SMART GOAL and Critical Reflection Essay Assignment

SMART GOAL and Critical Reflection Essay Assignment

The critical reflection is based on the significance of leadership within paramedic practice and the impact this has upon patient safety.

This paper must be written in a scientific language to a level which can inform your peers (fellow paramedics) and is referenced to an academic standard (using Vancouver referencing). SMART GOAL and Critical Reflection Essay Assignment.

You will reference the chosen experience to the CAA paramedic competency standards, including a description and use appropriate literature/research on leadership within prehospital practice to support your reflection. For example, how leadership affects formulating a specific and appropriate management plan or how leadership influences the provision of safe, effective and appropriate care. One or more CAA competencies can be used for each reflection paper.

Your word limit is 1800 words (not including reference list).

Vancouver referencing style is required

Included within this will be pertinent research on the attributes of leadership in paramedic practice and reference to specific Council of Ambulance Authority (CAA) Paramedic Competency Standards. You will investigate important attributes of leadership in paramedic practice and how effective, or ineffective, implementation can influence case outcomes and patient safety. SMART GOAL and Critical Reflection Essay Assignment.


Layout– The critical reflection paper is to be structured using the following subheadings in bold:


Introduction– A brief statement of the reflection and purpose, include a definition of leadership.


Case narrative

A brief description of the case. This should also cover areas relevant to the leadership issues which will be analysed. Describe the relevant logistical and/or clinical issues involved. SMART GOAL and Critical Reflection Essay Assignment.


Themes identified 

Identify the key clinical leadership qualities required specific to your chosen case. Relate these to the relevant CAA competency standards, defining these standards and explaining the connection between them and purpose of the paper. Research/analyse these and critically reflect on what occurred during the case.


Discuss how the leader’s performance enhanced or detracted from the clinical competency and how this impacted upon patient safety. Use appropriate academic literature/research to support your discussion. SMART GOAL and Critical Reflection Essay Assignment.


What are the important points you have learned from this reflection and what advice would you give to ensure leadership was at the appropriate standard to meet the given competency standard/s chosen.


Reference List

Using Vancouver referencing




A student leadership experience could involve a variety of situations including, but not limited to, one or more of the following: scene control and positioning of equipment, patient assessment and management, planning and implementation of extricating a patient from a scene to the ambulance. SMART GOAL and Critical Reflection Essay Assignment.


These tasks could involve organising colleagues to acquire vital sign observations and assessment, positioning the stretcher appropriately, and ensuring medications, documents, x rays etc are with the patient. Also, organising the scene to be secured and relatives to be notified of the transport destination.


Clinical competencies for this paper must be drawn from The Council of Ambulance Authorities Competency Standards for Paramedics.


A reflective based paper involving a clinical mentor would ideally involve an acute case where good leadership skills were required and the student can reflect on how effectively they were executed. SMART GOAL and Critical Reflection Essay Assignment.


Reflections should include leadership qualities that were performed both well and poorly and discussion of the consequences.


The paper should be researched and referenced to an academic standard (using Vancouver).

SMART GOAL and Critical Reflection INSTRUCTIONS

You are required to complete 4 X SMART learning goals. Your SMART  learning goals are to be developed using the: Council of Ambulance Authorities (CAA) Professional Competency Standards. Each SMART goal must be 350 words each


Specific objective

A specific goal should clearly state what you want to accomplish, why it is an important goal, and how you intend to accomplish the goal



A measurable goal should include a plan with targets and milestones that you can use to make sure you’re moving in the right direction. SMART GOAL and Critical Reflection Essay Assignment.




An attainable goal should be realistic and include a plan that breaks the overall goal down into smaller, manageable action steps that use the time and resources available to you. SMART GOAL and Critical Reflection Essay Assignment.




Goal should make sense when measured against paramedic competencies



Time –Based

A time-based goal is limited by a defined period of time and includes a specific timeline for each step of the process



Specific objective

A specific goal should clearly state what you want to accomplish, why it is an important goal, and how you intend to accomplish the goal 

Australian competency standard for paramedics. 3.a.3 Use information and communication technology.

Take responsibility and leadership role in giving relevant situation reports and hospital handovers once pertinent information is gathered



A measurable goal should include a plan with targets and milestones that you can use to make sure you’re moving in the right direction

Use a relevant and systematic approach (AMIST) to inform the communications centre of the current patient condition or other relevant scene information e.g. dangers; resources required; exact location etc. SMART GOAL and Critical Reflection Essay Assignment.

Use a relevant and systematic approach (AMIST AMBO or ISOBAR) to inform the triage nurse of the patient’s current health status

The clinical supervisor is to monitor handovers and situation reports and give feedback on the amount and relevance of content, clarity of voice and flow of information.

The feedback from the clinical supervisor over the course of the placement will be used to measure the success of this undertaking              



An attainable goal should be realistic and include a plan that breaks the overall goal down into smaller, manageable action steps that use the time and resources available to you

The goal of being able to give effective clinical handovers and situation reports can be broken into segments including

Research AMIST AMBO or ISOBAR for clinical handovers

Research AMIST for situation reports

Practise use of AMIST AMBO or ISOBAR for clinical handovers

Practise use of AMIST for situation reports

Practise ‘simulated’ cases with clinical supervisor or other students

Listening to and analysing the clinical supervisors’ handover and situation reports.

Discuss and gain feedback from triage or ward nurse as to effectiveness of my handover.

Progression may also involve beginning with simple cases before attempting a more complicated handover and situation reports. SMART GOAL and Critical Reflection Essay Assignment.


Goal should make sense when measured against paramedic competencies

These skills are used continuously by paramedics in the real world setting and are essential for adequate and appropriate resourcing for cases, and continuity of patient care and error mitigation.


Time –Based

A time-based goal is limited by a defined period of time and includes a specific timeline for each step of the process

The defined period will be my 8 week clinical placement.

During the start of first week I will gain feedback on simulated case handovers and practise situation reports.

I will be diligent throughout the clinical practicum to listen and evaluate my clinical mentors’ handovers to both other QAS staff and/or other allied health staff. SMART GOAL and Critical Reflection Essay Assignment.

I will be diligent throughout the clinical practicum to listen and evaluate my clinical mentors’ situation reports to the communication centre.

By the end of week one I intend to progress to giving basic handovers and acquiring feedback as to areas requiring improvement.

The progression over my 4 final weeks will be to give effective concise handovers for a variety of cases.

The progression over my 4 final weeks will be to take the lead in giving effective situation reports for a variety of cases. SMART GOAL and Critical Reflection Essay Assignment.