Skills Development Plan Assignment Paper

Skills Development Plan Assignment Paper

Skill Development Plan

Identify three of the learning outcomes (list), including problem solving, that you would like to further develop. For each outcome, complete all elements of the template, following the assignment instructions.

Target Skill 1

Specify the outcome you are developing (such as communication, technology, or innovation): Skills Development Plan Assignment Paper


Strengths: Communication. I can communicate with my children and course mates very well.


Areas of Improvement: I would like to improve my communication skills to a professional level.
Desired Outcome: I would like to keep an open mind and also gain an effective nonverbal communication skill.
Goal Statement: I will adjust my abilities so that I can communicate what has to be done without coming out as rude or abrupt.

Practices for Growth Increase your listening skills and refrain from interrupting people.

Better body language will prevent people from assuming I’m trying to intimidate them.

Action Steps Describe an action plan around developing your selected outcomes that includes things you can do now to begin working towards your goal. What specific actions are needed to acquire knowledge and build upon your ability?


Step 1: critically think before I speak

Step 2:proper listening ;without interruption

Step 3: improve on my nonverbal communication skill such a body language.


Potential Obstacles/Challenges The major obstacle I have to go beyond is my tendency to form preconceived views about others. People find it difficult to avoid passing judgment on or making assumptions about others, but occasionally we should all just listen and try to understand before passing judgment.
Key Supporters


Identify 1–2 individuals that you can check in with, who will provide feedback along the way, and act as trusted supporters. Explain how these supporters will help you meet your goal.


Supporter lectures that enable me gain knowledge on my skills and ways of improving them.

Supporter 2. My colleague Jane has to train others while working with different departments and medical professionals. She is quite good at communicating.

Supporting University Resources Identify 1–2 university resources that can help you meet your goal and explain how.

Consider the resources you learned about in the course including Career Center resources:

·         Capella Connect.

·         Career Exploration & Planning video series.

·         Resume Builder.

·         Writing Center.

·         Center for Academic Success and Excellence.

Benefits From Change/Connections to Personal, Academic, and Career Goals Connect your goals around outcomes to three other larger goals: one personal, one academic, and one professional goal. These can be goals you’ve previously identified or new goals. How will your personal development of employability skills impact your larger goals?

With better communication skills, I can reach out to others with my ideas and goals and make them feel appreciated rather than like I’m just ignoring them.

Target Skill 2

Specify the skill you are developing (such as communication, technology, or productivity):


Strengths: problem solving
Areas of Improvement: Techniques need to be improved and optimized
Desired Outcome: Separate fact from opinion and important data
Goal Statement: Find an issue, describe it, and then devise a plan of action to fix it.


Practices for Growth .1: identify the root causes of the problem. This helps prevent future problems.

2:generating potential situations and evaluating the possible solutions.

Action Steps Describe an action plan around developing your skill that includes things you can do now to begin working towards your goal. What specific actions are needed to acquire knowledge and build upon your skill?


Step 1:problem identification –

Step 2:problem analysis

Step 3:solution generation

Step 4:solution development


Potential Obstacles/Challenges The prevalent mental sets, functional fixedness, superfluous limitations, and irrelevant information are barriers of problem solving

The transparency needed to recognize problems is a major challenge to effective problem-solving.

Key Supporters


Identify 1–2 individuals that you can check in with, who will provide feedback along the way, and act as trusted supporters. Explain how these supporters will help you meet your goal.

Supporter Admininstrator that enable me gain knowledge on my skills and ways of improving them.

Supporter 2. My colleague Jane has to train others while working with different departments and medical professionals. She is quite good at communicating.

Supporting University Resources Identify 1–2 university resources that can help you meet your goal and explain how.

Consider the resources you learned about in the course including, Career Center resources:

·         Capella Connect.

·         Career Exploration & Planning video series.

·         Resume Builder.

·         Writing Center.

·         Center for Academic Success and Excellence.

Benefits From Change/Connections to Personal, Academic, and Career Goals Increasing my problem solving skills will help me concentrate on what needs to get done right away and improve my ability to foresee prospective problems and know how to solve be it within my family setting, my working space or within my social life with my friends.



Target Skill 3

Specify the skill you are developing (such as communication, technology, or productivity):


Strengths: Critical thinking. This comes about from the medical course that I am pursuing.
Areas of Improvement: Practices must be optimized and improved.
Desired Outcome: I need to be more adaptable so that I can demonstrate to the people I deal with how they can do the same.
Goal Statement: I can prioritize work in my current job and manage my time with my family effectively so that I may assist my colleagues with their tasks. I want to teach a handful of my colleagues how to foresee as I can. Skills Development Plan Assignment Paper


Practices for Growth Describe 2–3 specific strategies that can be used to develop this skill.

Two tactics that work include assertion and thinking. I need to think strategically rather than just follow to understand why something might or might not succeed

Action Steps Describe an action plan around developing your skill that includes things you can do now to begin working towards your goal. What specific actions are needed to acquire knowledge and build upon your skill?


Step 1: Increased Training.

Step 2:Better Analysis And Critical Thinking

Step 3:Weighing Alternative Concepts


Potential Obstacles/Challenges I need to be more understanding of other people in order to get past my obstacles.

I must realize that not everyone is as knowledgeable as I am, and that trying to teach someone something might be stressful.

Key Supporters


Identify 1–2 individuals that you can check in with, who will provide feedback along the way, and act as trusted supporters. Explain how these supporters will help you meet your goal.


Supporter lectures that enable me gain knowledge on my skills and ways of improving them.

Supporter 2. My colleague Jane has to train others while working with different departments and medical professionals. She is quite good at communicating..

Supporting University Resources


Identify 1–2 university resources that can help you meet your goal and explain how. Consider the resources you learned about in the course including, Career Center resources:

·         Capella Connect.

·         Career Exploration & Planning video series.

·         Resume Builder.

·         Writing Center

·         Center for Academic Success and Excellence.

Benefits From Change/Connections to Personal, Academic, and Career Goals Increasing my critical thinking and planning skills will help me concentrate on what needs to get done right away and improve my ability to foresee prospective challenges. This will also provide me the chance to train others so they can work harder.

Reflecting on Your Skills, Goals, and Accomplishments

Review the description of the outcomes discussed in Week 1 and complete each section of the template below, following the assignment instructions.

Part 1: About Me

Answer the following questions to capture how you see yourself, in terms of values, aspirations, key qualities, goals, strength areas, and areas of growth: Skills Development Plan Assignment Paper

  1. Find a quote or saying that captures your values, motivations, and aspirations and share it here.
  • A quote that has been motivational for me is, “hard times don’t last, tough people do”. I’m not sure who said it but it has always kept me grounded when I felt like everything around me began to become chaotic.
  1. Describe some of your main personal, academic, and professional goals.
  • Some of my main and personal goals is first and foremost strive to be the best mother that I can be to my son. Also, showing him the importance of working hard and accomplishing his goals. Career wise, I would love to become a Family Nurse Practitioner. So continuing to be motivated and getting through the many mores years of education is my goal.
  1. State some of your areas of strength. Think about the top 2 – 3 abilities you would advertise about yourself, or consider what others come to you for advice about. These can be the outcomes in the course, or other skills and abilities you know to be areas of strength. Skills Development Plan Assignment Paper
  • I am a quick learner, a great listener, and I would say I’m a self-proclaimed motivational speaker. Many times, my friends always come to me for advice about if they should go back to school or how they should handle a problem at work. Because I believe where there’s a will there’s a way. I am a strong advocate for continuing education, because in our field of work there are always changes. Sometimes people like to be heard without getting feedback and I provide that when needed.
  1. Include some areas you would like to grow and improve in.
  • Some areas where I feel needs a lot of improvement are my IV starting skills. I have always struggled with that and I think its due to me being left-handed in some ways. I would also like to be more assertive in some situations, because I tend to worry about being mean so I always try to please others.
  1. How can these areas help you solve problems and develop a solution-oriented mindset? Skills Development Plan Assignment Paper
  • I think in order to solve a problem you have to be a great listener. One should not be the type of person that when a problem is presented they come off as dismissive or a know it all. In order for a resolution, you have to listen in order to formulate a plan

Part 2: Accomplishment Statements

Accomplishments don’t have to be as large as climbing the top of Mount Everest or starting your own company. We accomplish many things in our lives every day that have meaning. For example, perhaps, you organized volunteers for your school’s food drive, or made an extremely profitable sale. Or, if you’re more advanced in your career, perhaps you’ve received a promotion or special recognition.

In this part of the assignment, you’ll identify two accomplishments from work, school, volunteer, or other activities. You’ll then practice communicating these in ways appropriate for a CV or resume.

To begin, review the list of Accomplishment Categories at the end of this template and brainstorm accomplishments from your work, school, volunteer or other activities. After you’ve identified two accomplishments, write their story using the information below: Skills Development Plan Assignment Paper


  1. Write two stories to practice using this format (type into the boxes below):
Challenge Situation, problem, or requirement: Nurse shortage on the unit.
Action Specific actions you took to resolve or meet the challenge: Nurses taking on the care of additional patients.
Result The benefit created in specific and measurable terms. Be sure to tie results to organizational goals when possible: Patients received adequate care in a timely manner. In turn the facility acknowledged the units hard work in maintaining patient safety.
Details Clarifying details, such as numbers or percentages to provide context (consider answering: how many, how much, how long, or how often): Nurse-to-patient-ratio went from 1:4 to 1:6


Challenge Situation, problem, or requirement: Frequent medication errors due to down systems.
Action Specific actions you took to resolve or meet the challenge: Clarifying medications in downtime system and with provider.
Result The benefit created in specific and measurable terms. Be sure to tie results to organizational goals when possible: Patients were able to receive medications prescribed without incident.
Details Clarifying details, such as numbers or percentages to provide context (consider answering: how many, how much, how long, or how often): Since new system upgrade, less downtime incidents have occurred. Medication errors have decreased tremendously by 60%, resulting in the facility in good standing in medication audits.


Now, try converting your two accomplishment stories into a clear and concise format for a resume or CV, as shown in the two examples below (type into the boxes for Accomplishment 1 and 2):

Formula 1: Result + action + brief description including clarifying details.
Example: Decreased customer complaints from three per week to one per week or less by training staff and implementing a regular review process.


Formula 2: Action + brief description with clarifying details + results.
Example: Trained retail staff in customer-service techniques and implemented a regular review process, decreasing customer complaints from three per week to one per week or less.


Accomplishment 1 Story
Patients were able to receive adequate care due to nurses assuming the care of additional patients. This increased ratios from 1:4 to 1:6.


Accomplishment 2 Story
Patients received medications with clarification from down system and provider. With new system upgrade medication errors decreased and placed facility in good standing.

Part 3: Reflect on Your Experiences

  • How has reflecting on your goals, strengths, areas of growth, and accomplishments been valuable for you?
  • It gives me a new outlook on where I started and where I am now, which makes me very excited to see what more I can accomplish.
  • What are ways you can build in a regular practice of reflection?
  • Focusing my thoughts through meditation, building more confidence, and even writing down ideas.
  • Briefly explain how problem solving helped you reach the accomplishments listed in Part 2.
  • Working as a team that saw a problem with our staffing needs and patients not getting the right medications. We had to come together and even through it was stressful, it is apart of our job to constantly problem solve or think critically. Healthcare is a collaborative field of work, in order to provide adequate care we have to work together.
  • After practicing writing your accomplishments in a CV or resume-appropriate style, do you feel more confident in expressing your accomplishments to an employer? Briefly explain.
  • Absolutely, I’ve experienced so much to date. I can confidently say that I’ve made an impact in places I’ve worked or with some of the peoples I’ve worked with and cared for. Skills Development Plan Assignment Paper

Accomplishment Categories

Saving Time

  • Shortening a procedure.
  • Optimizing a process.
  • Establishing a new procedure.
  • Investing in new technology.
  • Re-training staff.
  • Identifying inefficiencies.
  • Changing a schedule.
  • Recommending new system.

Saving Money

  • Using supplies more effectively.
  • Eliminating unneeded reports.
  • Contracting with a new vendor.
  • Reducing underperforming programs.
  • Properly scheduling staff.
  • Recruiting volunteers.
  • Creating something from scratch.
  • Finding a cost-effective solution. Skills Development Plan Assignment Paper

Making Money

  • Increasing sales/profits/market share.
  • Enlarging a market.
  • Finding a new market.
  • Expanding class offerings.
  • Developing new services.
  • Inventing something.
  • Winning a grant.
  • Enrolling new participants.
  • Retaining clients/customers/students.
  • Developing partnerships.
  • Upselling customers.
  • Extending contracts.

Reducing Risk

  • Meeting government requirements.
  • Improving testing.
  • Fixing a problem.
  • Ensuring safety standards met.
  • Decreasing negative behaviors.
  • Increasing positive behaviors.
  • Protecting against a hazard.
  • Developing policy.


Improving Quality:

  • Upgrading system or software.
  • Updating a course.
  • Facilitating employee training.
  • Instating best practices.
  • Implementing new procedures.
  • Boosting customer satisfaction.
  • Improving employee engagement.
  • Increasing teamwork.
  • Reducing errors. Skills Development Plan Assignment Paper


  • Winning an award.
  • Securing a promotion.
  • Achieving a certification/degree.
  • Receiving positive feedback.
  • Earning a bonus.
  • Accepting a board position.

Creating Positive Outcomes:

  • Implementing successful intervention.
  • Teaching life skills.
  • Observing behavioral change.
  • Fostering therapeutic relationships. Skills Development Plan Assignment Paper