Technology and Social Isolation Argumentative paper .
Technology and Social Isolation Argumentative paper .
I need help with an argumentative paper that should 6-8 pages long without cover and references (but please include in finale paper). My topic is Technology and Social Isolation. You must have 5 references. I will include the rubric for the paper. Please start off using these two references and include three more.
Argumentative paper on Technology and Social Isolation
Vroon, D. (2009, May/June). The distracted generation victims of technology. American Record Guide, 72(3).
Massimini, M., & Peterson, M. (2009). Information and communication technology: Affects [sic] on U.S. college students. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, Technology and Social Isolation Argumentative paper .