The Deontologists And Consequentialists Essay Paper
The Deontologists And Consequentialists Essay Paper
Moral principles have been a subject of debate between the deontologists and the consequentialists. According to deontologists, an action is right or wrong depending on the rules or principles that govern its performance regardless of consequences (Shafer-Landau, ch. 11). On the other hand, consequentialists weigh the moral worth of an action concerning its consequences to maximize the general good (Shafer-Landau, ch. 9)The Deontologists And Consequentialists Essay Paper.
The strength of deontological ethics lies in its credence to principles of consistency and universality. Deontologists work under set principles to fulfill the principles of equity and justice. This perspective complies with the moral values of holding people in high esteem and not treating them or using them simply as a means to an end. For instance, according to deontologists, lying is prohibited even if it aims at making the right decision (Shafer-Landau 250)The Deontologists And Consequentialists Essay Paper. However, deontological ethics can be rigid and can cause complications when making moral decisions. Following rules to the letter can lead to some questionable consequences, such as the prohibition of lying on matters of life and death, which can be considered immoral.
Conversely, consequentialism’s strength lies in its flexibility. It adapts moral reasoning to diverse situations, aiming for the greatest good (Shafer-Landau, p. 236-237). For example, a consequentialist supports lying to save a life, prioritizing overall benefit over rule adherence. However, consequentialism can justify questionable actions if they lead to desirable outcomes, potentially violating individual rights (Shafer-Landau, p. 268). Predicting outcomes can also be challenging and uncertain, complicating decision-making. I am more inclined to adopt consequentialism due to its adaptability. Evaluating actions based on outcomes allows for a more comprehensive and humane approach to ethics, promoting overall well-being and providing practical solutions in complex scenarios.
Shafer-Landau, R. (2021). The fundamentals of ethics. Oxford University Press The Deontologists And Consequentialists Essay Paper .
Writing Prompt:
Consider the debate between deontologists and consequentialists. Referencing what we covered in the text, what are the strengths and weaknesses of each view? Which view are you more inclined to adopt? Explain why. (Be more inclined to adopt the consequentialists view)
Your essay should be one full page (nothing more, nothing less).
You must double space.
Your heading should only include your name. No need to include any other information (this is to maximize space).
You should rely only on your textbook. Outside sources should not be used.
When engaging with the material in the textbook, provide page numbers in parentheses showing where those concepts can be found.
Textbook and Additional Information:
I linked a PDF of the textbook, but these are the required text/chapters:
Shafer-Landau, FoE, chs. 11-12, 16.
Shafer-Landau, FoE, chs, 9-10.
Grading Rubric:
“A” Criteria: Covers all of the factual and conceptual information with little to no error; offers a significant and meaningful discussion of the material in one’s voice; offers supporting evidence from texts with vitation of all sources as appropriate; includes application of examples; evidence of reading and comprehending assigned text materials; evidence of critical thought and analysis in approaching material; well organized and clearly written The Deontologists And Consequentialists Essay Paper