The Annotated Bibliography Discussion Paper

The Annotated Bibliography Discussion Paper

Prior to this class I did NOT know anything about annotation bibliography

“Cherry picking ” is referring to skimming through the text. Which I have done.

Attached are the introductions for the discussion post. Thank you.  The Annotated Bibliography Discussion Paper

Annotated Bibliography

            By the beginning of this class, I had the ideology that annotated bibliography encompasses various citations together with the related annotated contexts for each citation. The specific citations are necessitated to be adhering to a specific bibliographic formatting form such as APA and MLA. As per the textbook together with readings from the lessons, I understand that I haven’t been overly cherry-picking since I have been selecting evidence-based sources within the past five years from the current date, to expound on (Harti et al., 2022)The Annotated Bibliography Discussion Paper. In this regard, I have been able to offer in-depth critique, analysis together with a summary of the content included within the selected sources.


Examples of bases include highlighting the reason why the sources are pertinent to the study topic and the applied research methodologies. An extensive annotated bibliography is essential in writing a comprehensive argumentative research essay since there is the enabled aptitude for underlining personal comprehension of the scientific literature that is linked to the research problem. Also, the annotated bibliography helps showcase that I effectively carried out a robust review of the literature, thereby helping in understanding other students’ awareness of the significant research on the subject matter (Harti et al., 2022)The Annotated Bibliography Discussion Paper. A specific question I may have is how a certain evidence-based source can strengthen or even weaken my research progress.

Argumentative Research Topic on the Importance of Nurses over Doctors

Rodriguez-Perez, M., Mena-Navarro, F., & Dominguez-Pichardo, A. (2022). Current Social Perception of and Value Attached to Nursing Professionals’ Competences: An Integrative Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(33), 1817.

This evidence-based research article offers an in-depth evaluation of the importance of nurses over doctors in various clinical aspects. Examples of context involve nurses’ superiority in theoretical coupled with overall clinical professional awareness, perceptions of patients’ and populations’ healthcare needs, together with their moral coupled with social values for steering a continuum of attainable, cost-effective, quality, and safe person-centered outcomes (Rodriguez-Perez et al., 2022)The Annotated Bibliography Discussion Paper. I decided to select this source since the article was generated in 2022, implying that is a present source and also reflects the changes that clinical settings have undergone in highlighting the continued need of improving nurses’ collaborative roles (Muis et al., 2022). Also, the article upholds relevancy through the concept of nurses’ clinical and societal roles in improving quality and safe healthcare outcomes.

The aspect of authority of reflected in my understanding and experience of nurses acting in an integral role within multidisciplinary collaborative healthcare teams. Accuracy is extended through choosing the source from MDPI which acts as an evidence-based publisher of nursing journals. The purpose is reflected through the source initially introducing why the study was carried out for comparing the significance of nurses over doctors in clinical and societal settings (Muis et al., 2022)The Annotated Bibliography Discussion Paper. I have thoroughly read this article more than five times, to help form a robust foundation for extending my argument on why nurses are more important than doctors in steering evidence-based care for individual patients and patient populations.


Harti, L. M. S. H., Leliana, A., & Adelia, S. C. A. (2022). Novel Writer’s Voice in Critical Annotated Bibliography. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1).

Muis, K. R., Denton, C. A., & Dube, A. (2022). Identifying CRAAP on the Internet: A Source Evaluation Intervention. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal –, 9(7).

Rodriguez-Perez, M., Mena-Navarro, F., & Dominguez-Pichardo, A. (2022). Current Social Perception of and Value Attached to Nursing Professionals’ Competences: An Integrative Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(33), 1817. The Annotated Bibliography Discussion Paper