The Effect Of Educational Program On Hypertension Research Paper

The Effect Of Educational Program On Hypertension Research Paper

– This is part of the research proposal project, this is the DESIGN part of the project
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Research Proposal Project: Design

Every project has its unique design depending on its setting and to meet the needs of the selected population. In that regard, the research design for the study will depend on the research objectives and questions as the guide. The project aims to identify the essentiality of a training program among hypertensive patients in an outpatient setting to increase their lifestyle modification practice and knowledge. Hence, the paper will evaluate basic sampling information, sample size, significance, reliability, and validity.

Basic Sampling Information

Sampling in research is an essential exercise that enables researchers to select a group they will involve in their research data collection. In that regard, the population to be involved in the study are 30 adults participants aged 25- 70 years that have hypertension and will be divided into five groups  (25- 34, 35-43, 44-53, 54-63, 64-70) with each group comprising of six participants. Due to gender balance, out of the 30 participants, there will be 16 male and 14 female participants; though the research might not be in a position to involve all ethnic but will make sure that the selected participants will offer data that can be easily generalized The Effect Of Educational Program On Hypertension Research Paper

Sample Size

The research will adopt quantitative research to assess whether a training program for hypertensive patients within an outpatient setting can increase these patients’ knowledge and lifestyle modification. Hence, the sample size involved in the research should increase its probability of generalization to the hypertensive population even in other settings(Siedlecki, 2020)The Effect Of Educational Program On Hypertension Research Paper. The other factors that will influence the research sample size selection include the time to project completion, data collection convenience, and project cost. Hence, the research will involve a stratified random sampling approach since the five groups’ participants have different characteristics and thus need different patient education approaches. Hence, through the 30 participants, the researcher anticipates that the participants will manage to obtain answers to the research questions and meet the objectives. Also, generalization will be easier since the participants act as a representation of the whole population. However, considering that the United States comprises various ethnic groups, a larger sample size would be more effective for better outcomes, but the current project may be impossible due to budget and time constraints.

Sample Significance

The research will involve all project stages, from planning, initiation, execution, implementation, and project closure. Hence, incorporating a manageable sample for the research will enable the researcher to increase the project’s finding’s reliability, accuracy, and dependability. Hence, considering that the sample, involving only 30 participants to represent all individuals with hypertension in the United States, involves participants of different age groups, gender, and various cognition levels. As a result, the research findings will present the entire population. The researcher will also integrate appropriate measures like consistent follow-up to no-responders to prevent bias occurrence.


Data Reliability and Consistency

Research reliability is essential in research since it assesses if a research finding can be reproduced multiple times and in a consistent way. According to Zangaro and Jones (2019)The Effect Of Educational Program On Hypertension Research Paper, when research reliability is present, external factors have not interfered with the research findings. In that case, assessing the essentiality of patient education that can help hypertension patients improve their lifestyle modification and increase their knowledge about condition management requires the inclusion of different participants with different characteristics to determine the appropriate approach for each group. In that case, the researcher needs to ensure that data collection for all five groups is taken simultaneously and with similar requirements, particularly the questionnaires, and questions, to maintain consistency and reliability.

Measuring Tool Reliability

Researchers must ensure that the measurement instruments integrate reliable measurement tools to ensure that the results will be effective for the research. For that reason, the measurement instruments will be calibrated each instrument to fit the research requirements. Hence, during data interpretation, the researcher will ensure that the readings are interpreted appropriately and consistently. Also, once a variation is noted, the research team has to explain it to prevent implicating the reliability of the final research finding. In that case, the survey questions the participants need to answer must be evaluated closely to identify any bias. Also, the questionnaires must be set clearly and concisely to ensure that the participants answer them correctly The Effect Of Educational Program On Hypertension Research Paper.



Research validity refers to the valid findings representation of research from the results obtained from the participants to a similar population outside the research (Clemett & Raleigh, 2021). Hence, validity is necessary since the current research is about applying patient education to increase hypertensive patient knowledge and improve lifestyle modification.

Valid Samples

In that case, the 30 participants will represent the entire population with high hypertension prevalence ranging from 25-70 years. Also, to ensure that the research findings are valid, there will be a need to ensure that the participants are willing and that no coercion is involved in increasing the chances of the participants providing truthful information. Another way of increasing research validity from the samples is to ensure that the participants sign the consent form to avoid legal and ethical implications of the research. Consequently, before the research begins, participants who want to opt-out will be given a chance to avoid disrupting the data collection process.

Measurement Tool Validity

The measurement tool validity relies on the accurate calibration and the researcher’s ability to read and interpret the research results. Hence, the results obtained from the measurement tool will be evaluated using known results. The Effect Of Educational Program On Hypertension Research Paper


The paper has evaluated basic sampling information, sample size, sample significance, reliability, and validity. Also, the factors involved in the design include the demographics like gender, age, family history, and race of the affected population.


Clemett, V. J., & Raleigh, M. (2021). The validity and reliability of clinical judgement and decision-making skills assessment in nursing: A systematic literature review. Nurse Education Today, 102, 104885.

Siedlecki, S. L. (2020). Understanding Descriptive Research Designs and Methods. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 34(1), 8–12. research gate.

Zangaro, G. A., & Jones, K. (2019). Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index: A Reliability Generalization Meta-Analysis. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 41(11), 1658–1684. The Effect Of Educational Program On Hypertension Research Paper

Literature Review: Essentiality of a Training Program Among Hypertensive Patients within an Outpatient Setting to increase their Lifestyle Modification Practice and Knowledge

The most prevalent condition of all non-communicable diseases is hypertension. Consequently, hypertension is the most common factor in cardiovascular disease, and since many hypertensives are unconscious of their illness, treatment is uncommon and inefficient (Franklin et al., 2020). As a result, poorly regulated blood pressure is a significant global public health concern, particularly for older adults, in terms of financial burden. In understanding how hypertension comes along, various factors need to be acknowledged, including blood pressure and how it reaches a point where an individual may be diagnosed with hypertension. For that reason, blood pressure is the force exerted on blood vessel walls by the flowing blood (Hewes et al., 2020). The pressure is generally crucial since it enables blood circulation in all the body organs though it acts as an interplay between peripheral vascular resistance and myocardial contractility. Hence, in clinical terms, the expression of hypertension is measured using two figures where the numerator represents systolic blood pressure which refers to the highest pressure achieved within the vessels during heart contraction (Hewes et al., 2020)The Effect Of Educational Program On Hypertension Research Paper.

The denominator is the diastolic blood pressure, which indicates the lowest pressure the heart may reach rest. Since blood pressure seems to be a continuous variable, no clear numerical values distinguish between elevated and normal blood pressure (Franklin et al., 2020). As a result, individuals develop hypertension if the blood pressure reaches levels attributed to cardiovascular mortality risks. In adults, the main guideline utilized to detect, evaluate, detect and manage hypertension describes the characteristics of 140mmHg systolic and 90mmHg diastolic blood pressure on both days (World Health Organization, 2021).

Despite all the known hypertension adverse consequences, the condition still poses as one of the poorly controlled diseases globally, with the main cause being low-non-pharmacological interventions like lifestyle modifications. In that case, the health promotion approach needs to integrate lifestyle modifications and prescribed medications since most contemporary researchers consider the two interventions to be more effective in controlling and preventing high blood pressure (Londoño – Agudelo et al., 2021)The Effect Of Educational Program On Hypertension Research Paper. Hence, when training the hypertensives on the most effective lifestyle modifications, the components should include a low-sodium diet, a Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension plans (DASH) adoption, and physical activity. Despite most individuals preferring therapeutic drugs, there will be a need to ensure that healthcare providers equally consider non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatments. Therefore, the literature review will assess hypertension prevalence, etiological classification, and modifiable risks.

Hypertension Prevalence

Globally, the estimated number of individuals with hypertension is 1.28 billion as of 2021, with an age range of  30-79 years, and more are from middle and low-income countries. From that number, 46 percent of individuals with hypertension do not acknowledge their risk, while l42 percent have early diagnosis and treatment to manage the condition (World Health Organization, 2021). Considering that hypertension has been one of the causes of global premature deaths, global efforts are to ensure the reduction of hypertension prevalence by 33 percent by 2030. In the United States, over 670,000 deaths in 2020 resulted from hypertension or its contributing cause (CDC, 2020). From the Centers for Disease Controls and Prevention statistics, 116 million United States adults have hypertension, meaning they have more than 130mmHg systolic blood pressure and over 80mmHg diastolic blood pressure, but they are under medication. Individuals with hypertension may record 140/90 mmHg or more, with the United States having approximately 37 million adults with such blood pressure levels (CDC, 2020). One of the reasons hypertension needs to be contained includes the high costs it brings to the patients, their families, and the healthcare system as the associated risks like heart and kidney problems. That is evidenced in the United States after an average of 12 years, resulting in $131 billion yearly in hypertension treatment (CDC, 2020)The Effect Of Educational Program On Hypertension Research Paper.

Hypertension Etiological Classification

Hypertension classification is under primary and secondary classification and depends on the cause. According to Ombada and Ombada (2020), primary and idiopathic hypertension influences approximately 90 percent of hypertensive cases, primarily for adults aged 40 and above. The leading cause of such hypertension is obesity, genetic predisposition, physical inactivity, and high sodium intake. However, when evaluating racial factors, Blacks have a higher hypertension prevalence than Whites because their treatment and awareness rates are similar. As Hewes et al. (2020) accentuate, the pathophysiological process of primary hypertension is still under review. Secondary hypertension is less common and accounts for 5-10 percent of hypertension cases. However, the causes of secondary hypertension are mainly attributed to other medical conditions that affect the kidneys, like polycystic kidney disease and medical conditions that affect the endocrine system, heart, or arteries (Ombada & Ombada, 2020)The Effect Of Educational Program On Hypertension Research Paper. And adult women may experience secondary hypertension during pregnancy. For individuals with secondary hypertension, it is always necessary to treat hypertension and the other comorbidities that causes it to prevent adverse effects like stroke, kidney failure, and heart disease.

 Hypertension Modifiable Risks

The main modifiable risks associated with hypertension include unhealthy diets like low vegetable and fruit intake, excessive salt consumption, and high intake of trans fats and saturated fat. The main effects of unhealthy diets are that they affect the artery walls after the deposition of cholesterol which narrows these arteries, leading to increased pressure needed to push the blood flow (Franklin et al., 2020). In such a case, it is always essential to consider unsaturated fat consumption, which is common in foods like sunflower oil, soya beans, and fish which are also effective in reducing blood pressure, thus lowering cardiovascular disease risks. Also, sodium intake has a greater probability of causing hypertension. According to Franklin et al. (2020), sodium balances and regulates electrolytes and fluids in an individual’s body. Hence, patients with hypertension should reduce sodium intake to decrease the chances of developing high blood pressure. Other factors include physical inactivity and being obese or overweight.

However, risks associated with a genetic predisposition may be unmodifiable, including those associated with comorbidities like kidney disease or diabetes, thus needing proper management. In such cases, hypertensive patients must engage in regular physical activities to help regulate their blood pressure to safer levels. The best thing about considering physical activities is that they can lower high blood pressure by 5 or 8 mmHg. Also, obese individuals have a 30kg/m2 body mass index (BMI) while overweight individuals have between 25.0 and 29.9 kg/m2 BMI, making excess weight one of the causes of hypertension, more so the obesity factor (Mollan et al., 2021)The Effect Of Educational Program On Hypertension Research Paper. Since most affected individuals are adults, activities like jogging and walking would be essential since they do not involve high-intensity activities.


The chapter has evaluated the occurrence, prevalence, etiology, and modifiable risks of hypertension, particularly in adults. These factors are essential since they help researchers acknowledge some causes and ways to prevent and manage hypertension. The literature identifies various gaps, including diagnosis, where quite a number of people are unaware of their hypertensive situation. For instance, according to the World Health Organization (2021), approximately 46 percent of adults globally are unaware of their hypertension condition, thus risking them to developing adverse side effects like kidney illness. Also, the CDC (2020) projects that in America, one in every three adult Americans is unaware of their hypertension condition. The other gap identified concerns follow-up, where individuals aware of hypertensive condition rarely engage in a follow-up consultation. For instance, Londoño – Agudelo et al. (2021) study identified a high number of individuals that did not carry out follow-up treatment were male, with the main contributors to such conditions being uninsured, paid occupation, and those that reported alcohol consumption. Hence, the training program among hypertensive patients within an outpatient setting to increase their lifestyle modification practice and knowledge is essential to reduce the prevalence of the identified gaps The Effect Of Educational Program On Hypertension Research Paper.


CDC. (2020, February 25). Facts About Hypertension. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Franklin, B. A., Myers, J., & Kokkinos, P. (2020). Importance of Lifestyle Modification on Cardiovascular Risk Reduction. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 40(3), 138–143.

Hewes, J. L., Lee, J. Y., Fagan, K. A., & Bauer, N. N. (2020). The changing face of pulmonary hypertension diagnosis: a historical perspective on the influence of diagnostics and biomarkers. Pulmonary Circulation, 10(1).

Londoño – Agudelo, E., Pérez Ospina, V., Battaglioli, T., Taborda Pérez, C., Gómez‐Arias, R., & Van der Stuyft, P. (2021). Gaps in hypertension care and control: a population‐based study in low‐income urban Medellin, Colombia. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 26(8), 895–907.

Mollan, S. P., Tahrani, A. A., & Sinclair, A. J. (2021). The Potentially Modifiable Risk Factor in Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension. Neurology: Clinical Practice, 11(4), e504–e507.

Ombada, M., & Ombada, M. (2020). Diagnosing Hypertension Among Adults; A Study Based on Prevention-Management of Primary and Secondary Hypertension. Global Journal of Health Science, 12(2), 61.

World Health Organization. (2021, August 25). Hypertension.; World Health Organization: WHO. The Effect Of Educational Program On Hypertension Research Paper



Research Proposal Project: Design (Sampling, Reliability, Validity)


For this section of your research proposal assignment, you will focus on the sampling, reliability, and validity of your research proposal. This section will include information on sampling, reliability, and validity.

The following components should be addressed in your paper this week:

Information on your sample

  • Sampling basic information (age, gender, criteria, etc.)
  • Sample size
  • Explain why your sample is appropriate for your study


  • Explain how your data collection process is consistent and reliable
  • Explain why your measurement tool is reliable


  • Explain how you will ensure you have a valid sample
  • Explain how you tested the validity of your measurement tool


  • APA formatting, references, and citations are required.

Your research project design should be included as part of your final submission for your research proposal project in week 7 and your research proposal presentation in week 8. Use the feedback you receive from your instructor on your design to modify and improve before submission of your final project in weeks 7 and 8. The Effect Of Educational Program On Hypertension Research Paper