Social Support For Parents Of Children With Chronic Mental Illness Essay

Social Support For Parents Of Children With Chronic Mental Illness Essay

Nurse-provided social support is the provision of emotional and/or practical support to patients by nurses. This can take the form of providing reassurance and comfort to patients, helping them to manage their emotions, or providing practical assistance such as helping them to access social services. Enhancement of social support refers to interventions that aim to improve the quality and quantity of social support available to people. Examples of interventions that could be used to enhance social support include providing information about available resources, providing training for volunteers or social workers, or coordinating group activities. Both nurse-provided social support and enhancement of social support are important resources that can be used to support patients during their recovery from illness or injury. They can help to provide a sense of comfort and security and can help to improve the quality of life Social Support For Parents Of Children With Chronic Mental Illness Essay.


There are several potential effectiveness resulting from professional or nurse-provided social support versus enhancement of social support provided by personal relationships and social networks for parents of children with chronic mental illness. First, professional or nurse-provided social support may provide a sense of support and understanding for parents, which could help reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness (Murn, 2019). They can do this by providing information and support in a confidential and supportive environment. This could lead to improved mental health for parents, as well as increased satisfaction with care for their children. On the other hand, the enhancement of social support provided by personal relationships and social networks could provide a more immediate form of support that is available at the moment. This could help to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, as well as improve the mental health of parents Social Support For Parents Of Children With Chronic Mental Illness Essay.

Second, professional or nurse-provided social support may provide helpful resources and information about mental illness that can help parents understand their child’s condition better. This could help to reduce feelings of anxiety, stress, and guilt. It could also help to improve communication between parents and their children (Brooks et al., 2022)Social Support For Parents Of Children With Chronic Mental Illness Essay. In contrast, the enhancement of social support provided by personal relationships and social networks could provide a more empathetic and personal support network. This could help to build relationships of trust and understanding between parents and their children, which could lead to improved mental health for both parties.

Finally, professional or nurse-provided social support may provide the parents with forums where they can discuss chronic mental health issues with other parents. This could help to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, as well as improve the mental health of parents (Murn, 2019). On the other hand, the enhancement of social support provided by personal relationships and social networks could provide a more informal and supportive network of friends. This would be valuable in that it would provide parents with support and feedback on their parenting skills, as well as a place to share experiences and advice.

In conclusion, there is evidence that professional or nurse-provided social support can be beneficial for parents of children with chronic mental health issues. However, it is also important to note that personal relationships and social networks can provide valuable support as well. It is important for parents to have access to both types of support in order to best meet the needs of their children Social Support For Parents Of Children With Chronic Mental Illness Essay.


Brooks, H., Devereux-Fitzgerald, A., Richmond, L., Bee, P., Lovell, K., Caton, N., … & Rogers, A. (2022). Assessing the effectiveness of social network interventions for adults with a diagnosis of mental health problems: a systematic review and narrative synthesis of impact. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 1-19.

Murn, N. L. (2019). Mothering the mother: An educational program for nurse-provided continuous labor support. The Journal of perinatal education28(4), 199-209 Social Support For Parents Of Children With Chronic Mental Illness Essay