SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
Goals & objectives
For this assignment, you will conduct research on barriers and intervention approaches for working with diverse families. You will support your discussion post using peer-reviewed article(s), in addition to the assigned resources. This guide will cover:SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
- locating an appropriate subject database
- using keywords and searching for peer-reviewed articles on your topic
Search on your topic
The instructions below will help you find an appropriate subject database to conduct your search for peer-reviewed articles on barriers and intervention approaches for working with your chosen diverse family.
1. From the Walden Library Home Page, click on Select a Subject from the Subject Resources box.
2. Click on Social Work.
3. To see the social work database links, click on Social work databases under Social Work articles, journals, & books.
4. Click on SocINDEX with Full Text.SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
Log in with your myWalden e-mail and password.
5. Type your keywords into the search boxes. For the first search, start very broad. Enter diverse family in the first search box to start your exploratory research.
6. After you review some of the results and choose a diverse family system to research, you can narrow your results by adding keywords. For example:
First Search Box:
Second Search Box:
Third Search Box:SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
immigrant families
Note: Adding an asterisk to the end of a root word searches different variations of that work. in this example, barrier* will also search barriers.
7. Under the search boxes, select the Full Text and Peer Reviewed Scholarly Journals check boxes.
8. Click Search.
If you are not finding any articles on your topic, try again using very broad keywords. For example:
family AND race
family AND sexual orientation
family AND disability OR disabled
If you are searching for a specific demographic, try using alternative keyords. For example,
hispanic OR latinos OR latinas OR Mexican Americans
senior OR aged OR elderly SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
The Library also has some Research Starters for specific populations. Check back, as we are working on more!
- African American Research Starter
- LGBT Research Starter
SOCW 6101 week 1, 2, 3, 4
Special instructions : Please need in APA format style need citations , treat each work as a separately work and each work needs a separately references, please title the work as follow by SOCW 6200 or 6351, by discussion #, by week #, also by professor question : example
SOCW 6101, discussion #, week #SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
In regards to discussion posts I generally follow the guidelines spelled out in Walden’s grading rubric in regards to posts (see the grading rubric outlined in the course information section of blackboard). However, if you do not use APA format or references in at least your initial post, I will deduct at least 5 points for that (so please do that). This is also the same rules for assignments, that they must follow APA style format. Also, in past courses I have been flexible in certain situations regarding delayed or late posts. I do believe that life sometimes gets in the way when we least expect it to. Please know that I would prefer a late post than no post at all. However, I will not accept posts that are more than a week late. If you are not able to post by the required date for whatever reason, just please let me know beforehand. As a rule, however, I do deduct points off the posts if they are late so as to be fair to those who post on time.
In addition, I will be following very closely with Walden’s Tunitin Policy, which I posted below. Therefore, any paper that is submitted to me with more than 30% of the paper with improperly cited passages (or to many cited passages) I will return the paper to you and ask for you to re-review it and for a re-write if necessary. You will not lose points if the original paper was submitted on-time, but will be given a limited period of time to review/rewrite the paper (2-3 days).SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
I have provided an outline of what is specifically required for discussion posts and written assignments in this course:
Discussion Posts:
All posts to all discussions require APA citations and references. Each student is to respond to 2 other students’ posts for every discussion throughout the course. This is the rule for this class; there are discrepancies in this on the Blackboard site. However, going forward, If you post more than 6 response posts by day 5 you will be eligible for 3 points extra participation credit to make up for any lost points (my class rule).
I will be posting on discussions and I am requiring a response from you so please check throughout the week for when respond to your discussion post (usually by day 5)
All initial posts and response posts are due on the days specified on Blackboard (usually Day Three and Five). If your post is late for whatever reason please make sure your posts are posted by Day 7. I am no longer allowed to accept posts after Day 7 as per Walden’s Policy, and any posts. If you know that there is a circumstance that will prevent you for making the post on time or by Day 7, please email me to discuss.
The way a reader (myself and other students) can see that you understand the information, theoretical models, concepts, and words you are discussing is to write about them in your own words as much as possible, tell us what the article authors said by paraphrasing, using your own language. Scholarly does not mean you have to write using multi-syllabic words. Writing a bit like you talk is fine if the reader can understand and if your spelling and grammar are correct.SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
Read the rubric before and while you write. Let it guide you as to what you write. This is straightforward. In discussion posts you can draft a post in a word document where you have pasted the instructions for each point to be made in the post. You can then write your answer/post right under this instruction and copy and paste the whole thing onto the discussion list. This can help you stay on track.
The idea in discussions is to have as much of a conversation as possible. Notice that the “feedback” rubric score for “excellent” says: RESPONSES –if you fail to respond at all, the grade for feedback is 0 out of 10 points. This does not even consider quality of posts, doing nothing causes a loss of 10 points
CITATIONS AND REFERENCES: Initial posts and the 2 required responses must have citations and references from the professional literature. Using only the case as a reference/cite is NOT sufficient. This is a vignette, it is not research that will back up a claim. Every post should have a claim you are making (e.g. “I think an eco map is good to use here”, “Strengths based is best here”, “Women in violent relationships often attempt to leave 9 times before leaving for good). You then must have a cite/ref. that backs up this claim, e.g. an article that states eco maps are good to use in situations similar to the case under discussion.SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
Written Assignments:
Walden University has a strict policy on written assignments, whereas all papers are required to follow APA format. The only exception is that they no longer require a running head on the papers. Most of you already adhere to this format and I have not been as strict in my grading when reviewing your papers on this, but going forward (Week 7 and beyond) I will now follow closely to Walden University requirements and the rubric. The outline for an APA paper is below, and I have attached a sample for your review.
In addition, as I mentioned in my introductory post at the beginning of the quarter. following very closely with Walden’s Tunitin Policy, which I posted below. Therefore, any paper that is submitted to me with more than 30% of the paper with improperly cited passages (or too many cited passages) I will return the paper to you and ask for you to re-review it and for a re-write if necessary. You will not lose points if the original paper was submitted on-time, but will be given a limited period of time to review/rewrite the paper (2-3 days).SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.
Dr. Regina
APA Format Outline: In general, your paper should follow these formatting guidelines:
Margin. Although formerly, the required measurement for margins is 1 ½ inch, now, it is required that margins on all sides (top, bottom, left, right) should each just measure one (1) inch.SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
Font Size and Type. Font for text all throughout the paper should be 12-pt., Times New Roman.
Spacing. Double-space for the whole document, including appendices, footnotes, tables and figures. For spacing after punctuation, space once after commas, colons and semicolons within sentences and space twice after punctuation marks that end sentences.
Text Alignment and Indentation. Alignment should be flush left, or aligned to the left creating uneven right margin.
Active Voice. Traditionally, the APA writing format requires writing in an impersonal form. That is, refraining from using pronouns such as ‘I’ or ‘We’ in your statements. Now, it has changed. Most disciplines require the active voice. An example of this would be, instead of writing “according to the study,” it should be “according to our study.” This way, papers are made to be as active as possible.
Order of Pages and Pagination. The order of pages should follow this format:
Title Page > Abstract > Body > References > Appendices > Footnotes > Tables > Figures
The page number should appear one inch from the right corner of the paper on the first line of each page. The title page will serve as the Page 1 of your paper.
Title Page
The Title Page should contain the title of your paper, your name as its author (including co-authors), your institutional affiliation/s and author note if applicable. In case there’s no institutional affiliation, just indicate your city and state or your city and country instead.SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
As mentioned earlier, your title page will serve as your Page 1. It should be typed centered on the page. If it requires more than one line, please be reminded to double-space between all lines. Your name appears double-spaced as well, below the paper title.
The author note is where information about the author’s departmental affiliation is stated, or acknowledgements of assistance or financial support are made, as well as the mailing address for future correspondence.
The Abstract of your paper contains a brief summary of the entirety of your research paper. It usually consists of just 150-250 words, typed in block format. The Abstract begins on a new page, Page 2. All numbers in your Abstract should be typed as digits rather than words, except those that begin a sentence.
The body of your research paper begins on a new page, Page 3. The whole text should be typed flush-left with each paragraph’s first line indented 5-7 spaces from the left. Also, avoid hyphenating words at ends of line.SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
Text Citation and References
Text Citations are important to avoid issues of plagiarism. When documenting source materials, the author/s and date/s of the sources should be cited within the body of the paper. The main principle here is that, all ideas and words of others should be properly and formally acknowledged.
The Reference Section lists all the sources you’ve previously cited in the body of your research paper. It states the author/s of the source, the material’s year of publication, the name or title of the source material, as well as its electronic retrieval information, if these were gathered from the Internet.
The Appendix is where unpublished tests or other descriptions of complex equipment or stimulus materials are presented.SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
SOCW 6101 week 1
Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hull, G. H., Jr. (2014). Understanding generalist practice (7th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
· Chapter 1, “Introducing Generalist Practice: The Generalist Intervention Model” (pp. 1–52)
· Squires, J., & Kramaric-Trojak, N. (2003). Centrelink: How social workers make a difference for young persons. A model of intervention. Australian Social Work, 56(4), 293–304. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
· 1. Discussion 2: Generalist Intervention Model
As a social worker, how do you identify the needs and presenting concerns of a given population? Once you determine those needs and presenting concerns, how do you select the most appropriate intervention and assess that it is effective for this population and the specific concerns they face? Social workers must draw from a variety of resources and consider all of the cultural, societal, biological, and physical factors that might influence a client’s experience. While no intervention fits all situations, practice models, such as the GIM, offer social workers a starting point from which they can engage, assess, plan, implement, evaluate, terminate, and follow-up with the needs of their clients.SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
For this Discussion, review this week’s Resources. Then, select a population with which you would be interested in working as a future social worker. Finally, consider how the Generalist Intervention Model might assist you in working with this population, given what you have read so far.
Post by Day 4 a brief description of your population of interest and explain how the Generalist Intervention Model might assist you in working with this population given what you have read so far.
Support your posts and responses with specific references to the Resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.
Respond by Day 6 to at least two colleagues who selected a different population from the one you selected and explain some of the challenges that might exist based on the diversity of that population.
Return to this Discussion to read the responses to your initial post. Note what you have learned and/or any insights you have gained as a result of the comments your colleagues made.
To complete your Discussion, click on Discussions on the course navigation menu, and select “Week 1 Forum” to begin.SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
SOCW 6101 week 2
Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hull, G. H., Jr. (2014). Understanding generalist practice (7th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.
· Chapter 12, “Culturally Competent Social Work Practice” (pp. 442-472)
· Laureate Education. (Producer). (2013). Logan Family Episode 1 [Video file]. In Sessions. Retrieved from SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
· 2. Discussion 1: Cultural Competence in Social Work Practice
Imagine being a social worker assigned to an agency in an urban city. This agency primarily serves people with disabilities, a population that is relatively new to you. In order to serve this population, part of your job is to become culturally competent about their experiences in society. What does “culturally competent” mean? As a practitioner, it means recognizing and respecting an individual’s differences and then building upon that to create an awareness of how those differences have impacted that individual’s life experiences. Further, it means recognizing that these individuals are the experts of their own lives and, in turn, it means that you must ask a lot of questions to learn about their specific needs while you work together. How does this translate into specific skills you can use? For example, if you are working with Susan, who is deemed legally blind, you might ask her how close she would like to sit to you so that she could make out your shape and shadow during the conversation. For Fred, who is in a wheelchair, that might mean learning how difficult it is for him to manage getting around the city, due to a lack of curb cuts. Or for Maria, it might mean learning about epilepsy and how to properly react should she have a seizure during a session. How might you exhibit cultural competence when working with your selected population?SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
For this Discussion, review this week’s Resources. Reflect on the population you selected for Week 1. Then, think about the skills you think are necessary for attaining cultural competence as a social worker working with that population. Then search the Walden Library for peer-reviewed article(s) that support the skills you selected.
Post by Day 3 a brief explanation of the skills you think are necessary for attaining cultural competence as a social worker working with the population you selected last week. Include an APA citation for a peer-reviewed article that supports the skills you selected.
Support your posts and responses with specific references to the Resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hull, G. H., Jr. (2014). Understanding generalist practice (7th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.
· Chapter 13, “Gender-Sensitive Social Work Practice” (pp. 473-512)
· 3. Discussion 2: Gender Sensitivity in Social Work Practice
While most issues and concerns impact both men and women, issues such as sexual assault, domestic violence, and poverty are likely to impact women more frequently. In fact, throughout history, women across the world have experienced multiple forms of oppression and sexism through limited access to education, health care, and employment. For example, according to one recent report, U.S. women working full-time, earn only 77 cents for every dollar men earn for doing the same work (Institute for Women’s Policy Research, 2012). While some might question the data that supports these statements about women’s experiences in society, it is clear that social workers must be sensitive to the influences of gender in their clients’ lives in order to fully understand the issues they face and how to resolve them.
Despite the larger role of women in society today compared to a half-century ago, how might historical views and expectations of gender roles still apply today? For example, if you are conducting an initial intake with family members from the Logan Family Video case, who are dealing with a teen pregnancy, would you assume that the mother is the primary source of emotional support? How might you, as a social worker, use your understanding of gender stereotypes and gender roles to help the Logan Family resolve their presenting concerns? SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
For this Discussion, review this week’s Resources, including the Logan Family Video case. Reflect on the video interview and make note of any aspect where the social worker was not culturally competent or gender sensitive. Then, think about what you might need to consider in order to be both culturally competent and gender sensitive while working with Eboni Logan. Finally, consider what barriers you might encounter when working with Eboni, given your own personal values with regard to teen pregnancy and abortion.
Post by Day 4 a brief explanation of one potential aspect of the video interview where the social worker was not culturally competent nor gender sensitive. Then, explain what you might need to consider in order to be both culturally competent and gender sensitive while working with Eboni. Finally, explain what barriers you might encounter when working with Eboni, given your own personal values with regard to teen pregnancy and abortion
Support your posts and responses with specific references to the Resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.
SOCW 6101 week 3
Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hull, G. H., Jr. (2014). Understanding generalist practice (7th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.
· Chapter 2, “Practice Skill for Working with Individuals” (pp. 54-93)
· Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., Brocksen S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Sessions: Case histories. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].
· Part 1, “The Parker Family”SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
· Laureate Education. (Producer). (2013). Parker Family Episode 1[Video file]. In Sessions. Retrieved from
· 4. Discussion 1: Identifying Micro Skills
As a new social work student, it takes a lot of time and practice to learn how to work with clients. Knowing when to use micro skills such as rephrasing or clarifying a statement, confronting a situation, or disclosing your personal experiences can be unclear at times. Suppose a client you are working with shares experiences of child abuse. You also experienced child abuse, although, not to the extent that your client is sharing. Do you share your experience with the client? What would be the purpose of this self-disclosure? When is it appropriate to tell a client about your history? The latter question not only depends on your comfort-level with the disclosure; it also depends on the rules and regulations of your agency. Some settings, such as those involving substance abuse, encourage the hiring of people with substance abuse histories and, in turn, allow self-disclosure. However, hospital and psychiatric settings may restrict self-disclosure to protect their clients and the social worker. When might one micro skill be more appropriate than another? What challenges might you face when using micro skills if they are not used properly? SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
For this Discussion, review this week’s Resources. Consider any challenges you might encounter when using micro practice skills while interviewing the client. Then think about what other skills you might use to overcome those challenges. Finally, reflect on any skills at which you think you might excel while working with the client.
Post by Day 3 an explanation of the challenges you might encounter when using micro practice skills while interviewing the client. Then explain what skills you might use to overcome those challenges. Finally, explain what skills you think you might excel at while working with a client and why.
Support your posts and responses with specific references to the Resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hull, G. H., Jr. (2014). Understanding generalist practice (7th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.
· Chapter 13, “Gender-Sensitive Social Work Practice” (pp. 473-512)SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
· 5. Discussion 2: Using Engagement Skills in Social Work Practice
Engaging with clients is one of the most important skills you use as a social worker in that it helps you build a strong rapport with clients. Engaging with another person can be challenging because it involves several skills including proper eye contact, attentive listening, appropriate body position, and tone of voice. How you exhibit these skills is equally important. If exhibited with empathy, genuineness, and warmth, these skills convey to clients that you want to help, that you are there to work with them, that you truly appreciate who they are, and that you value their concerns. Conveying empathy might not come as naturally to you as conveying genuineness and warmth. How do you know when you are conveying empathy or sympathy when working with clients? In your exchanges, it is important to convey a sense of understanding and caring, but not a sense of pity. It is likely that you have received demonstrations of empathy and sympathy in your life. How did it make you feel and how did you respond to it? Most clients will come to you with concerns or experiences you have not personally encountered. How might you convey a sense of empathy, rather than sympathy? How might you tap into your own experiences to find a sense of understanding?SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
For this Discussion, review this week’s Resources, including the Parker Family Video case. Select one of the engagement skills (warmth, empathy, and genuineness) exhibited with Helen and Stephanie in the video. Then, consider how the social worker from the video expressed that skill when working with Helen and Stephanie. Finally, think about the effectiveness of the skill the social worker is exhibiting.
Post by Day 4 a brief description of the engagement skill you selected from the video. Then explain how the social worker from the video expressed that skill when working with Helen and Stephanie. Finally, explain the effectiveness of the skill the social worker is exhibiting.
Support your posts and responses with specific references to the Resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
SOCW 6101 week 4
Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hull, G. H., Jr. (2014). Understanding generalist practice (7th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.
· Chapter 3, “Practice Skills for Working with Groups” (pp. 94-126)
SOCW 6101: Essential Skills for Social Work Practice
Client Systems Role Play and Final Project Overview Document
Throughout this course, you examine the steps of the Generalist Intervention Model (GIM) and the specific practice skills necessary to accomplish those steps. In your 3- part Final Project, you first identify a client system based on the level of social work practice you select. You also demonstrate your understanding of the GIM and these practice skills through your development of a video script of a client session you conceptualize.SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
The second part of this project requires you to enlist the help of friends, peers, or colleagues to role play your interaction with the client system, with you acting as the social worker based on the script you developed. This video role play will assist you in identifying the social work practice areas where you are strong as well as the areas where you might need improvement. It also allows you to receive feedback from your colleagues and your instructor with regard to your GIM and practice skill implementatio techniques.
In the third and final part of this Final Project, you are called upon to reflect on your experience in the planning and execution of your role play script and video. You also review your colleagues’ videos and select one to offer a critique of areas in which your colleague did well and areas in which your colleague could improve. This process is an important aspect of the social work practice education.SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
Part 1: Client System Role Play Script
For Part 1 of your Final Project, you develop and submit a script of a client session. Thi script is the basis for the 3- to 5-minute role-play video you will record in Part 2 of your Final Project. For the participants in your role play, select a client system such as an individual, a couple, a family, a group, or representatives from an organization or community. Then, consider the characteristics of the client system you selected (micro, mezzo, or macro) and identify the presenting concern you plan to address. Draft the dialogue and the visual interaction between the social worker and the client system that demonstrates one step in the GIM and at least two practice techniques/skills you plan t use in this video role play.
Role Play Script (5 – 7 pages):
Your role play script should include:
· A description of the client system (depending on the client level you selected – micro, mezzo, or macro).
· An explanation of the presenting concern.
© 2013 Laureate Education, Inc
· A description of the client session scene in which you implement the GIM step and practice skills you selected for working with this client system.
· A detailed description of the actual dialogue that takes place between you, as th social worker, and the client(s). Note that the dialogue should depict the techniques you would use to implement the GIM step and the practice skills you selected for the client interaction.SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
· A description of the visual cues that both the social worker and the client might exhibit during the interaction that support the GIM step and practice skills you selected.
· An explanation of the techniques you might use to implement the GIM step and practice skills you selected and why.
Submit Part 1 of your Final Project by Day 7 of Week 5.
Part 2: Client System Role Play Video
For Part 2 of your Final Project, you bring your role play script to life by recording a video. This part of the Final Project allows you to assume the active role of a social worker in a safe environment and practice implementing the steps of the Generalist Intervention Model (GIM) and the practice skills of social work. As a result, you should identify a colleague, friend, or peer to act as the cameraperson to record the session s that you can focus on your role as the social worker.
Role Play Video (3–5 minutes in length): Your video role play session should be based on the script you created. It should include:
· A demonstration of the interaction between you as the social worker and the client system you selected that reflects the appropriate step of the GIM and social work practice behaviors, based on the presenting concerns of that client system.SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
· A depiction of at least two techniques you selected for implementing the appropriate practice skills for working with your client system.
Upload your video to the classroom using the Mashup Tool. Please review the Student Guide for Integrating Media in Classroom and Reducing the Size of a Video File located in the Week 1 Learning Resources for more information on uploading your video.
Support your Assignment with specific references to the Learning Resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.
Submit Part 2 of your Final Project by Day 7 of Week 9. Be sure to submit a transcript of your role play video.
© 2013 Laureate Education, Inc SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
Part 3: Client System Role Play Reflection and Analysis Paper
For Part 3 of your Final Project, reflect on your experience in developing and recording your role play video. Consider any insights you gained from the experience as well as any challenges you experienced in its planning and execution. Think about the specific techniques you used and why you used them. Finally, review the videos your colleagues posted. Select one of those videos and consider any areas in which your colleague might improve his or her approach and why.
Reflection and Analysis Paper: (7- to 9 page APA-formatted paper):
Your paper should include:
· A reflection on your experience in developing and recording this role play video.
· An explanation of any insights you gained from the experience.
· An explanation of any challenges you experienced in planning and executing the role play.
· An explanation of the specific techniques you used and why you used them.SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
· A brief description of the colleague’s role play video you selected.
· A critique of what your colleague did well in the video you selected and an explanation of areas in which your colleague might improve his or her approach and why.
Support your Assignment with specific references to the Learning Resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.
Submit Part 3 of your Final Project by Day 7 of Week 10. Be sure to submit your fin role play script as an appendix item to your paper.
The Final Project will be evaluated according to all four indicators in the Application Assignment and Final Project Rubric located in the Course Info area. Be sure to develop the Final Project using APA format
Although Part 1 of the Final Project is not submitted until Day 7 of Week 5, you should become familiar with the Final Project requirements and have them in mind as you proceed through the course. Many of the Discussions and Assignments relate to and can be of used for the Final Project.SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
Information on scholarly writing may be found in the APA Publication Manual (6th ed.), and at the Walden Writing Center website. Also see the Walden University Policies and Information, in Syllabus-II, under “Policies on Academic Honesty.”
© 2013 Laureate Education, Inc
· Huss, E., Elhozayel, E., & Marcus, E. (2012). Art in group work as an anchor for integrating the micro and macro levels of intervention with incest survivors. Clinical Social Work Journal, 40(4), 401–411. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
· Mallon, B., & Houtstra, T. (2007). Telephone technology in social work group treatment. Health & Social Work, 32(2), 139–141. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases
· Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., Brocksen S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Sessions: Case histories. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
· Part 1, “The Johnson Family”
· Laureate Education. (Producer). (2013). Johnson Family Episode 3 [Video file]. In Sessions. Retrieved from
· 7. Discussion 2: Mezzo Skills: Group Roles
During recent meetings with your sexual assault survivor group, you have noticed some potentially counter-productive behaviors from some of the members. One member always wants to sit next to you. When you speak, she nods her head and, at times, she repeats your very words. Two members always sit together and have side conversations. You have not said anything yet to them, but you feel it is distracting to the others. When you ask them to participate, they both provide little input and often just shrug their shoulders. One member talks at length during every session, forcing you to interrupt her by asking others to contribute to the discussion. You need to set boundaries with this person or she will continue to dominate the entire session.SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper
Behaviors in group settings often are manifestations of the roles members play based on their personality. While groups have many benefits for clients, including validation, support, comfort, and education, they also can highlight some personalities and behaviors that might be challenging for you to manage as the group leader. How might you respond to these behaviors and roles? How might you redirect these behaviors and reposition the member roles for the benefit of the group?
For this Discussion, review this week’s Resources. Search the Walden Library for an article dealing with group roles in social work practice. Then, consider the group member role that might be most challenging to you as a group leader and why. Finally, think about skills you might use for overcoming the challenges that member role presents.
Post by Day 4 brief description of the group member role that might be most challenging to you as a group leader and explain why. Then, explain a skill you might use for overcoming that challenge.SOCW 6101 Week 3 Assignment Paper