The Digitalization Of The Healthcare Assignment Paper

The Digitalization Of The Healthcare Assignment Paper

Healthcare Information technology is fast becoming an irresistible wave of change in the health industry. The changes are being witnessed as healthcare organizations constantly change from traditional ways of patient management to digitalized systems used to collect, store and analyze patient data. Different healthcare systems continue to be adopted in the sector, diversly impacting the care delivery process, patient management, and clinical decision-making. In order to effectively leverage the IT systems in hospitals, effective management, adoption, and implementation of these systems greatly determine their effectiveness in the care delivery process (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2022)The Digitalization Of The Healthcare Assignment Paper. As new systems continue to be developed, an effective implementation plan is required, a collaboration of stakeholders and the realization of best care outcomes and patient experience. According to Laukka et al. (2020), the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) has been recognized as an integrated model containing 5-8 steps followed when adopting and implementing a healthcare system. This portfolio assignment provides a role description essay highlighting the importance of including a nurse informatics leader in the SDLC process.


The SDLC process comprises steps of system implementation: planning and requirement definition, analysis, designing the new system, implementation and post-implementation support (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, n.d.-b). The utilization of SDLC in the healthcare industry provides an easy-to-follow process and a framework for easy project management and quality improvement. The states in the SDLC process are interrelated, helping the project implementation team to effectively track, assign tasks, and evaluate the system’s progress and effect. As a nurse manager, adopting an SDLC process is critical to adopting and implementing new nursing documentation. Additionally, the input of the nurse leader is equally indispensable to the success of the process. The SDLC allows the nurse leader and implementing team to track changes, monitor and evaluate impact as well as collect errors before the entire system comes into use

The first step in the SDLC cycle is planning and requirements definition. This stage allows for the project to brainstorm the project requirements from the stakeholders; it is at this stage where the organization defines what system is needed, what functions are expected to be performed etc., according to (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2013), the planning and requirements definition allows the implementation process commences on a defined roadmap of what is needed and resources required. As part of the team, a nurse leader’s role in the first step entails the end outcomes target for the system. Additionally, the nurse helps identify the care and clinical outcomes target for the system. The nurse leader plays a critical role in ensuring that the incoming documentation system does not focus solely on achieving IT needs but also on healthcare delivery outcomes ad patient experience, which are the major goals of any IT system in the healthcare sector.

Secondly, there is the analysis step in the SDLC cycle. The analysis stage entails the project team evaluating the cost of production, benefits in terms of revenue and needs of the different users of the proposed program (Colnar et al., 2022)The Digitalization Of The Healthcare Assignment Paper. It is in the analysis stage where the responsible team defines system functionality, programs and data required to run the system. The nurse leader at this stage ensures the system requirements are affordable, available, and benefits regarding the old system. The nurse leader is imperative at this point as he ensures the system aligns with organizational needs in terms of cost, quality care and improving patient experience.

Thirdly, there is designing of the new system as the next stage under the SDLC cycle. According to McGonigle & Mastrian (2022), the general system appearance and framework take place at this stage. The software and hardware are and defined and interconnected and ready for the coming system. At this stage, the nurse leader actively ensures the system output is as desired while training nurses and other users on system applicability. On the other hand, the nurse leader acts as an evaluation source, ensuring the mock-up system and flowchart of the new system addresses the defined objectives. Finally, the nurse leader ensures the clinical impact of the system remains in focus (Laukka et al., 2020).

Implementation is the fourth stage in the SDLC process. It is at this stage that the actual system installation is conducted. The IT experts and other project team perform system configurations and establish applicable codes and software. Real testing is conducted while a keen focus is being made on risks that may be realized (Laukka et al., 2020)The Digitalization Of The Healthcare Assignment Paper. The nurse leaders work closely with the team to identify issues and risks with the incoming system.

Additionally, the nurse ensures the system meets the desired impact, including clinical and care experience. The nurse is a critical link between the system’s usability and the rest of the nursing workforce hence training them on how to use the system effectively. According to Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (2013)The Digitalization Of The Healthcare Assignment Paper, nurse leaders are critical players in the project implementation team as he ensures the system does not deviate or compromise care quality and patient safety.

The post-implementation stage is the last step in the SDLC cycle process. As the last step in the process, the system is ready for full installation and use by the entire nursing team, among other care providers (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2022). At this stage, the nurse is busy communicating feedback from the rest of the nursing team and communicating it to the It experts to improve, update or rectify identified issues. The feedback process is critical to ensure the system’s smooth functionalities. The nurse leader is busy communicating raised issues by the system users. Finally, the nurse leader evaluates the flexibility of the system and how much traffic it can handle ensuring it meets both clinical and organizational goals.

The digitalization of the healthcare industry is on the rise. However, it remains critical to ensure quality care and patient safety are observed. With diverse clinical systems coming up, it has become imperative for organizations to adopt new software. The application of the SDLC process, as well as collaboration from all stakeholders, ensures easy mitigation of risks during the system implementation process. The use of the SDLC cycle and the participation of nurse leaders in the process helps an organization avoid common pitfalls in the process, hence achieving the best in terms of care delivery and digitalization process The Digitalization Of The Healthcare Assignment Paper.


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2013). Workflow Assessment for Health IT Toolkit | AHRQ Digital Healthcare Research: Informing Improvement in Care Quality, Safety, and Efficiency.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (n.d.-b). Health IT Evaluation Toolkit and Evaluation Measures Quick Reference Guides | Digital Healthcare Research. Retrieved October 27, 2022, from

Colnar, S., Radević, I., Martinović, N., Lojpur, A., & Dimovski, V. (2022). The role of information communication technologies as a moderator of knowledge creation and knowledge sharing in improving the quality of healthcare services. PLoS One, 17(8)

Laukka, E., Huhtakangas, M., Heponiemi, T., & Kanste, O. (2020). Identifying the roles of healthcare leaders in HIT implementation: A scoping review of the quantitative and qualitative evidence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(8), 1–15.

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2022). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning. The Digitalization Of The Healthcare Assignment Paper

Assume you are a nurse manager on a unit where a new nursing documentation system is to be implemented. You want to ensure that the system will be usable and acceptable for the nurses impacted. You realize a nurse leader must be on the implementation team.

To Prepare:

  • Review the steps of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and reflect on the scenario presented.
  • Consider the benefits and challenges associated with involving a nurse leader on an implementation team for health information technology.

The Assignment: (2-3 pages not including the title and reference page)

In preparation of filling this role, develop a 2- to 3-page role description for a graduate-level nurse to guide his/her participation on the implementation team. The role description should be based on the SDLC stages and tasks and should clearly define how this individual will participate in and impact each of the following steps:

  • Planning and requirements definition
  • Analysis
  • Design of the new system
  • Implementation
  • Post-implementation support
  • Use APA format and include a title page and reference page.
  • Use the Safe Assign Drafts to check your match percentage before submitting your work.

Course References

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2022). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.


  • Chapter 9, “Systems Development Life Cycle: Nursing Informatics and Organizational Decision Making” (pp. 191–204)
  • Chapter 12, “Electronic Security” (pp. 251–265)
  • Chapter 13, “Achieving Excellence by Managing Workflow and Initiating Quality Projects”

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (n.d.a). Health IT evaluation toolkit and evaluation measures quick reference guide. Retrieved January 26, 2022, from

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (n.d.b). Workflow assessment for health IT toolkit. Retrieved January 26, 2022, from