Harmonizing to Orem. Renpenning and Taylor ( 2003 ) . the self-care shortage theory of nursing developed by Dorothea E. Orem focuses on the factors and demands that an single demands to run into in order to heighten his/her wellness and well-being. Basically. nursing is required merely when an person can non run into his/her wellness attention demands. The self-care shortage theory of nursing. hence. enables nurses to assist patients to run into their self-care demands accordingly heightening the wellness and well-being of the patient. The theory comprises of three theories which are interrelated including: theory of self-care. theory of self-care shortage and theory of nursing systems. Self- Care Theory Health Essay

Basically. Orem’s self-care shortage theory of nursing is premised on a theoretical account whereby the nurses cardinal function in heightening the well-being and wellness of the client to accomplish and keep ‘adequate degree of self-care’ . In this sense. each of the theories developed under Orem’s self-care shortage theory of nursing focal point on different dimensions of a individual. The theory of self-care is concerned with the ego. and I of a individual. the theory of self-care shortage is concerned with me and you and. eventually the theory of nursing systems is concerned with the we. that is. the person as portion of a community. The theorist’s background.Self- Care Theory Health Essay

Born in Baltimore. Maryland in 1914 Dorothea E. Orem had a rich educational background. She foremost attended the Providence Hospital School of Nursing in Washington. DC where she received a sheepskin in nursing. Consequently. she enrolled in the Catholic University of America where she graduated in 1939 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Education and subsequently in 1945 a Maestro of Science in Nursing Education. Orem’s educational background played a cardinal function in the development of the self-care shortage theory of nursing which she began developing in the 1950’s.

In add-on. Orem’s huge experience as a nursing practician enabled her to gestate a nursing theoretical account during a period which lacked expressed nursing orientated theories to back up the nursing course of study and pattern. As a nursing professional. Orem was involved in different Fieldss including nursing pattern. nursing instruction and nursing service. She worked in different places including as including a staff nurse. nurse pedagogue. private responsibility nurse. decision maker and nurse adviser. Orem educational background and huge experiences as a nurse impacted the development of the self-care shortage theory of nursing significantly. By uniting cognition acquired through the old ages both through formal and during pattern of nursing she was able to develop a theory which would assist to heighten the nursing course of study every bit good as be applied in pattern. Crucial mentions

Crucial mentions in Orem’s theory include the Nursing Development Conference Group ( 1979 ) that was involved in the development of the initial foundations and cardinal constructs of the theory. Basically. Nursing Development Conference Group ( 1979 ) recognized the demand for an ascent in practical nursing course of study and dissatisfaction emanating from the deficiency of an forming cognition for nursing cognition. Another important mention for the self-care shortage theory includes Orem and Taylor ( 1986 ) who basically focused on the “interest in and penetrations about the sphere and boundaries of nursing” which accordingly helped in specifying the function of nurses and therefore determining the development of the self-care shortage nursing theory. Self- Care Theory Health Essay

Other writers who have written about the self-care shortage nursing theory include Fitzgerald ( 1980 ) who used Orem’s theoretical account of self-care to plan an instruction plan for diabetics and Anna et Al ( 1978 ) who focused on the execution of Orem’s conceptual model in pattern. Phenomenon of concern or jobs addressed by the theory

Orem’s theory helped to specify the function of nursing in publicity of wellness attention and wellbeing of a client. Basically. the theory articulates when nursing is required a factor which was non antecedently explored. Orem’s theory besides provides a conceptual model which defines diverse modern-day constructs that guarantee publicity and care of wellness by specifying the requirements for self-care. Orem’s theory argues that in order to successfully implement the self-care theoretical account in pattern it is imperative to run into the requirements of chiefly attention. In add-on. stakeholders in wellness attention must endeavor to heighten an individual’s cognition of possible wellness jobs in order to heighten the individual’s self-care behaviour. Theory Description

Reasoning Used by the Theorist
The self-care shortage nursing theory uses deductive logical thinking. Basically. Orem developed cardinal averments which she identified as a necessity for an individual’s wellness and well-being. The premises used in the theory are logical in nature. In developing the self-care shortage nursing theory Orem uses cardinal premises including ; an person should be responsible for his/ her wellness and well-being. self-care is a cardinal constituent of primary attention. it is critical for persons to hold cognition of their wellness jobs so that they can exert self-care behaviour and. self-care can merely be learned through the societal context. The averments developed by Orem’s theory signifier the footing for the decision drawn. Major constructs of the theory

Harmonizing to Orem. Renpenning and Taylor ( 2003 ) . Orem defines four nursing constructs which are fundamentally an jussive mood for their meta-paradigm including: nursing. individual. the environment and wellness. Basically. the environment is the sub-component of an single therefore provides the context within which such an single exists. The environment signifiers portion of an incorporate system which has the profound impact on the individual’s wellness. The environment can besides be modified in order to run into an individual’s wellness attention needs. Health as a construct of nursing encompasses the soundness of an individual’s physical. societal and mental maps. The wellness position of an person is extremely influenced by his/her environment and self-care behaviour. Self- Care Theory Health Essay

In respects to nursing. Orem’s identifies four footings including the nursing job. nursing client. nursing procedure and nursing therapeutics. Nursing therapeutics is basically any actions that are systematic and geared towards heightening the wellness of an person. Nursing’s procedure encompasses the system used in the diagnosings of a client’s wellness attention needs. to program and implement attention. Nursing job is fundamentally any shortages in wellness attention conditions. Nursing’s client is any person who lacks the necessities for self-care therefore rendering him/her dependent on nursing to heighten his wellness and overall well-being. Finally. Orem’s theory besides focuses on the construct of the individual. The individual from a nursing position is fundamentally the patient who seeks nursing attention.

In some cases. the individual will be capable of self-care but in other cases he/she has wellness. developmental and cosmopolitan divergence which render him/her reliant on nursing attention in order to run into his/her wellness attention needs. The constructs in Orem’s self-care shortage nursing theory are defined both theoretically and operationally. Orem uses the constructs of nursing. environment. individual and the environment in the development of the self-care shortage nursing theory. She uses the constructs to develop three interconnected theories including the theory of self-care. theory of self-care shortage and theory of nursing system. In add-on. the constructs are systematically used in the development of the three interconnected theories. How the constructs are defined

The constructs used in Orem’s self-care shortage nursing theory are defined explicitly. The constructs are expressed straight and therefore are readily discernible to any person. For case. Orem’s defines the environment as the sub-components in which an person issues. In kernel. Orem’s definition of the environment is direct and can be easy understood and observed by any single. Orem’s defines nursing procedure as the system used in the diagnosings of a client’s wellness attention needs. to program and implement attention. This definition is direct and easy discernible to any single therefore is inexplicit. Orem defines individual from a nursing position which she recognizes as a patient who seeks nursing attention. Rem’s definition of a individual is simple and direct therefore implicit. Orem defines wellness as the soundness of an individual’s physical. societal and mental maps which can be easy deduced by any single and therefore is expressed. Relationships among the major constructs. Self- Care Theory Health Essay

The constructs in Orem’s self-care shortage nursing theory are interrelated. The environment that is basically the subcomponents in which the individual exists have impact on his her wellness. In add-on. the environment in which the individual exists influences his/ her self-care behaviour and accordingly his/her wellness position. The wellness of an person which is basically the physical. societal and mental soundness influences the individuals need for nursing attention. Nursing which is basically the actions’ that are performed by nursing professionals to assist individuals that have wellness shortages and reconstruct their ability to care for themselves.

Nursing influences a person’s wellness by heightening cognition about wellness jobs that they are predisposed to and make a societal context that shapes the individuals self-care behaviour. The individual which Orem defines as a being with developmental. cosmopolitan and wellness demands has the ability to gestate which has a profound impact on an individual’s self-care behaviour and. accordingly his/ her environment and wellness. Evaluation

Explicit and inexplicit premises which are the ( values/beliefs ) underlying the theory Orem’s self-care shortage nursing theory is premised on several implicit and expressed premises. One such premise is that human existences are continuously involved in uninterrupted interchange amongst themselves and the environment in which they exit in order to map and survive. Another cardinal premise that Orem’s self-care shortage nursing theory is premised on is that human being have the power to place and do sound determinations about their demands. There are diverse premises that led to the development of Orem’s self-care shortage nursing theory. One such premise is that nursing is an action that involves interaction between two or more individuals.

Orem’s theory is premised on the belief that a individual should be “self-reliant and responsible” for their ain wellness and others around them ( Orem. Renpenning & A ; Taylor. 2003 ) . In add-on. cognition about one’s possible wellness jobs is an imperative for developing self-care behaviour that enhances wellness and wellbeing of the person. Orem’s theory is besides based on the presupposition that each individual is a distinguishable single. Self-care every bit good as dependent attention behaviour are fostered and larn within the societal cultural context. Guaranting that both cosmopolitan and development self-care necessities are successfully run intoing an jussive mood for primary attention and enhancing of persons wellness in the society. The four metaparadigm constructs of nursing

Orem’s self-care shortage nursing theory has the description of the four metaparadigm constructs of nursing including individual. environment. nursing procedure and wellness. Orem’s self-care theoretical account is premised on the four metaparadigm constructs.

Orem’s self-care theory focal points on the individual. human being and single. It is concerned with the ego and I of a individual. The individual is fundamentally the patient who seeks nursing attention. In conformity to Orem’s theory. the human being is capable of gestating and reflecting. In some cases. the individual will be capable of self-care but in other cases he/she has wellness. developmental and cosmopolitan divergence which render him/her reliant on nursing attention in order to run into his/her wellness attention needs. The Environment

The environment as a nursing metaparadigm is the environing under which an person exists. Orem argues that the environment has a direct influence on an individual’s self-care behaviour. The environment comprises of subcomponents including the physical such as the conditions and social-economic such as household construction. Health

Health is basically the soundness of an individual’s physical. societal and mental maps. The wellness position of an person is extremely influenced by his/her environment and self-care behaviour. Nursing

Nursing is the actions that professionals in this field undertake in order to supply attention to persons with wellness divergences and are non capable of self-care. Harmonizing to Orem. Renpenning and Taylor ( 2003 ) . Orem identifies four footings including the nursing job. nursing client. nursing procedure and nursing therapeutics. Orem’s self-care shortage nursing theory explains the four metaparadigm constructs of nursing as interconnected constructs. Orem developed three interconnected theories including the theory of self-care. theory of self-care shortage and theory of nursing systems which focus on the four metaparadigm constructs of nursing and how they relate to each other. Clarity of the theory

Orem’s self-care shortage nursing theory is good articulated which ensures easiness of apprehension and lucidity on the constructs discussed. Orem provides a well-structured model of interconnected constructs therefore supplying a different position of looking at the function of nursing. The self-care theoretical account is divided into three constructs including nursing system. self-care and self-care shortage which are further divided into subdivisions therefore cut downing ambiguity and guaranting lucidity of the theory ( Orem. Renpenning & A ; Taylor. 2003 ) . In add-on. Orem’s self-care shortage nursing theory is logical in nature and uses explicit concluding which makes it easy to understand and unclutter. The theory is besides comparatively simple and yet can be generalized to accommodate different state of affairss in nursing pattern. Orem’s self-care shortage nursing theory is besides consistent with other similar theories. rules and Torahs. Application

How the theory would steer nursing actions
Harmonizing to Orem. Renpenning and Taylor ( 2003 ) . Orem’s self-care shortage nursing theory provides a guiding model which can be integrated into nursing pattern. Orem’s nursing procedure articulates three stairss that can be integrated into pattern. in order enhance the wellness and well-being of patients. In order to understand and do sound judgement on patient attention required Orem’s theoretical account provinces that nursing professionals must roll up informations on different facets of the patient. The information collected must include the wellness position of the patient. his/her demand for self-care and capacity to execute the same. In add-on. informations on the patient every bit good and physician’s position on wellness must be good articulated.

Finally. informations on the wellness ends of the patient within his/ her environment must be clearly specified. The 2nd measure in the nursing procedure requires nursing professionals to develop a program and system for attention bringing. The last procedure is concerned with the direction of nursing systems in order to heighten the patient’s wellness results both in the short and long term. Use of theory in my country of nursing ( Practice. Education. Information sciences or Administration ) Orem’s self-care shortage nursing theory has helped me in heightening my cognition about different constructs and sub constructs articulated in the theory. Harmonizing to Orem. Renpenning and Taylor ( 2003 ) . Orem’s self-care shortage nursing theory emphasizes on go oning instruction as a cardinal constituent in nursing instruction. In kernel. the theory can heighten cognition on how I can present the best attention on a 1 on one footing. Self- Care Theory Health Essay

The self-care shortage patient depends on me to supply the medicines and interventions as order. to supply the basic demands such as bathing. eating and all active day-to-day life ( ADL ) . In add-on. the nursing procedure in Orem’s self-care theoretical account can be integrated in pattern in order to heighten the wellness results of the patients. Basically. Orem’s self-care shortage nursing theory can be used to better pattern by incorporating the cognition and constructs articulated in the theoretical account during attention bringing. Orem’s self-care shortage nursing theory can besides be used as the footing for nursing research by professionals in my country of nursing. Basically. the theory provides a conceptual model which can function as the footing of research in different clinical scene therefore guaranting it is good integrated in different countries of nursing pattern. In the yesteryear. the theory has been used in the development of research instruments to prove its cogency in different clinical scenes.


Anna. D. J. . Christensen. D. G. . Hohon. S. A. . Ord. L. . & A ; Wells. S. R. ( 1978 ) . Implementing Orem’s conceptual model. Journal of Nursing Administration. 8 ( 11 ) . pp. 8-11. Fitzgerald. S. ( 1980 ) . Using Orem’s self-care theoretical account in planing an instruction plan for the diabetic. Subjects in Clinical Nursing. 2 ( 2 ) . pp. 57-65. Orem. D. E. . Renpenning. K. M. & A ; Taylor. S. G ( 2003 ) . Self-care theory in nursing: selected documents of Dorothea Orem. New York: Springer Publishers.Self- Care Theory Health EssaySelf- Care Theory Health Essay