The Aspects of Universal Care Financing Essay Paper

The Aspects of Universal Care Financing Essay Paper

describe the aspects of universal care financing

APA style, 230-300 words.

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A Case Against Universal Health Care Melody Hicks MHA-620 Health Policy Analyses Dr. Martha Plant February 23, 2015 Change within the healthcare industry is occurring at an exponential rate. Although change is not new to healthcare, the underlying reasons for change are diverse compared to other industries. Consumer perception that healthcare is a right has inspired regulatory changes that affect both access and quality of care, adding to the already escalating costs. The entry of investor-owned companies into the acute-care markets in the late 1960s has created a challenging and changing healthcare environment, which threatens the survival of those unable to adjust to the trends of the industry (Johnson, 2009). The Aspects of Universal Care Financing Essay Paper
• Team Learning—transforming conversational and collective thinking skills, so that groups of people can reliably develop intelligence and ability greater than the sum of individual members’ talents. • Systems thinking—a way of thinking about, and a language for describing and understanding, the forces and interrelationships that shapes the behavior of systems. This discipline helps us see how to change systems more effectively, and to act more in tune with the larger processes of the natural and economic world. The present study examines the transformational role of leaders that impacts organizational climate with a view to draw on the deeper influences it carries on the culture of the organization. One hundred and thirty-nine participants took part in the study, answering Transformational Leadership Style and Organizational Climate Questionnaires. Leadership Style data earlier subjected to Principal Axis Factoring Technique with varimax rotation procedure yielding 6 factors were related to 5 organizational climate factors obtained in the present study. The findings revealed unequivocal influence of transformational leadership styles over organizational climate dimensions suggesting theoretically a maneuvering capability of organizational climate with its backward influence over transformational leadership behavior. Perhaps a more sophisticated design of research is needed to confirm latter’s backward influence over The Aspects of Universal Care Financing Essay Paper
Universal Health Coverage: A Possibility for the United States Brittannie DePew Eng 122 David Moskowitz 9/21/2013 Medical costs are getting too expensive. Ever fought with your insurance providers because they refused to pay for care, or struggle to find an “in-network” provider? I know a woman whose name I will change for her privacy and the struggles she is going through are a perfect example of an issue many people face when dealing with insurance; Nancy’s (name changed for privacy) story is a perfect example of how our healthcare system is no longer working for the people. Nancy is this woman whose husband recently passed away. Nancy used to work for county and county workers cannot receive social security;  The Aspects of Universal Care Financing Essay Paper
The administration of the United States is incompetent and is growing more useless, this is stated when a compare and contrast between the United States, who does not have universal healthcare, and Canada, who does have universal health care. Canada’s healthcare is not too far from the United States but it does vary with certain things. One of these key things is cost, and administration. (Woolhandler, Himmelstein. 1991) The cost of health care within the United States has enlarged, Canada’s spending has waned. Canada funds the hospitals and doctors with one payer (one lump sum) while The United States hospitals bills several different insurances (per-patient policy) who vary with policies, qualifications, and certification. Doing this causes a complex accounting scheme for acquiring payment and further charging insurance and patients. Another reason the administration of healthcare in the United States is incompetent is due to private insurance, because, the owner profits a percentage of premiums that is much larger that the federal government. The United States could implement a universal healthcare program; however, it has yet to be put into effect. The last time it was attempted it was turned down despite the efforts by the Clinton administration. The Aspects of Universal Care Financing Essay Paper