The Examination Of The Lymphatic System Paper

The Examination Of The Lymphatic System Paper

Please review the previous announcement on regarding the HESI remediation requirements. Everyone is required to complete remediation and you can submit your questions as a word document and attestation that you completed the time requirement to the assignment tab in week 15.

Quizzes NUR7580900 – Advanced Health Assessment

Examination of the Lymphatic System

  1. The examination of the cervical lymphatic nodes is best accomplished with the examiner?
  2. Standing on the side nodes being examined
  3. Standing in front of the patient
  4. Standing behind the patient
  5. Standing on the right side of the patient
  6. The examination of the cervical and axillary lymph nodes is best performed with the patient?


  7. Seated upright
  8. Standing
  9. Propped up in bed at 45 degrees
  10. Lying supine
  11. The following are secondary lymph organs
  12. Pancreas and Spleen
  13. Thymus and Tonsils
  14. Spleen and Liver
  15. Tonsils and Oropharynx
  16. When is the examination of the epitrochlea nodes done?
  17. Examination of the neck
  18. Examination of the upper limbs
  19. Examination of the chest
  20. Examination of the lower limbs
  21. A patient presenting with unilateral non-pitting lower limb edema could be caused by?
  22. Blocked major artery
  23. Blocked lymphatics
  24. Blocked major vein
  25. Blocked capillaries
  26. Examination of the lymphatic system involves the examination of the abdomen too.
  27. True
  28. False


Hodgkin Disease

  1. The pathognomic finding in Hodgkin lymphoma is?
  2. Lymphocytic infiltrates
  3. Reed-Sternberg cells
  4. Unilateral lymphadenopathy
  5. Weakened immune system
  6. The ABVD chemotherapy treatment in Hodgkin lymphoma includes?
  7. Adriamycin
  8. Busulfan
  9. Vincrinstine
  10. Doxorubicin
  11. The following are the risk factors for Hodgkin Lymphoma, except?
  12. HIV
  13. EBV
  14. Family history
  15. Female gender
  16. The prognostic factors for Hodgkin lymphoma include the following, except?
  17. Presence of B symptoms
  18. Age above 45 years
  19. WBC > 15000 cells/mm3
  20. WBC > 10000 cells/mm3
  21. Peak age of onset of Hodgkin lymphoma is?
  22. 20-30 yrs
  23. 20-40 yrs
  24. 30-40 yrs
  25. 40-60 yrs
  26. The Hodgkin lymphoma type with the best prognosis?
  27. Nodular sclerosis
  28. Lymphocyte predominat
  29. Lymphocyte depleted
  30. Mixed celluratity
  31. The Hodgkin lymphoma type that is EBV related and is common outside the U.S.?
  32. Nodular sclerosis
  33. Lymphocyte predominant
  34. Lymphocyte depleted
  35. Mixed cellularity
  36. A patient present with multiple matted, bilateral, non-tender, cervical lymphadenopathy with non-tender hepatomegaly. The patient is determined to have Hodgkin Lymphoma. What AnnArbor stage can the patient be classified?
  37. Stage I
  38. Stage II
  39. Stage III
  40. Stage IV
  41. The B symptoms in Hodgkin lymphoma include the following, except?
  42. Unexplained fevers (<38 C)
  43. Night sweats
  44. Headache
  45. Unexplained weight loss (10% over 6 months)


  1. This group of lymph nodes do not make up part of the Waldeyer’s Ring
  2. Buccal
  3. Tubal
  4. Palatine
  5. Pharyngeal
  6. The lymphadenopathy in Stage I WHO of HIV disease is
  7. Tender and Generalized
  8. Persistent and Generalized
  9. Recurrent and Generalized
  10. Reactive and Generalized
  11. The following are mechanism of lymph node enlargement expect?
  12. Replication of cells in response to antigenic stimulation
  13. Edema due to local cytokine production
  14. Suppuration following tissue necrosis
  15. Hypertrophy of the cells within the node
  16. The following medication cause generalized lymphadenopathy, except?
  17. Penicillin
  18. Phenobarbitone
  19. Phenytoin
  20. Piridoxine
  21. An 18-year old patient presents with tender, solitary, left, cervical lymphadenopathy, with fever and generalized body malaise. The most likely cause of the lymphadenopathy is?
  22. Lymphangitis
  23. Lymphadenitis
  24. Lymphadenopathy
  25. Lymphoma
  26. A 3-months old female patient presents with a left-sided neck swelling that has been present since birth and has been increasing in size. The swelling is non-tender, no overlying skin color changes, it is immobile and transilluminates. Your likely diagnosis is?
  27. Lymphadenopathy
  28. Lymphangioma
  29. Cystic Hygroma
  30. Lymphoma

Decubitus Ulcers/Bed Sores/Pressure Sores/Pressure ulcers

  1. The pressure ulcer that develops as people are dying is called?
  2. Mooren’s ulcer
  3. Kennedy ulcer
  4. Peptic ulcer
  5. Youren ulcer
  6. Patients with all types of wounds should receive the following, except?
  7. Zinc
  8. Vitamin A
  9. Vitamin B12
  10. Vitamin C
  11. The following are stages of ulcer repair, except?
  12. Inflammatory phase
  13. Hematoma phase
  14. Proliferative phase
  15. Remodeling phase
  16. The pathogenesis mechanism of decubitus ulcer is?
  17. Pressure necrosis
  18. Caseaous necrosis
  19. Liquifactive necrosis
  20. Coagulative necrosis
  21. Decubitus ulcer shaped like a blister or a scrape is what stage decubitus ulcer?
  22. Stage 1
  23. Stage 2
  24. Stage 3
  25. Stage 4
  26. In the prevention of pressure ulcers, the patient who is bedridden should change positions every?
  27. 5 hr
  28. 1 hr
  29. 5 hr
  30. 2 hr
  31. What stage of pressure ulcers can be treated with hydrotherapy?
  32. Stage 1
  33. Stage 2
  34. Stage 3
  35. Stage 4


Older Adults

  1. Assessment of activities of daily living in the elderly includes
  2. Shopping
  3. Bathing
  4. House chores
  5. Cooking
  6. An elderly patient who is being assessed for cognitive decline would most likely be administered which text?
  7. IQ test
  8. Mini-mental status exam
  9. Psychiatric interview
  10. Mathematica test
  11. The following assessment is most important in the assessment of older adult
  12. Cognitive assessment
  13. Psychiatric assessment
  14. Functional assessment
  15. Behavioral assessment
  16. In the elderly patient, depression often exists with dementia.
  17. True
  18. False
  19. Don’t know
  20. When performing the physical examination in an older adult, it is important to pay attention to?
  21. Cognition
  22. Memory
  23. Mood
  24. All the above
  25. The health promotion immunizations important for the elderly include all the following, except?
  26. Influenza vaccine
  27. HPV vaccine
  28. Zoster vaccine
  29. Pneumococcal vaccine
  30. The following cancer screening are not recommended for older adults, except?


  31. Lung Ca
  32. Skin Ca
  33. Breast Ca
  34. Ovarian Ca
  35. Elder mistreatment includes all the following, except?
  36. Self-Neglect
  37. Abandonment
  38. Exploitation
  39. None of the above