The Different Aspects Of Sleep Patterns Assignment Paper

The Different Aspects Of Sleep Patterns Assignment Paper

Critique a quantitative study for design elements and study validity. Read the Introduction and Methods section of the assigned quantitative article (refer to the entirety of the article as needed) and write a paper (no more than 4 pages) evaluating the article for critical elements for design and validity. Use supporting research articles to aid in your critique.
*Be sure to read carefully, and pay attention to grammar, sentence structure, and APA guidelines. Do not be repetitive, just state the facts and be concise. The Different Aspects Of Sleep Patterns Assignment Paper .


Schmeer, K., Tarrence, J., Browning, C., Calder, C., Ford, J., & Boettner, B. (2019). Family contexts and sleep during adolescence. SSM-Population Health, 7, 100320.

Include but not limited to the following:
Intro, Hypothesis, Pop/Sample, Methodology (data, sample, dependent/independent/control variables, and analytic strategy), Results, Conclusion

Critique of Family Context and Sleep during Adolescence

Families support various areas of a person’s life. Thus, success in various aspects of individuals’ lives significantly depends on how they relate with their family members. Sleep is a key area of one’s life that depends on social life especially family contexts. Studies have been conducted to assess the impact of social context on a person’s capacity to establish healthy sleep patterns. This paper criticizes an article on the connection between family and sleep patterns among adolescents, including the purpose and hypothesis of the study, sample population, methodology, results, research gap, and conclusion The Different Aspects Of Sleep Patterns Assignment Paper.

Purpose and Hypothesis of the Study

Schmeer et al. (2019), primarily conducted this study to assess the impact of family environments on sleep patterns among adolescents. The study was guided by hypothesized stating that disadvantaged family contexts would contribute to higher intra-individual variation (IIV) sleep duration and a relatively low sleep duration at night.

Sample Population

The study’s sample population consisted of 1405 adolescents aged 11 to 17 years. The study’s participants were residing around and in Columbus, OH in the United States. Adolescents were selected as the study’s sample population since they are in a critical developmental stage that is impacted by social and economic factors. According to Nagy-Pénzes et al. (2020)The Different Aspects Of Sleep Patterns Assignment Paper, social and family support, socioeconomic status, and health behavior significantly impact adolescents’ psychological and mental well-being.


The researchers evaluated family conditions during the study using a novel form of multi-level modeling. Family features considered during the study included unmarried parent families, high family stress, and low SES. The authors evaluated the connection between these family characteristics and a person’s mean sleep time and IIV in sleep. They utilized various methods in studying the relationship between family contexts and nightly sleep duration in adolescents. First, the researchers focused on the IIV in sleep duration outcomes for a week. During this duration, the authors accounted for the adolescents’ mean sleep duration. According to Bauducco et al. (2019), mean sleep duration enhances understanding of adolescents’ overall sleep patterns. Secondly, Schmeer et al. (2019) evaluated several components of family contexts and how they relate to sleep patterns in adolescents. In this phase of the study, the authors developed a hypothesis stating that low SES and unmarried parent environments are significant factors that constrain family resources, reducing regularity in sleep duration in adolescents. Mistry and Elenbaas (2021) reported that a lower subjective social status (SSS) and perceived economic stress adversely impact adolescents’ psychological and emotional well-being. For this reason, authors considered different indicators of family stress, including economic hardship, low family cohesion, and caregiver distress in measuring adolescents’ sleep duration. Third, researchers used mixed effects location-scale modeling in making a methodological contribution. According to Viechtbauer and López‐López (2022)The Different Aspects Of Sleep Patterns Assignment Paper, location-scale modeling allows the distribution of available data during research. Consequently, the authors preferred location-scale modeling since it portrayed individuals’ differences in sleep variance, enabling them to test the effect of family on IIV in sleep.

Results of the Study

The results for IIV portrayed a positive relationship between family contexts and IIV in sleep duration at night in adolescents. Additionally, the results for IIV in sleep duration in adolescents indicated connections between mean sleep duration and an individual’s family context. However, no significant connection was reported between adolescents’ sleep duration mean level and family contexts. Furthermore, caregiver stress measures, including stress and depressive symptoms reduces mean sleep duration in adolescents significantly. However, no connection was reported between mean sleep duration and other family context measures, including family structure, economic hardship, family SES, and low family cohesion The Different Aspects Of Sleep Patterns Assignment Paper.

Research Gap

Despite studying the impact of family context measures on adolescents’ IIV at night and sleep duration, further research is needed. Future scholars can focus on other areas related to sleep patterns, including school nights’ duration sleep; the impact of family context on sleep patterns in other American populations such as children, youths, young adults, or older adults; and the effect of family context on adolescents’ sleep patterns in other racial groups such African American, Latinos, or Hispanics.


Among adolescents, family context features impact different aspects of sleep patterns, including IIV in sleep duration and sleep duration at night. Additionally, caregiver stress measures, including stress and depressive symptoms reduce mean sleep duration in adolescents significantly. Lack of adequate and quality sleep among adolescents affects their psychological and mental well-being. Therefore, caregivers should avoid stress and depressive symptoms that are likely to compromise adolescents’ sleep duration and quality. On the contrary, family members should be less concerned with family structure, economic hardship, family SES, and low cohesion since they do not influence adolescents’ sleep quality The Different Aspects Of Sleep Patterns Assignment Paper.



Bauducco, S. V., Salihovic, S., & Boersma, K. (2019). Bidirectional associations between adolescents’ sleep problems and impulsive behavior over time. Sleep medicine: X1, 100009.

Mistry, R. S., & Elenbaas, L. (2021). It’s all in the family: Parents’ economic worries and youth’s perceptions of financial stress and educational outcomes. Journal of Youth and Adolescence50, 724-738.

Nagy-Pénzes, G., Vincze, F., & Bíró, É. (2020). Contributing factors in adolescents’ mental well-being—the role of socioeconomic status, social support, and health behavior. Sustainability12(22), 9597.

Schmeer, K., Tarrence, J., Browning, C., Calder, C., Ford, J., & Boettner, B. (2019). Family contexts and sleep during adolescence. SSM-Population Health, 7, 100320.

Viechtbauer, W., & López‐López, J. A. (2022). Location‐scale models for meta‐analysis. Research synthesis methods13(6), 697-715 The Different Aspects Of Sleep Patterns Assignment Paper