SOCW 6002 Week 2 Assignment Paper

SOCW 6002 Week 2 Assignment Paper


For this Discussion, research the criteria for assuming the title of social worker in your state or country. Consider benefits offered by title protection and maintenance of licensure standards. Also think about the challenges that title protection and licensure standards may pose.SOCW 6002 Week 2 Assignment Paper

Goal: Understand local criteria related to being a licensed social worker.



After reading through this guide you will be able to find information for the discussion by:

  • Locating governmental or organizational information about social worker licensure.

Students in the U.S.

The simplest way to find out about your state’s requirements for becoming a licensed social worker is to search Google.

Your search can be as simple as social worker Montana

For students in the United States, you can limit your search to government websites by entering:

For example, you could enter:

social worker Montana


You can also limit your search to non-profit organizations by searching:

See more search tips and features at Google’s Advanced Search page.


The following websites may also be helpful in finding social worker requirements in your location:

Social Work Licensure Map (United States)

Social Work Student and Professional Related Organizations

National Association of Social Workers

International students

The simplest way to find out about your country’s or region’s requirements for becoming a licensed social worker is to search Google.

Look for a site that contains your country’s internet code, e.g. for Kenya

Locate information on ISO codes and url extensions.SOCW 6002 Week 2 Assignment Paper

Note:  You’re looking for the Country Domain Extension which is in the ccTLD column.


To limit a Google search geographically enter your search terms followed by location: country name.

For example, you could enter:

social worker location: Kenya SOCW 6002 Week 2 Assignment Paper

You may want to add social service to the search.  In Google this would look like the following:

social work OR social service location: Nigeria

Tip: If your country uses names or titles that differ from social work or social service, use those names or titles in your search instead.

You can also limit your search to nonprofit organizations by searching

See more searching tips and features on Google’s Advanced Search page.

The following websites may also be helpful in finding social worker requirements in your location: SOCW 6002 Week 2 Assignment Paper

International Social Work Organizations (Katherine Kendall Institute for International Social Work, Council on Social Work Education)

Council on Social Work Education

Evaluating websites

Information on the Web can be written by anybody, regardless of their level of expertise. Some websites, such as Wikipedia, can easily be modified by anyone who creates a free account.

Learn about how to evaluate websites and decipher URLs on our Evaluating Resources guide.

Learn more about evaluative methods you can use when evaluating websites.


1. Were you able to find information about social worker licensure in your location?

2. Did the searching tips such as site: and location help you find what you needed?SOCW 6002 Week 2 Assignment Paper