The Clinical Procedure Of Post-Treatment Medication Discussion

The Clinical Procedure Of Post-Treatment Medication Discussion

Alma Faulkenberger is an 85-year-old female outpatient sitting in the waiting room awaiting an invasive pelvic procedure. The healthcare professional who will assist in her procedure enters the room and calls “Alma.” There is no reply so the professional retreats to the work area. Fifteen minutes later the professional returns and calls “Alma Frankenberg.” Still no reply, so he leaves again. Another 15 minutes pass and the professional approaches Alma and shouts in her ear, “Are you Alma Frankenberg?” She replies, “No I am not, and I am not deaf either, and when you get my name correct I will answer you.” The Clinical Procedure Of Post-Treatment Medication Discussion


Using the Topic 1 Resources, develop a plan to help Alma be compliant with the procedure and post-treatment medication. Also, describe the approach you would take to patient education in this case.

– How would you use collaboration to assist in compliance with a patient as difficult as Alma?

Patients, especially aging ones, undergoing invasive pelvic procedure usually tend to be faced with fear, anxiety, and embarrassment, together with discomfort within the clinical procedure and in the event of the post-treatment medication. The clinical procedure may in turn cause reduced compliance by the patient that may generate delays or even evasion of quality, safe, and person-centered care. This context is highly attributed to reduced quality healthcare outcomes, possible elevated hospital stays or readmissions, and reduced patient satisfaction rates (O’Laughlin et al., 2021)The Clinical Procedure Of Post-Treatment Medication Discussion. There is therefore the need for generating an effective evidence-based plan that incorporates patient education for steering compliance to the clinical procedure together with post-treatment medication.

The initial approach necessitates using compassion, respect and politely asking the patient about her feelings coupled with concerns within the clinical encounter. In this regard, there is a need to keenly identify physical, psychological, and emotional contexts that reduces compliance. There is also the need for the healthcare provider to eliminate bias and individual perceptions within the clinical encounter through consideration and understanding of the patient’s preferences. The next context requires educating the patient to understand that they are at risk if they fail to conform to healthy behavioral traits (Khamphaya et al., 2022). Also, the patient should be educated on the merits of the clinical procedure, and also directed on effective processes for airing their perceived challenges within the clinical process.

The facilitation of effective patient education in this regard would necessitate the use of a comprehensive collaborative approach. The significant basis would require the development of a robust networking framework for steering continued engagements between the patient and interdisciplinary collaborative teams (O’Laughlin et al., 2021)The Clinical Procedure Of Post-Treatment Medication Discussion. Also, there would be the need for considering mutual respect while also identifying the patient’s perceived limits to compliance and continued education. The initial patient education approach would involve identifying the learning style that the patient favors through the use of the VARK model (Khamphaya et al., 2022). The next approach would necessitate facilitating the patient’s interest and social support by acknowledging them and involving them, their loved ones, and family members in all the necessary decision-making processes.



Khamphaya, T., Pouyfung, P., & Yimthiang, S. (2022). Enhancing Toxicology Achievement by the VARK and the GRSLSS-mixed Models in Team-Based Learning. Frontiers in Public Health, 9(732550).

O’Laughlin, D. J., Strelow, B., & Fellows, N. (2021). Addressing Anxiety and Fear during the Female Pelvic Examination. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, 12(2150132721992195). 10.1177/2150132721992195 The Clinical Procedure Of Post-Treatment Medication Discussion