The hormones of the hypothalamus

 The hormones of the hypothalamus

The hormones of the hypothalamus are transported to the anterior pituitary through a thin attachment called the infundibulum. These hormones are called the regulatory hormones because they are used to regulate the hormones of the anterior pituitary (McKinley 2013). The hypothalamic hormones work together to cause the rest of the body to release its hormones at the correct time. Respond/Critique a discussion post. SHORT (Anatomy).For example, the anterior pituitary’s hormones are affected because the blood vessels of the hypothalamus run directly through the anterior pituitary itself so the hormones of the hypothalamus flow directly into the AP’s hormones (Tamarkin 2011). The anterior pituitary has six hormones total that are released, while only two of these are regulatory hormones like those found in the hypothalamus. The hormones of the hypothalamus


Respond/Critique a discussion post. SHORT (Anatomy).Respond/Critique a discussion post. SHORT (Anatomy).Respond/Critique a discussion post. SHORT (Anatomy).The two regulatory hormones are prolaction-which aids in the production of milk from the mammary glands and GH or growth hormone-this regulates the body’s growth and development such as within the muscles and cartilage of the body. These hormones are affected because they are the exact same type of hormones as the hypothalamus, in other words, they are both regulatory and thus work the same way in their course within the body. They are affected directly because of the blood vessels being inside the anterior pituitary itself. The hormones of the hypothalamus

Graves disease is a version of hyperthyroidism in which the antibodies of the thyroid gland called TSI hormones influence the thyroid gland to become overly englarged and begin to overproduce hormones causing the thyroid gland to continue to grow. (A.D.A.M. 2008) This can cause problems with digesting food as the person may have trouble swallowing due to the enlargment of the gland. Several other symptoms may occur including the presence of a goiter or an over-englargement of the thyroid gland causing swelling. This disease is relatable to the topic because the thyroid is an important gland involved within the endocrine system and thus its hormones are in direct affect with the head of the endocrine system-the hypothalamus. The hormones of the hypothalamus