The Evidence-Based Practice Model Discussion

The Evidence-Based Practice Model Discussion

There are various methods of facilitating evidence-based practice within a facility such as the IOWA Model, ACE Star Model, Johns Hopkins Model, Stetler Model to mention a few. Which method would you use to introduce evidence practice change at your facility?

Please use the IOWA model to answer the above question and describe it’s advantages The Evidence-Based Practice Model Discussion.


EBP has impacted nursing practice by increasing efficiency and effectiveness of interventions, reducing costs and safety risks. There are several EBP models that have been developed to help in translating research into clinical practice. The choice of an EBP model depends on the context of care, clinical problems, and improvement goals. I would use the Iowa model to introduce evidence-practice change. The model guides clinical decision-making and EBP implementation from the perspective of the organization and the healthcare workers. It is specific to clinical nursing practice to promote best clinical practices. The Iowa model employs a team-based multiphase process to guide the EBP process and promote quality (Green, 2020)The Evidence-Based Practice Model Discussion. The method starts with a clinical trigger, which is the identification of a clinical problem. The triggers can be problem-focused or knowledge-focused. Problem-focused triggers impact the functionality of healthcare organizations, such as financial data and clinical problems. Knowledge-focused triggers analyze national agencies, organizational standards, philosophies, and guidelines. Once a problem has been identified, possible solutions to address it are formulated. The decision points have evaluative feedback loops, which guide whether to continue with the process or go back to the drawing board.

Once the problem has been identified, it is stated and its priority determined. If the problem is a priority, an inter-professional team is formed. The work of the inter-professional team is to review evidence, critique, analyze, and synthesize it (Iowa Model Collaborative, 2017). If the evidence is insufficient, research is conducted. If evidence is sufficient and change is appropriate, the interdisciplinary team pilots the change process. The piloting process is evaluated, and if it is successful, the results are disseminated and implemented into practice. The Iowa model has several merits. It encourages inter-professional collaboration, serves as a framework for improving patient outcomes, ensures the sustainability of EBP as healthcare costs are monitored, facilitates the application of empirical evidence to change practice, and promotes nursing practice The Evidence-Based Practice Model Discussion.


Green, C. (2020). Application of the Iowa Model, an Evidence-Based Practice Model, When Initiating Clinical Project Pilots to Evaluate How Self-Care Techniques Affect Simulated Nursing Performance. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Iowa Model Collaborative. (2017). Iowa model of evidence-based practice: Revisions and validation. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 14(3), 175-182. doi:10.1111/wvn.12223 The Evidence-Based Practice Model Discussion