The Implicit Association Test Essay Paper

The Implicit Association Test Essay Paper

Assignment: Discuss The implicit association test

The text makes an important distinction between ____________, which refers to a negative attitude toward people based on their membership in a group, and ____________, which is concerned with actually treating people unfairly based on their group membership.The Implicit Association Test Essay Paper




24. According to Clark Hulls drive theory of motivation, various drives are produced:
a. by specific instincts that are common to both humans and animals.
b. when our growth needs are not being met.
c. when we value a goal and expect that certain behaviors will lead to its accomplishment.
d. when there is a physiological disruption of homeostasis.

25. One potential criticism of Abraham Maslows need hierarchy is that people may still pursue their need for ___________, even when presumably lower needs, such as the need for _____________, have not yet
been satisfied or met.The Implicit Association Test Essay Paper
a. security; love and affiliation
b. esteem and the respect of others; self-actualization
c. food and water; security
d. love and affiliation; security

26. If you were to give hungry animals an injection of _________, they would most likely stop feeding or reduce the size of their meals.
a. androgen
b. cholecystokinin (CCK)
c. glucose
d. estrogen

27. Scientists learned about how leptin regulates food intake and weight by studying:The Implicit Association Test Essay Paper
a. people with bulimia.
b. people with anorexia.
c. people who have had their stomachs removed.
d. genetically obese mice.
28. Research conducted by April Fallon and Paul Rozin (1985) demonstrated that college women
____________ how thin they should be to conform to mens preferences, and that men ________ how bulky they should be to conform to womens preferences.
a. overestimated; overestimated
b. underestimated; overestimated
c. overestimated; underestimated
d. underestimated; underestimated  The Implicit Association Test Essay Paper

a. attribution; stereotype
b. stereotype; prejudice
c. prejudice; discrimination
d. prejudice; stereotype

21. The implicit association test is used specifically to assess:
a. self-reported prejudice.
b. the amount of stereotype threat.
c. the physiological arousal associated with prejudice.
d. covert prejudice

22. The tendency to prefer people in a group to which we belong and to attribute more positive qualities to people in this group is called:
a. groupthink.
b. group polarization.
c. in-group favoritism.
d. stereotyping.

23. An inherited characteristic that produces a particular response when an organism is exposed to a particular stimulus and is common to all members of a species is called a(n):
a. motive.
b. drive.
c. incentive.
d. instinct.

24. According to Clark Hulls drive theory of motivation, various drives are produced:
a. by specific instincts that are common to both humans and animals.
b. when our growth needs are not being met.
c. when we value a goal and expect that certain behaviors will lead to its accomplishment.
d. when there is a physiological disruption of homeostasis.The Implicit Association Test Essay Paper

25. One potential criticism of Abraham Maslows need hierarchy is that people may still pursue their need for ___________, even when presumably lower needs, such as the need for _____________, have not yet
been satisfied or met.
a. security; love and affiliation
b. esteem and the respect of others; self-actualization
c. food and water; security
d. love and affiliation; security

26. If you were to give hungry animals an injection of _________, they would most likely stop feeding or reduce the size of their meals.
a. androgen
b. cholecystokinin (CCK)
c. glucose
d. estrogen

27. Scientists learned about how leptin regulates food intake and weight by studying:
a. people with bulimia.
b. people with anorexia.
c. people who have had their stomachs removed.
d. genetically obese mice.
28. Research conducted  by April Fallon and Paul Rozin (1985) demonstrated that college women The Implicit Association Test Essay Paper
____________ how thin they should be to conform to mens preferences, and that men ________ how bulky they should be to conform to womens preferences.
a. overestimated; overestimated
b. underestimated; overestimated
c. overestimated; underestimated
d. underestimated; underestimated The Implicit Association Test Essay Paper