The Behavioral System Model Assignment
The Behavioral System Model Assignment
Different nursing theories have been adopted to shape the overall nursing practice and the ever-changing aspects of the healthcare industry. Not only do ideas establish the most optimal approach to nursing practice and meeting patient needs while achieving quality care while meeting diverse needs, including medical. One such model or theory to have had a lasting impact on healthcare and nursing is Dorothy Johnson’s behavioral system model, which was proposed in 1968 and primarily focused on how patients adapt to illness (Alligood et al., 2021)The Behavioral System Model Assignment. Used together with the nursing process, the behavioral system model by Dorothy has provided nurses with a practical and valuable conceptual map for planning patient care. According to Dorothy, a patient is defined by integrated sub-systems of behavior. This paper provides a detailed theory evaluation of the Behavioral system model by Dorothy Johnson.
The behavioral system model states that each patient has a patterned purposeful, repetitive way of acting, which entails a behavioral system specific to the individual (Dorothy E. Johnson, 2019). The BSM theory advocates for a patient’s effective and efficient behavioral functioning to deal successfully with an illness. The patient is broken down into seven sub-systems that combine to make up the entire behavioral functioning system. These sub-systems include; affiliative, dependency, ingestive, eliminative, sexual, aggressive and achievement (Angelo Gonzalo et al., 2021). Each identified sub-system has three functional requirements: The Behavioral System Model Assignment protection from harmful influencers, provision of a naturing environment, and stimulation for growth. Overall, the nurse or healthcare professionals’ role concerning the BSM is to help clients or patients maintain an equilibrium of the sub-systems. Based on Dorothy’s theory, nursing goals are not limited to treating a patient but include four critical, different approaches. These include; assisting a patient whose behavior is proportional to social demands, supporting a patient to change his behavior so it can support the biological imperatives, and enabling the patient to benefit maximumly in times of illness from nurses’ knowledge and skills. Finally, help a patient whose behavior does not provide evidence of unnecessary trauma that may result from illness.
Major concepts which shape the behavioral system theory include human beings, health, environment, nursing and behavioral system. According to Petiprin (2019), human beings have two major systems, which are behavioral and biological, and while medicine focuses on biological, nursing should focus on the behavioral system. A human being is in a race to find balance or optimum equilibrium between the diverse aspects of a healthy and complete being. Environment entails the various factors impacting human beings, such as stressors. Health is the opposite of illness; according to Dorothy’s theory, it is some element of constancy in behavior. Finally, the nursing concept is recognized as an external force that acts to preserve the patient’s behavior to the best possible level and reduce physical and social threats caused by the illness, focusing on finding the optimum balance.
Sub-systems in Dorothy’s Behavioral System Model
Image 1.1 shows the interrelation between behavioral systems in the development of the desired behavior or functioning (Bluhm, 2017)The Behavioral System Model Assignment.
Despite the age of the theory, Dorothy’s contribution to the nursing practice can hardly be ignored or underestimated. The behavioral system theory has provided rich guidance to nursing practice, research and education, fostering new ideas about the general nursing practice (Petiprin, 2019). One of the significant benefits of the theory is an understanding that nursing entails providing physical and psychological support to patients, while nurturing the desired behavior to strike a balance between different aspects affecting human health and overall well-being. The theory has provided a rich model which could be utilized for diverse groups of patients and community settings. Applying the theory in nursing practice allows nurses to view a patient as a combination of various sub-systems, which the nurse has to address for optimum ad positive care to be experienced. Finally, the theory is flexible and can be utilized in diverse cases. For example, it can be used to understand and address severe behavioral disorders and allow nurses to assess patients’ psycho-emotional state helping to make their conclusions.
However, despite the theory’s potential benefits and applications, the several interrelations among the system, sub-systems and the environment make it complex. For practical application by a care provider, there is a need to effectively understand the diverse facets of the theory and how they influence each other (Evgin & Bayat, 2020)The Behavioral System Model Assignment. On the other hand, despite the theory’s applicability in individual cases, its application in community and group settings is limited. Although Johnson claims that the seven sub-systems, she founded were open, linked, and interrelated, the interrelationships between them lack precise definitions, making it challenging to perceive the complete behavioral system. It is challenging to follow Johnson’s work’s reasoning because of the issue with how the concepts interact.
In conclusion, Dorothy Johnson’s theory is indispensable in nursing. More so, it is relevant and can be adopted in various medical settings for patients identified with multiple behavioral disorders. The theory benefits can be gained from diverse applications and can be helpful in nursing care. Finally, the adoption and implementation of the theory help healthcare professionals achieve a defined professional success and subsequently influence positive care experiences among patients. The ability of the model to the different patients as a host of sub-systems helps care providers focus on restoring balance, such as improving their environment to make the patient comfortable The Behavioral System Model Assignment.
Alligood Ph.D. RN Anef, Martha Raile & . (2021). Nursing theorists and their work (10th ed.). Mosby.
Angelo Gonzalo, BSN. “Dorothy Johnson: Behavioral System Model (Study Guide).” Nurseslabs, 5 Mar. 2021,
Bluhm, R. (2017). Nursing theory, social theory, and philosophy of science. In M. Lipscomb (Ed.), Social theory and nursing (pp. 35-59). New York, NY: Routledge
Dorothy E. Johnson. Nursing Theory. (2019, August 13). Retrieved November 13, 2022, from
Evgin, D., & Bayat, M. (2020). The Effect of Behavioral System Model Based Nursing Intervention on Adolescent Bullying. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 28(1), 71–82.
Petiprin, A. (2019). Johnson’s Behavior System Model – Nursing Theory. Nursing Theory. The Behavioral System Model Assignment