The Dealing With Anger Essay Paper
The Dealing With Anger Essay Paper
a six-to-eight-page paper that discusses the nature of Anger and how it might be treated in a local church context. The paper should identify how the four-stage process of Involvement/Investigation/Identification/and Initiation might be employed in dealing with the topic The Dealing With Anger Essay Paper.
Defining Anger
The dictionary definition of anger is a negative feeling state which is often associated with negative or antagonistic thoughts towards a person or an object. This feeling state leads to physiological reactions and maladaptive behavior. It is a strong emotion of displeasure which is excited by a sense of insult or injury. Chapman further elaborates the definition by arguing that even though people perceive anger as an emotion, it is largely a cluster of several emotions that involve a person’s will, mind, and their body. Anger manifests by actions such as tantrums, shouting, screaming, physical violence, stonewalling, emotionally shutting down, or silence marred with implosions. Different people manifest these negative feeling states differently The Dealing With Anger Essay Paper.
Sources of Anger
Chapman argues that anger develops when one feels disappointed, hurt, rejected, embarrassed, or frustrated, among other primary feelings and states. Socially, one of the major sources of anger is antagonistic dynamics of social relationships or interactions. People have different personalities and interactions among them are a critical source of conflict and friction that easily leads to anger. For instance, consider a situation where a friend confides in another, who then spreads the issue as gossip to other parties. The primary feeling state of the aggrieved friend who trusted another is hurt. However, anger is likely to manifest as a secondary emotion. Chapman argues that anger tends to pit an individual against another. In this case, socially, anger caused by frustrations from social interactions leads to situations where individuals collide to the point of emotional or physical violence, or other vengeful acts. The environment in which one lives has significant sources of stress, hurt, frustration, and disappointment. Social interactions have more significance in the outcomes of anger because of personality differences, perceptions among individuals, and circumstances under which one feels aggrieved.
Chapman believes that spiritually, anger has its source from God, and that is it rooted in the divine nature. He adds that anger derives from two major aspects of God’s divine nature, which is His holiness and love. God seeks the good on his creation and He loves them. As such, God is prone to anger when mankind does not do according to His will. God is also holy; therefore, He stands against sin, and is angry when man sins. His holiness against sin and love for mankind cause anger in God. Likewise, since man is created in the image of God, he also experiences anger as a result of transgressions or injustices against him The Dealing With Anger Essay Paper.
Symptoms of Anger
Anger tends to manifest somatically because of the trigger effect on the brain. According to Chapman, when triggered, the body’s autonomic nervous system produces adrenaline and noradrenaline. Once these two hormones flow in the blood stream, they tend to arouse the body, create tension, raise body temperature, and blood pressure. As a result, manifestations such as palpitations, sweating, altered lung function, and digestive tract activity changes occur. For instance, one of the physical symptoms of anger is an urge to go to the toilet. Physiologically, this is caused by tension created by the adrenaline rush to the pelvic floor, causing one to develop an urgency to use a washroom. Anger also manifests with rapid breathing because of increased blood flow to the lungs, increased blood pressure, and palpitations. The increase in blood flow also causes a flushed face for some people, and chest tightness from the pressure.
Socially, anger tends to cause a person to smoke, eat, or drink regularly. Another symptom of anger at a social level is strained social relationships marred with frequent conflicts between a person and others. Unresolved conflict or poorly resolved conflict tends to compound anger; ultimately affecting every social interaction. Eventually, it is common to find an angry person morph into a loner because of strained or estranged social connections with others The Dealing With Anger Essay Paper.
Spiritually, an anger manifests through irritability, hostility towards God because one feels abandoned or uncared for by God, impatience towards God and others, explosive emotions, and sudden urges to engage in sinful acts as rebellion. Hopelessness and despair are also common spiritual symptoms because of the feelings of disappointment and hurt that result in anger, as Olukoya (57) argues. Büssing also suggests that spiritually, anger manifests through ultimate doubt and discomfort with religion (83). The person develops doubts about God and morality especially where gravely disappointed. Lastly, the person appears conflicted or in an existential crisis when angry; ultimately, questioning the meaning and purpose of their life.
Scripture about Anger
Helping a Christian overcome their anger requires grace and patience. Understanding what the scriptures say about anger is critical when offering an individual struggling with anger management. First, it is important to remind them that anger is not a sin; instead, it is what the individual does as a result that is considered a sin. Reminding the person about the Scriptures and what they say about anger is critical. For instance, Proverbs 16:32 says that whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty. One with self-control is better placed because they are victorious in the end. This scripture teaches about self-control and the benefits of being slow to anger. It is important that the person dealing with anger remembers God’s purpose for them. In James 1:20, it is written that human anger prevents man from achieving God’s righteous purpose. The goal of this bible verse is to remind the person to live according to God’s plan and purpose; thus, prompting them to control their anger. Proverbs 15:1 says that a gentle response quietens anger, but harshness stirs it up. Reading this Bible verse to the person struggling with anger is important in reminding them about not angering others as well and being antagonistic The Dealing With Anger Essay Paper.
Pastoral Counselling
The pastoral counsellor should be involved in helping someone overcome their anger by holding frequent sessions with them. Involvement entails offering their help and having talk sessions where the counsellor seeks to understand the person’s anger, their history, and the motivations behind the anger. Close contact and communication are encouraged.
However, it is necessary that the counsellor understands some of the limitations. For instance, if the angry person may turn violent, the counsellor may need to have remote sessions with them for their safety. Another limitation that the counsellor should consider is the willingness of the individual to seek help. If the person is unwilling to deal with their anger through God’s way, the sessions are likely to be strenuous for both The Dealing With Anger Essay Paper.
To investigate the source of someone’s anger, the counsellor should seek information about the client’s history, family dynamics, childhood, social interactions, career, mental health history, and assess their social skills. These factors are critical in determining the person’s predisposition to anger. Additionally, understanding the psychological underpinnings or makeup of the person is crucial in determining the sources of their anger as well as their triggers.
It is critical to understand the pervasiveness or intensity of the anger problem in a client so as to determine the necessary interventions. A reliable screening tool that the pastoral counsellor should consider using on the client is the Multidimensional Anger Inventory (MAI). This tool is a 38-item multidimensional scale of anger and hostility in an individual. The tool assesses the individual’s frequency of anger, duration, magnitude, mode of anger expression, range of anger-eliciting situations, and hostile outlook. 29 of the questions have responses on a 5-point Likert scale. Other screening tools that the counsellor may use include the Novaco Anger Scale and Provocation Inventory, the Reaction Inventory, Anger Self-Report Questionnaire, Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire, and Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory, among others. The scores obtained should guide the counsellor on how best to handle the client. It is important that the counsellor remains graceful towards the client as they use the screening tool so as to make them feel valued, comforted, and in safe hands.
The next step is initiating interventions that help the client overcome their anger problems The Dealing With Anger Essay Paper.
Strategies of Handling Anger
Involving the local church or clergy in anger management is crucial because it teaches a person how to deal with anger in God’s way. His way of dealing with anger is by being slow to anger, re-evaluating it, and releasing it. The church should encourage the counsellor to develop social strategies to help deal with anger. A social strategy the church could recommend to the counsellor is to advise the client to remove themselves from physical spaces or environments where they are triggered. The purpose of doing this is to avoid escalation of a conflict and the anger; which could easily lead to physical confrontation. Removing the person from such social spaces is critical in helping them avoid exploding or imploding, hurting others, or themselves. Avoiding triggers such as people who seem to cause conflict would also be effective in dealing with anger at a social level. In some cases, having neutral parties in a social space is important in de-escalating situations or preventing them from morphing into conflict.
Spiritually, the Scriptures provide numerous teachings about anger that should serve as a guide when dealing with anger. For instance, when encouraging a person to deal with their anger, one of the strategies is to advise them to avoid frequent interaction with people who seem to stir conflict or strife. The Bible encourages this in Proverbs 22:24 where is says that a man should not make friendship with a man who is given to anger, or keep the company of a wrathful man. Wrathful people are vexing to the spirit. The Bible warns Christians against keeping the company of wrathful men to avoid becoming one. This bible verse would be effective in helping the individual avoid anger when necessary The Dealing With Anger Essay Paper.
Another approach to deal with anger spiritually is to consider concepts such as the aftermath of anger, which is often sin. Ephesians 4:26 says that one can be angry but not sin. Reminding the person that it is human to become angry is important as it helps the feel validated. However, from a spiritual perspective, helping them deal with the anger would entail reminding them of the dangers of anger which is sin. As such, socially removing the individual from the tense environment would help calm their nervous system and ultimately prevent a possible altercation. Talking about the anger also helps the individual re-evaluate the situation, releasing it as advised in Colossians 3:8 which says that Christians must release themselves of things like anger and rage.
Overall, a biblical and psychological approach is essential in dealing with anger. The individual should understand the psychological basis of their anger, how to identify their somatic manifestations of anger, and handling it God’s way. The scriptures and pastoral counsellors are excellent support and guidance through this process.
Works Cited
Büssing, Arndt. Measures of Spirituality/Religiosity: Description of Concepts and Validation of Instruments. MDPI, 2019.
Chapman, Gary D. Anger: Taming a Powerful Emotion. Moody Publishers, 2015.
Olukoya, D. K. Symptoms of Casualty in Spiritual Warfare. Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, 2019. The Dealing With Anger Essay Paper
MLA Format, Grammer, Spelling
Sources of Topic
Each paper should discuss the possible social, spiritual, or physical, sources of this topic in a person’s life. The paper should interact with class content, outside references and Scripture.
Symptoms of Topic
Each paper should discuss the possible social, spiritual, or physical symptoms of this topic in a person’s life. The paper should interact with class content, outside references and Scripture.
Scripture of Topic
Each paper should discuss biblical passages and themes that could be utilized to understand and care for those struggling with topic.
Strategies of Topic
Each paper should discuss the possible social, spiritual, or physical strategies to care for this topic in a person’s life. The paper should interact with class content, outside references and Scripture.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLocal Church Involvement
Each paper should include how a local church or Christian community could help support the counselor and counselee in working for growth in this topic The Dealing With Anger Essay Paper.
The paper should discuss various way that a Pastoral Counselor may be involved in helping support someone struggling with this topic. Specific notes should be made about possibly limitations counselors should consider.
This paper should include practical ways to investigate the dynamics of this topic in a person’s life. Sample themes, questions, risks, and resources should be considered.
The paper should discuss possible ways of identifying intensity or pervasiveness of the topic. Examples of tools or diagnostic resources may be considered. Specific thought should be given to ways of gaining clarity and truth while maintaining safety and grace.
Each paper will show realistic and clear ways to initiate care and support for this topic. This may be integrated into the strategies portion of the paper.
Each paper should include interact with assigned book and 2-3 other sources. These sources should be noted throughout the paper and included in the bibliography. Anger by Gary Chapman The Dealing With Anger Essay Paper