The Discrimination And Disparities Essay Paper

The Discrimination And Disparities Essay Paper

In chapter 1, Sowell evaluates how prerequisites or a combination of skills and choices impact success in several endeavors. Sowell claims that this aspect naturally results in highly skewed outcomes even when individuals’ abilities vary slightly. Additionally, Sowell relates large disparities in outcome with continuous chain of production in which outputs of one social process are used as the inputs to another The Discrimination And Disparities Essay Paper.


Furthermore, Sowell portrays empirical evidence, which illustrate outcomes disparities in natural processes and social process. He also presents longitudinal studies of individuals with high IQs and disparities in outcomes, which he based on interesting empirical evidence and birth-order. The evaluation of this evidence was done for the first time at individuals’ level. The evidence was then evaluated at higher levels, including institutions and countries. Lastly, Sowell evaluated the evidence at the broader natural processes level.

Chapter two focuses on discrimination topology, which is analyzed based on economic literature. He reviews discrimination types and their impacts on decision-subjects and decision-makers. In distinguishing among three major discrimination types, Sowell used three components. First, he categorized Discrimination 1a based on known individual characteristics. Secondly, he classified Discrimination 1b by predicting unknown individual characteristics from the features of group members. Lastly, he categorized Discrimination 2 based on arbitrary discrimination and characteristics, which ignores the decision-subject of individual features The Discrimination And Disparities Essay Paper.

Despite using different terminology, Sowell analysis aligns with economic theory. Economists refer to latter categories as “economic discrimination” and “statistical discrimination.” Sowell also claimed that the capacity of the decision maker to establish individual features can be improved by additional information; hence shifting from Discrimination 1b to Discrimination 1a. This trend benefits groups that had recorded poor outcomes. Sowell further claimed that the decision-maker experiences high costs, resulting from Discrimination 2. However, these costs can be lowered by moving decision-making locus to third-party decision-makers The Discrimination And Disparities Essay Paper