Statistics and Hypothesis Testing Presentation Essay

Statistics and Hypothesis Testing Presentation Essay

Prepare a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on statistics and hypothesis testing. For Local Campus students, this is an oral presentation accompanied by a Microsoft® PowerPoint®presentation; for Online Campus and Directed Study students, this is a Microsoft® PowerPoint®presentation with speaker notes.Statistics and Hypothesis Testing Presentation Essay

As a Learning Team, use one of the following Stat Crunch data sets from MyStatsLab®:


  • Anorexia, as described on p. 383 of Statistics
  • FL Student Survey, as described on pp. 22 and 23 of Statistics
  • Georgia Student Survey, as described on pp. 22, 23, and 151 of Statistics
  • Olympic High Jump, as described on pp. 124, 125, and 128 of Statistics

Each Learning Team must work with a different data set, so check with the facilitator for your data set assignment. Refer to this course’s reading material and at least two scholarly sources from the University Library. Incorporate the following elements into your presentation: Statistics and Hypothesis Testing Presentation Essay

  • Introduction
    • Introduce the Learning Team members and the data set.
    • Briefly explain how the data was gathered and identify the study population.
  • Descriptive Statistics
    • Define descriptive statistics and list the various descriptive measures.
    • Explain how descriptive statistical analysis increases understanding of the data.
    • Include an original graph created with StatCrunch that uses at least one descriptive statistical measure to illustrate the data set. Statistics and Hypothesis Testing Presentation Essay
  • Inferential Statistics
    • Define statistical inference and include and explain at least one original inferential statistical calculation.
    • Use Stat Crunch to check the calculation and show the steps in your presentation.
    • Explain how inferential statistical analysis increases understanding of the data.
  • Null Hypothesis Testing
    • Explain the purpose of null hypothesis testing and provide examples of null hypotheses that may be tested with the data set.
    • Explain the logic of hypothesis testing and the role of the null hypothesis.
  • Implications for Future Research
    • Differentiate between descriptive and inferential statistics and how they support the human services research process.
    • Provide an example of a study that is a logical follow-up to your data set that yields useful descriptive data.
    • Provide an example of a study that is a logical follow-up to your data set that yields useful inferential statistics.
    • Provide an example of a null hypothesis inspired by your data set that adds to the human services community’s knowledge. Statistics and Hypothesis Testing Presentation Essay
  • Conclusion and References

Statistics and Hypothesis Testing Presentation

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Prepare to answer questions from your classmates and the facilitator and to discuss your presentation. Statistics and Hypothesis Testing Presentation Essay

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