The Congestive Heart Failure Research Paper

The Congestive Heart Failure Research Paper

This paper must be an original research paper. Do not make headers.

1. What is the topic (description and demographics)?
2. Summary of the article and relevant findings. Be sure to mention how they did the research.
3. Why did you choose this article? Does it have personal importance? The Congestive Heart Failure Research Paper


The answer is yes it has personal importance. My grandfather died of CHF. When I was young, he had a cardiac arrest while we were on vacation. I was there to witness my mom have to do CPR on him. He survived that episode but later to find out he had CHF, endocarditis with and EF of 20%. Hes received and AICD. At the time her died he was being worked up to evaluate if he had cancer.
4. What future direction would you go with the research?

Work must be cited with two sentences quotes, if you quote. Must include a cover page, then work and separate reference page The Congestive Heart Failure Research Paper.

The selected paper by Cosyns et al. (2021) focuses on the relationship between cancer and infective endocarditis (IE). The researchers identified 3085 eligible patients over 18 years old diagnosed with IE as provided by the ESC criteria. 11.6% of the population understudy suffer from cancer while 88.4% are only diagnosed with IE. The demographics show that IE was acquired both at the community level (74.8%) and in the health facility (25.2%)The Congestive Heart Failure Research Paper. Similarly, Mu et al. (2020) also interlinked cancer with heart failure by explaining that there are specific disorders related to cancers, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular illnesses. To ascertain this, the researchers collect data during hospitalization and inclusion, inclusive of important data such as the demographics and history of the patient. Having lost my grandfather at a very young age due to a cardiac arrest resulting from CHF, I believe that this article is of personal importance to my family (my mother and me). I remember witnessing my mother administer CPR on my grandfather on one particular day during vacation. Despite his survival during the episode, he was later on diagnosed with CHF, endocarditis, and EF of 20%. His death occurred before an ultimate cancer diagnosis, making the article relatable to my experience.

While the study may have attained its purpose, there are various limitations that hinder the validity of the results. Firstly, the research relies on data collected from health facilities, increasing the likelihood of bias depending on the EUROENDO registry preferences besides other facilities not providing the correct information. In this case, some cancers are not represented. To help counter the issue of bias in sample selection, Creswell and Creswell (2017) suggest that researchers use random sampling techniques rather than participation through volunteering. To summarize, there is a need to adopt techniques that counter the limitations in the selected study, helping faster more reliable results in explaining the interrelationship between cancer and cardiovascular complications such as heart failure, among other diseases The Congestive Heart Failure Research Paper.


Cosyns, B., Roosens, B., Lancellotti, P., Laroche, C., Dulgheru, R., Scheggi, V., Vilacosta, I., Pasquet, A., Piper, C., Reyes, G., Mahfouz, E., Kobalava, Z., Piroth, L., Kasprzak, J. D., Moreo, A., Faucher, J., Ternacle, J., Meshaal, M., Maggioni, A. P., … Habib, G. (2021). Cancer and infective endocarditis: Characteristics and prognostic impact. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine8.

Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.


Mu, X., Wang, W., Wu, F., Jiang, Y., Ma, L., & Feng, J. (2020). Comorbidity in older patients hospitalized with cancer in Northeast China based on hospital discharge data. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(21), 8028. The Congestive Heart Failure Research Paper