The Impact Of Electronic Health Records On Healthcare Assignment

The Impact Of Electronic Health Records On Healthcare Assignment

Nursing Informatics can provide health care organization executives with critical information to aid them in prioritizing organizational initiatives and measuring organizational results. Nowhere is this more important than in the realm of ethics and regulation. Once gathered, it is imperative data be accurately interpreted and efficiently communicated to key stakeholders for use in on-going decision making The Impact Of Electronic Health Records On Healthcare Assignment.


There can be tremendous legal ramifications if regulatory and legal requirements are not met. Demonstrate the science of informatics in an executive summary to administration highlighting the importance of ethics and regulation.

Identify a specific organizational health care outcome that benefits from the use of informatics and supports the strategic plan of an organization, keeping in compliance with ethics and regulations. This assessment has two parts:

Part 1—Spreadsheet

Create a HIPAA compliant spreadsheet (you can find, create, or use data from your practice setting) of the initiative.
This is a basic Excel spreadsheet for one identified patient population issue using the requirements described below.
Part 2—Executive Summary The Impact Of Electronic Health Records On Healthcare Assignment

Develop a 1–2 page narrative in the form of an executive summary to explain the spreadsheet. As you prepare the content for your summary, consider the following:
Your target audience. Keep in mind that the goal of this summary is to ensure that stakeholders have accurate and concise data, information, and plans.
The importance of creating a HIPAA compliant spreadsheet.
How selected theory or conceptual models were used to effect the change.
How standards of practice were used to effect the change.
An explanation of the trending of data and how this helped the organization understand the current health care outcome.
Define baseline data, how often you measured data for data trending, and why this was important for the organization to understand related to safe practice.
The use of regulatory information supporting informatics as science to produce safe practice.
Review the Executive Summary to Administration scoring guide prior to submission to ensure you address all required grading criteria The Impact Of Electronic Health Records On Healthcare Assignment

Example Assessment: You may use the assessment examples, linked in the Assessment Examples resource study, to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.

Additional Requirements
Part 1—Spreadsheet:

A basic Excel spreadsheet using:
10 hypothetical de-identified patients.
Trending data for each of 2 quantitative data criteria.
2 Excel formulas (addition, multiplication, et cetera).
Part 2—Executive Summary:

– Title page: Include a running head your name, course, date, and faculty name.
Reference: Include 5–7 scholarly sources. Additional references may be used.
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting. Use a running head, title on the first line of the first page of text, a brief introduction, a minimum of Level 1 headings used for each section of the paper, and a conclusion.
Length of paper: 1–2 typed, double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Submit your paper to the assignment area for grading.

-Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Apply theoretical frameworks and models of nursing informatics to professional nursing practice.
Apply an informatics model solution to a specific organizational strategic outcome related to regulatory and legal requirements.
Apply outcome data in the context of using researched theory or models to effect change.
Competency 2: Apply standards of practice in nursing informatics to address gaps in practice in a health care organization, practice setting, or community.
Apply outcome data in the context of standards of practice to support the main points of the executive summary.
Competency 3: Analyze how regulatory bodies, rules, regulations, and requirements impact the use of health information technology in nursing practice and organizational The Impact Of Electronic Health Records On Healthcare Assignment operations.
Assess the use of regulatory information related to your example in the context of safe practice.
Competency 4: Integrate ethical and legal practices into delivering quality health care using technology in various environments.
Analyze the importance of creating a HIPAA compliant spreadsheet.
Competency 6: Communicate as a practitioner-scholar, consistent with the expectations of a nursing professional.
Written communication is professional in tone, free of grammar and spelling errors, and appropriate for the intended audience.


McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. (2022). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.
Chapter 8, “Legislative Aspects of Nursing Informatics: HIPAA, HITECH and Beyond.” The Impact Of Electronic Health Records On Healthcare Assignment

American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing informatics: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.).
“The Scope of Nursing Informatics Practice,” pages 1–16.
McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. (2022). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.
Chapter 1, “Nursing Science and Concepts of Knowledge.”
Chapter 2, “Introduction to Information, Information Science, and Information Systems.”
Chapter 3, “Computer Science and the Foundation of Knowledge Model.”
Chapter 4, “Introduction to Cognitive Science and Cognitive Informatics.”

-American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing informatics: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.).
“Standards of Nursing Informatics Practice,” pages 67–95.

American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing informatics: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.).
“Functional Areas of Nursing Informatics.”
Compliance and Integrity Management, page 22.
Quality and Performance Improvement, page 32.
Safety, Security and Environmental Health, page 34.
Trends in Regulatory Changes and Quality Standards, page 62.

The electronic health records is one of the current technologies that have been implemented in healthcare to improve patient outcomes (Kruse et al., 2018). An electronic health record is a collection of electronically and digitized patient health information which can be shared across different health care settings. The main objective of implementing electronic health records in healthcare is to increase efficiencies as well as improve patient outcomes (Spatar et al., 2019)The Impact Of Electronic Health Records On Healthcare Assignment. one of the most vulnerable patient populations is that of patients with comorbid conditions. Patients with coexisting medical conditions have an extended length of stay in healthcare facilities due to the complexity of their condition. In addition, lack of appropriate interventions, it is difficult to properly diagnose some of the conditions and this can lead to medication errors or ineffective treatment plans hence, prolonged length of hospitalization.

One of the positive impacts of implementing electronic health records as digital health is the reduction in the length of hospital stay. (Ding et al., 2019).Electronic health records helps to improve sharing of patient information such as previous treatment, comorbid conditions, allergies as well as previous medications across healthcare providers. The availability of this information helps healthcare providers to make an appropriate approach towards making critical treatment plans for a patient devoid of errors. The treatment plans made in conjunction with electronic health records therefore helps providers to avoid medication errors that may arise as a result of misinformation or lack of information at the point of admission. Also, paperwork increases documentation time and reduces the time on direct patient care (Baumann,Baker& Elshaug,2018)The Impact Of Electronic Health Records On Healthcare Assignment.At the point ofadmission, the patient may not be conscious to give appropriate information or the caretaker may not have relevant information to present with to the admitting physician therefore creating loopholes for inappropriate treatment.

To appropriately establish the impact of electronic health records in reducing the duration of hospital stay, patient tracking was done from the point of admission and this was assessed in the morning and evening to establish the duration of stay by various patients. The length of stay was recorded at the point at which a patient was discharged from hospital. The data was electronically recorded by the nurse informaticist. To ensure compliance with HIPPA laws, the identifiedpatients were informed of the process and those not willing were eliminated. It was appropriate to inform thepatients because some of their information was to be used in the study in that the study was aimed at patients with comorbid medical conditions.

Comorbid medical conditions are common and they reduce the quality of life as well as increase the duration of hospital stay and the cost of medication (Nelis et al., 2019). Introducing electronic health records helps to ensure that a holistic approach is utilized when treating these patients because some of the medications used may have adverse drug interactions which may lead to morbidity and mortality. Electronic health records helps not only to identify such adverse reactions among drugs but also provides a platform for exchanging ideas among various healthcare practitioners to identify the most appropriate healthcare plan for a particular patient. From the hypothetical data set of 10 patients, it was clear that those patients receiving general nursing care had a longer hospital stay than those under electronic health records.

The importance of ethics and regulations

Ethics is a critical component of the day to day life and more so in healthcare. The implementation of technology in healthcare must take note of ethical standards as well as regulations associated with the implemented technology. The implementation of EHR for instance may lead to some potential violations of patient rights hence the need to adhere to set standards such as the HIPAA privacy rule. Due to possibility of access to patient information by unauthorized individuals, there is a need to adhere to set standards to avoid unnecessary regulatory violations. For instance, there is need for multiple authentications prior to logging into the system. In addition, the stakeholders must respect autonomy of patients before initiating treatment plans. The Impact Of Electronic Health Records On Healthcare Assignment


Baumann, L. A., Baker, J., & Elshaug, A. G. (2018). The impact of electronic health record systems on clinical documentation times: A systematic review. Health policy122(8), 827-836.

Ding, H., Fatehi, F., Maiorana, A., Bashi, N., Hu, W., & Edwards, I. (2019). Digital health for COPD care: the current state of play. Journal of thoracic disease11(Supplement 17), S2210-S2220.

Kruse, C. S., Stein, A., Thomas, H., & Kaur, H. (2018). The use of electronic health records to support population health: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of medical systems42(11), 1-16.


Nelis, S. M., Wu, Y. T., Matthews, F. E., Martyr, A., Quinn, C., Rippon, I., … & Clare, L. (2019). The impact of co-morbidity on the quality of life of people with dementia: findings from the IDEAL study. Age and Ageing48(3), 361-367.

outcome, D., Kok, O., Basoglu, N., & Daim, T. (2019). Adoption factors of electronic health record systems. Technology in Society58, 101144 The Impact Of Electronic Health Records On Healthcare Assignment