The Article Analysis Assignment Paper

The Article Analysis Assignment Paper

Question One: Causal Loop Diagram Strengths and Limitations (Owen et al., 2018)


Owen et al. (2018) elaborate on the causal loop diagram (CLD) essentiality as a major representation of elements that can curb childhood obesity. As the authors outline, CLD is a system dynamics tool that helps understand the complex problems drivers and how these drivers relate to each other. The main strength of CLD, as presented by Owen et al. (2018), is its repeated triangulation concerning the emerging causal structures. The main way the researchers achieved that strength was by returning the context of verbatim texts alongside variable behavior and causal structure. For instance, the reader can easily understand the effectiveness of engaging the community in discussing issues related to early childhood. In addition, the collaboration approach used by the researcher is essential since it reduces bias when interpreting the data’s causal relationship The Article Analysis Assignment Paper.


An example is how the researchers prove that the feedback perspective is essential when implementing a project compared to the traditional models. That is because feedback leads to more sustainable intervention since the involved teams can evaluate the unintended consequences by incorporating logic models that are more of a linear cause and effect. Hence, the unbiased state of CLD was through the engagement of expert opinion without relying only on the Romp and Romp interventions to validate the causal loop diagram. The other strength that CLD exhibits are the engagement of the key intervention personnel with multiple interviews. The strength lies in evaluating different perspectives from these stakeholders to help elucidate the main drivers associated with Romp and Romp’s intervention. In achieving that, the article uses graphical representation, which identifies the main feedback loops, thus leading to informed data interpretation The Article Analysis Assignment Paper.


However, the CLD’s main limitation revolves around incorporating retrospective secondary data examination derived from the stakeholders’ interviews. Initially, these key stakeholders’ interviews aimed at evaluating the community under four domains: infrastructure, problem-solving, knowledge transfer, and network partnership. Hence, there is a high possibility for analysis bias and failure to capture factors that the interviews may not have addressed concerning childhood obesity prevention in the community.

Question Two: Sytem Science Evaluation (Luke & Stamatakis, 2012)

As Luke and Stamatakis (2012) postulate, the main justification for systems science includes their challenge toward the traditional data design and analysis approaches within public health research. Systems science does not rely on a theoretical approach but rather translates the methods within the real-world application. That is because some public health issues pose complexity that may not resonate well with the traditional data design and analysis. For instance, when evaluating the system dynamics model, they provide broader boundaries that involve many relevant explanatory variables. Also, within the system delivery, which is part of systems science, the research emphasizes the usage of group model building. These models are mainly developed using a collaborator process between the practitioners and modelers or even the end-users. Such processes are essential during developing, testing, and refining a system dynamic, making it more ideal for participatory and iteratively research processes. I agree with the systems science approach in research since researching an infectious disease like the latest Covid-19 requires collaborative modeling networks that will help understand the interplay between society, environment, and biology (Alamoodi et al., 2021)The Article Analysis Assignment Paper. Hence, by the public health researchers understand the social ties that an infectious disease like Covid-19 has, it becomes easy to identify the social interaction complexities that enable these researchers to make informed decisions on the best intervention measures.


Alamoodi, A. H., Zaidan, B. B., Zaidan, A. A., Albahri, O. S., Mohammed, K. I., Malik, R. Q., … & Alaa, M. (2021). Sentiment analysis and its applications in fighting COVID-19 and infectious diseases: A systematic review. Expert systems with applications167, 114155.

Luke, D. A., & Stamatakis, K. A. (2012). Systems science methods in public health: dynamics, networks, and agents. Annual review of public health33, 357.

Owen, B., Brown, A. D., Kuhlberg, J., Millar, L., Nichols, M., Economos, C., & Allender, S. (2018). Understanding a successful obesity prevention initiative in children under 5 from a systems perspective. PloS one13(3), e0195141. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0195141 The Article Analysis Assignment Paper

Dear writer. Please follow the instructions on what the instructor wants it to be written. The number 1 is a more important project. Please make sure to meet the expectation.
For the number 2, 1 strong solid paragraph would be good enough.
Thank you so much.

Dear writer. Please follow the instructions what the instructor want it to be written. The number 1 is more important project. Please make sure to meet the expectation.

For the number 2, 1 strong solid paragraph would be good enough.

Thank you so much.

  1. This is an easy and brief assignment and you don’t have to fully understand CLD (causal loop diagram) to complete this assignment.  Simply briefly summarize BOTH the strengths and weaknessesof using the CLD for obesity prevention as mentioned in this paper:  Your answer should be at least a half page in length and it should summarize BOTH the strengths and weaknesses.


  2. This article provides several justifications for using systems science to answer public health questions.  In your own words, what are the justifications and, more importantly, do you agree based on what you have learned about study design strengths and limitations?  Why or why not? The Article Analysis Assignment Paper