The Basic Characteristics Of Qualitative Research Paper
The Basic Characteristics Of Qualitative Research Paper
Qualitative research is debated to be of the same adherence to objective standards as quantitative research. The selection of a research methodology depends on the type of research, data to be collected, time frame, sample size, and the research goals. The success of qualitative or quantitative research depends on its suitability for the study. Qualitative research is used to collect and analyze non-numerical data (Tenny et al., 2021)The Basic Characteristics Of Qualitative Research Paper. Qualitative research approaches include ethnography, grounded theory, action research, narrative research, and phenomenological research. Qualitative research methods include interviews, focus groups, observations and surveys. Qualitative research enables the generation of new ideas and meaningful insights, allows for the incorporation of emerging ideas and requires data collection to be conducted in a real-world context. This method is, however, labor-intensive and unreliable due to uncontrollable factors encountered during data collection.
Quantitative research analyzes numerical data (Bayot et al., 2021). Quantitative research methods include surveys, experiments, and systematic observation. Quantitative research allows direct comparison of results, the study of large samples, repeat of the study and hypothesis testing. Quantitative research is prone to miss data, inappropriate sampling and imprecise measurements.
Last year we conducted research at my workplace. The research was unsuccessful due to the selection of the wrong study methodology. Staff members were trained on research and how to select the correct study method. A repeat study was successfully conducted this year. During the training, we realized neither qualitative research nor qualitative research is superior. Other studies require qualitative and quantitative methods (Bayot et al., 2021)The Basic Characteristics Of Qualitative Research Paper. Before carrying out a study, the researchers used to familiarize themselves with qualitative and quantitative research methods. Researchers should also have a clearly outlined research plan to follow the right methods.
Bayot ML, Brannan GD, Brannan JM, et al. Human Subjects Research Design. [Updated 2021 Aug 28]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:
Tenny S, Brannan GD, Brannan JM, et al. Qualitative Study. [Updated 2021 May 30]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:
Just as there are different tools for different purposes, there are different research methods for measuring different forms of data. Quantitative research methods are considered formal and objective (gray and Grove 2021, p.79) and are practical research methods for understanding the effect of a phenomenon that can be broken down into numerical terms. Measuring burnout within a year for a given field is an example of a quantitative method. The other side is qualitative research, which is utilized for measuring and understanding concepts that cannot be measured objectively. An example of this is ethnographic qualitative studies (Gray & Grove, 2021, p. 80) which focus on studying people in their environment to understand better cultural behaviors, the underlying reasons for these behaviors, and how they relate to other cultural practices. Qualitative research is critical for understanding various phenomena which cannot be studied through the objective lens of math. It requires “flexible and open-mindedness” (Gray and groves, 2021, p.79)The Basic Characteristics Of Qualitative Research Paper.
Some critique qualitative methods and believe they do not possess the same rigor and adherence as quantitative studies. One contends this is not the case, as the standards of rigor and adherence are of a different type, and attempting to apply the standards of rigor and adherence from quantitative studies is inappropriate. The methods used for maintaining rigor and adherence are different from quantitative studies. According to Gray and Groves (2021, p.80), maintaining adequate rigor and adherence relies on the researchers detailing the thought process and reasons for responding to the data received. This provides a blueprint of how the study was conducted, the circumstances, and the participants with whom researchers observed. This allows one to replicate the study to the most outstanding level possible, and it should be noted that there is no perfect copy of any study. According to Gray and Grove (2021, p.315), the researcher must maintain flexibility and openness to maintain adherence and rigor.
A qualitative study would not be an effective method of researching my previous research question. The research question inquired about reducing re-hospitalization rates through external resources, and a qualitative method would not be appropriate. The research requires quantitative values to be measured and is not entirely reliant on qualitative methods. Qualitative values can act as a guide but ultimately become the lesser of the two data types as the information is driven by the outcomes measured through quantitative data.
Gray, J. R, & Grove, S. K. (2021). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (9th ed.). Elsevier. The Basic Characteristics Of Qualitative Research Paper
Discussion: Basic Characteristics of Qualitative Research
As a nursing professional, you will likely engage in research for your health care setting. Depending on the research question you seek to address, you might choose to use a qualitative research design. Understanding when and why it is appropriate to choose a qualitative research design will be important as you develop research skills for nursing practice. As you continue throughout this course, think about what considerations you should keep in mind when choosing to engage in qualitative research. In what ways might qualitative research be more preferred than quantitative research for informing nursing practice?
For this Discussion, be sure to review the qualitative article by Vretare and Anderzen-Carlsson (2020). Then, view this week’s Qualitative Research Design PowerPoint webinar that describes each step of the qualitative research process and different approaches used to conduct qualitative research.
By Day 3
You will need to prepare and post a 350-word response that addresses the following:
• Qualitative research often is viewed as not having the same rigor and adherence to objective standards as quantitative studies. Using the references provided to assist you, prepare an argument to either support or refute this claim and post it to the Discussion. In your response, explain if qualitative research does or does not have the controls needed to generate the results that contribute to the nursing knowledge base. The Basic Characteristics Of Qualitative Research Paper
• Then, explain if qualitative research could be used to investigate the patient safety problem you identified in Week 1.
Note: Post a three paragraph (at least 350 words) response directly in the response text box rather than as an attachment. Be sure to use evidence, in-text citations, and essay-level writing skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames. Use the writing resources to develop your post.
By Day 7
Read two or more of your colleagues’ postings from the Discussion question.
Respond to two or more of your colleagues with a comment that asks for clarification, provides support for, or contributes additional information.
Post a Discussion entry on 3 different days of the week. See the Discussion Rubrics for more information.
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Post by Day 3 and Respond by Day 7
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Week 4 Discussion The Basic Characteristics Of Qualitative Research Paper