The Emerging Technology In Diabetic Care Research Paper

The Emerging Technology In Diabetic Care Research Paper

The purpose of this assignment is to:
Gain an appreciation of a range of periodical literature relevant to health policy.
Apply critical analysis skills to health policy literature.
Develop and communicate an informed perspective of the selected topic.
Assignment Details:
Select two current (no more than 5 yrs old) and peer-reviewed articles addressing a health policy topic of interest to you and relative to the overall theme of this module.
The articles should be selected from a journal that emphasizes policy issues that increase your knowledge of policy and issues affecting advanced practice in nursing or other healthcare profession. The Emerging Technology In Diabetic Care Research Paper


Ex: Nursing and Health Care, Health Policy, Hastings Center Report, Health Affairs, Public Health Reports, etc.
Write a brief paper in which you summarize both articles
This includes thesis, arguments, conclusions, and recommendations.
Then critically analyze the two articles
Delve into the health policy issue and evaluate the value of the document in relation to health, nursing, and health care.
Discuss the influence the articles have had on your evolving view of the issue.
The body of the paper is not to exceed three pages.
Use APA 7th edition professional version formatting, including a title page and reference page.
Minimum of 2 references
Please make sure to reference the grading rubric for this assignment as well to ensure you have addressed all required components.

The prevalence of type 1 diabetes (T1D) has increased significantly in the United States and globally. Lin et al. (2020), reported that type 1 diabetes among children and teenagers below 20 years globally is above one million, becoming one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Additionally, T1D increases the risk of developing other health complications, including cardiovascular diseases, nerve damage (neuropathy), eye damage, kidney damage (nephropathy), and foot damage. For these reasons, evidence-based interventions have been implemented in primary care settings to enhance the management of type 1 diabetes. This paper analyzes articles about diabetic care, patient education, and incorporation of the new technology in the management of T1D, arguments, conclusions, and recommendations. The Emerging Technology In Diabetic Care Research Paper

Critical Analysis of the Selected Articles

            The first article was authored by Sherwood et al. (2020). The purpose of the article was to describe modern technologies used in managing type 1 diabetes. The authors reported that using finger-stick glucose (FSG) concentrations in self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) has become a significant element of diabetes care. Emerging glucometers have Bluetooth to allow pairing with smartphone applications. Consequently, patients can track their blood sugar and identify patterns. Additionally, externally worn continuous-glucose monitoring (CGM) gadgets use a transcutaneous sensor to measure interstitial glucose. A person with diabetes places filament in the subcutaneous tissue and connects it to an overlying transmitter, allowing healthcare providers to download data from the CGM. A clinician then understands an individual’s ambulatory glucose profile. Healthcare providers use information about the duration spent in hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic ranges and glucose variability in developing the most appropriate care plan for an individual patient, enabling him or her to achieve the target glucose goals. Maintaining the targeted glucose range lowers the risk of potential health complications such as cardiovascular diseases and kidney disease. The Emerging Technology In Diabetic Care Research Paper

The second article was authored by Isaacs et al. (2020). This article aimed at describing the diabetes care and education specialist’s (DCES) role in implementing technology and to depict diabetes technology’s value in caring for individuals and as a tool for supporting health improvements at the population level. The authors reported that rapidly evolving technology has become a significant aspect of diabetes care. In enhancing diabetes care, clinicians and individuals diagnosed with diabetes are utilizing several technologies such as continuous glucose monitors, connected blood glucose meters, insulin pumps, data-sharing platforms, automated insulin delivery systems, telehealth, smartphone mobile applications, and remote monitoring. These technologies improve individuals’ overall outcomes and the quality of health-related life. DCES enhances the use of diabetes technology by making patients knowledgeable and actively engaging them during care delivery. The authors reported that downloading an application or wearing a technological device does not automatically result in positive health outcomes. The Emerging Technology In Diabetic Care Research Paper

These articles inform a health policy that supports the implementation of modern technologies in healthcare organizations. These technologies will enable people diagnosed with diabetes to monitor their blood sugar at home and communicate with their clinicians. Additionally, a clinician can download patient data from the app and provide high-quality and efficient nursing and health care to an individual patient, improving overall health outcomes. Lastly, these articles have changed my view of type 1 diabetes. Despite the incidence of T1D increasing dramatically in the US and globally, these articles indicate that individuals’ blood sugar can be managed effectively through comprehensive care, patient education, and emerging technologies, preventing adverse health outcomes in people with T1D.


The two articles indicated that incorporating new and emerging technology in diabetic care results in overall positive health outcomes, the better functioning capacity, and improvement in the quality of health-related life. Sherwood et al. (2020) reported a significant impact of self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) devices on diabetes care. Clinicians download patients’ blood sugar profiles from the app and develop the most effective individualized care plan, improving overall clinical outcomes. Additionally, Isaacs et al. (2020) reported that DCES enhance the use of diabetes technology by making patients knowledgeable and actively engaging them during care delivery. Consequently, individuals use various technologies to monitor their blood sugar and communicate with their healthcare providers, resulting in superior health outcomes The Emerging Technology In Diabetic Care Research Paper.


Emerging technologies have demonstrated efficacy in enhancing diabetic care among patients with diabetes type 1. Therefore, healthcare providers and organizations should incorporate new technologies, including continuous glucose monitors, connected blood glucose meters, insulin pumps, data-sharing platforms, automated insulin delivery systems, telehealth, smartphone mobile applications, and remote monitoring in diabetic care to enhance the management of blood sugar in people with T1D. Using these technologies will then improve overall health outcomes and reduce the risk of other health complications such as cardiovascular diseases, nerve damage, and kidney damage in people with type 1 diabetes. The Emerging Technology In Diabetic Care Research Paper



Isaacs, D., Cox, C., Schwab, K., Oser, T. K., Rinker, J., Mason, M. J., … & Albanese-O’Neill, A. (2020). Technology integration: the role of the diabetes care and education specialist in practice. The Diabetes Educator46(4), 323-334.

Sherwood, J. S., Russell, S. J., & Putman, M. S. (2020). New and emerging technologies in type 1 diabetes. Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics49(4), 667-678.

Lin, X., Xu, Y., Pan, X., Xu, J., Ding, Y., Sun, X., … & Shan, P. F. (2020). Global, regional, and national burden and trend of diabetes in 195 countries and territories: an analysis from 1990 to 2025. Scientific reports10(1), 1-11. The Emerging Technology In Diabetic Care Research Paper