpose of this assignment is to interview a pharmacist to learn more about interprofessional collaboration between prescribers and pharmacists. If possible, volunteer to shadow the pharmacist. Discuss the following in your interview:

The process of filling a prescription.
Common reasons pharmacists call providers to clarify orders.
What is on a proper prescription.
Common omissions on prescriptions they receive.
Medication errors pharmacists encounter.
The prior authorization (PAR) process and common par medications.
Write a 500-1,000 word paper summarizing your experience and what you learned from the pharmacist you interviewed. Reflect on how this information will help your prescription writing. Discuss intercollaboration between pharmacists and prescribers. The Importance Of The Pharmacists Assignment Paper


You are required to cite three to five sources related to intercollaboration to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Prepare this paper according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Pharmacists in collaboration with other healthcare providers play a crucial role in management of patients at any healthcare organization. Pharmacists are well knowledgeable in areas of medication issues such as dosage indications and plans for different patients. They therefore help the physicians to prescribe the proper dosage and medication for different patients. In most cases, pharmacists also provide education to patient towards the side effects associated with various drugs (Trakulsunti et al., 2022). I had a chance prior to my shift to interview John, who is among the emergency department pharmacists in our healthcare facility. I shadowed John for the one-hour period as I was interviewing him. However, he informed me that the inpatient process is not the same as retail despite being able to answer all my questions. The aim of this paper is to conduct an interview with a pharmacist to help in understanding the process of prescription filling, process of Clarifications, Omissions & Errors and Prior authorization process The Importance Of The Pharmacists Assignment Paper.

The process of prescription filling

            John explained and demonstrated the process of prescription filling. The pharmacist first receives a hard copy containing the prescription or an e-prescription depending on the available technology. The pharmacist then verifies whether all the legal information required in the prescription has been indicated. The legal information should entail the prescriber’s name, date of prescription, address, phone number; the medication’s generic name, its dosage, strength, total amount and refills, instructions, labels, warnings; patient’s details such as name, date of birth; Dispense as Written and the prescriber’s signature. Offering education to the patients can however be affected due to the increased volume of prescription fills that are characterized by being time consuming as well as causing delays in the pharmacy (Martin et al., 2018)The Importance Of The Pharmacists Assignment Paper. However, adopting automatic prescription refill programs can have a great impact towards reducing these problems.

Clarifications, Omissions & Errors

John informs us that clarifications are very important in his critical line of duty. He therefore calls the prescribers to clarify on details of wrong directions, wrong dosing, clarifications of orders in terms of dosage, direction, drug to drug interaction, quantity dispensed and allergies. Some of the common omissions that they commonly encounter is medication’s quantity, strength of the drug, number of refills, date of writing the prescription and the prescriber’s signature (Smith, & Sprecher, 2017). Some of the recurring experienced medication errors encountered include wrong dosage and drug, wrong patient, allergies and wrong signature. According to McNab et al (2018)The Importance Of The Pharmacists Assignment Paper, the processes of clarifications and determining these errors are tedious and take much time of the pharmacist which would have otherwise been utilized to effectively execute other tasks. These processes further results to patients being frustrated due to delays thus negatively influencing patient outcomes. John also noted that increased costs may also be incurred due to incorrect prescriptions especially in cases of unfilled e-prescriptions.

Prior authorization process

The process by which specific medications, services, procedures or devices must be approved before cost coverage by the healthcare plan is called a prior authorization (Kraus et al., 2017)The Importance Of The Pharmacists Assignment Paper. However, from the experience I had with my cousin few months ago, the process caused some delays and was not so convenient. According to John, the process involves sending of the necessary paperwork to the physician to fill out. The paper is then sent to the patient’s insurer or directly back to the pharmacy. After this, one has to wait for about 7 to 10 days for it to be approved or denied.

In a recap, pharmacist are essential healthcare providers especially in management of patients’ medications. Through the efforts of the pharmacists, medication adherence has greatly improved. Patient education and pharmacists’ collaboration with the physicians has also facilitated improved patient outcomes. Pharmacists are therefore essential in minimization of medical errors thus facilitating quality healthcare outcomes The Importance Of The Pharmacists Assignment Paper.


Kraus, S. K., Sen, S., Murphy, M., & Pontiggia, L. (2017). Impact of a pharmacy technician-

centered medication reconciliation program on medication discrepancies and

implementation of recommendations. Pharmacy Practice (Granada)15(2).


Martin, P., Tamblyn, R., Benedetti, A., Ahmed, S., & Tannenbaum, C. (2018). Effect of a

pharmacist-led educational intervention on inappropriate medication prescriptions in

older adults: the D-PRESCRIBE randomized clinical trial. Jama320(18), 1889-1898.


McNab, D., Bowie, P., Ross, A., MacWalter, G., Ryan, M., & Morrison, J. (2018). Systematic

review and meta-analysis of the effectiveness of pharmacist-led medication reconciliation

in the community after hospital discharge. BMJ quality & safety27(4), 308-320. The Importance Of The Pharmacists Assignment Paper

Smith, M., & Sprecher, B. (2017). Pharmacy communications with physician offices to clarify


prescriptions. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association57(2), 178-182.

Trakulsunti, Y., Antony, J., Edgeman, R., Cudney, B., Dempsey, M., & Brennan, A. (2022)The Importance Of The Pharmacists Assignment Paper.

Reducing pharmacy medication errors using Lean Six Sigma: A Thai hospital case

study. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence33(5-6), 664-682. The Importance Of The Pharmacists Assignment Paper