School Of Philosophies Essay Paper

School Of Philosophies Essay Paper

School of Philosophies Paper (Module 1, Assignment 1)
Write a scholarly paper on the influence of one of the six major schools of philosophical thoughts and its impact on your chosen role of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. Note that the content of your paper will expand upon the ideas presented in the Overview of the Major Schools of Philosophical Thought paper in the Appendix. Cite sources and provide complete references using APA format. School Of Philosophies Essay Paper


Include the following essential components in your paper:
1. Description of the aims and assumptions of the school of philosophical thought
2. Identify how knowledge is viewed by the school of philosophy
3. Specify what methods of science or research are used by the school of philosophy
4. Give examples of what values or ideas from the school of philosophy that are currently emphasized within your chosen role option; and
5. Estimate the potential future impact of the designated school of thought on your chosen role option.
6. Word Count: This assignment should include at least 1,000 words and does not include the title page and the references. (Make sure to include your word count with the exact number of words).
7. References: At least five references not older than five years (2018-2023) in APA style- Make sure to include the corresponding in-text citations for all the references listed in the reference page.

This assignment is worth 10% of your grade. Link to submit this assignment is available in Module 1. School Of Philosophies Essay Paper


The school of thought selected for this paper is paradigmatic by Thomas Samuel Kuhn (1922-1966). Kuhn was an important philosopher and one of the most influential in the 20th century concerning science, history, and philosophy. In particular, his book titled The Structure of Scientific Revolution was a changing material in philosophy and how people thought about certain philosophical aspects (Herrera et al., 2022). Kuhn’s education life was dominated by his love for physics. Later, he switched to studying history and then he developed interest in the philosophy of science. In around 1943 Kuhn graduated from Harvard and through the years of war he made several studies still at Harvard before moving to Europe. In 1946 he earned his master’s degree and around 1949 he gained a doctorate in physics (Kaushik, 2019). He was an ardent scientist but loved to explore history and philosophy materials specifically by Aristotle School Of Philosophies Essay Paper.

Kuhn was interested in understanding major theories of the past and the reasons they were developed in relation to science. He believed that theories can only be understood by evaluating the day-to-day thinking and practices of successful scientists rather than attempting to fit scientific techniques into predetermined frameworks. He pointed out the assumptions by philosophers that most scientists never tried to test their theories. He states that there is also an assumption that scientists believe their theories to be true. However, Kuhn points out that scientists work within the set standards of evidence, investigation, techniques of statistical analysis, and uses conceptual understanding of their subjects (Van Kemenade, 2021)School Of Philosophies Essay Paper. It is through these explorations that Kuhn develop the ‘paradigm’ that highlights the importance of guides and studies in the field of science. The paradigms are central to nursing practice and especially to psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) work.

View of knowledge by the paradigmatic school of thought 

The paradigmatic school of thought views knowledge as a set of philosophical ideas regarding the human universal health process. The students and nursing researchers are called upon to be familiar with such ideas because their ability to understand helps in theory and knowledge development in nursing. The paradigms in nursing critically define the boundaries and the goals in a given discipline and help in organizing its knowledge. Therefore, paradigms are described as abstract ways through which knowledge is articulated and are also philosophical, changeable, and discipline-specific. In enhancing the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) practices important nursing metaparadigm are used including person, environment, health, and nursing (Deliktas, 2019)School Of Philosophies Essay Paper. The interaction of these theories is crucial in understanding and providing care to patients with mental health issues.

Methods of science /research used in the paradigmatic school of thought

Nursing has been central in coming up with knowledge in response to the changing societal needs including the application of technology. This has prompted the nursing field to develop a scientific basis for academic institutions and nursing in enhancing research. An initial method of research used is positivism which uses scientific techniques in coming up with general abstract laws that can predict and describe the physical world (Herrera et al., 2022). The method is influential in conceptual models and helps in nursing standards and diagnosis.

The post-positivism approach supports the positivism model in emphasizing the variables and concepts, empirical testing, instrumentation, and controlled conditions. The use of nursing questions is tested in this model. In addition, the interpretative method is important in paradigmatic as it views the world ad self-interpreting. This method values the inter-subjectivity that occurs between the participants and the researcher. The diverse phenomena are studied using the natural setting of individuals in their lived situations. For instance, persons with mental issues are observed and evaluated in their natural setting to identify the causal issues and the therapy to include in managing their issues (Kaushik, 2019)School Of Philosophies Essay Paper. There is a need to explore the unitary nature of individuals with their environment to successfully apply the knowledge of this model to the nursing discipline.

Critical social theory is also paramount in nursing research. This method of scientific research states that truth exists in realities that are shaped by political, social, economic, gender, and cultural factors (Yip, 2021). Through the critical social theory, paradigm study emerges as a way of taking action and also a theory for expressing the way things look. For instance, in mental health using critical theory ensures that all factors are explored in coming up with reality about what are the causal factors of a given mental issue. For instance, some people suffer from mental disorders due to their social, cultural, gender, economic, and also religious settings (Herrera et al., 2022)School Of Philosophies Essay Paper. The paradigm model aims at coming up with research about the ideal reality and the facts about certain conditions.

Ideas from the paradigmatic school of thought

The paradigmatic school of thought has brought up several values and ideas in the PMHNP. For instance, Kuhn observed that science is made up of a paradigm that at some point remains constant but then undergoes paradigm shift in times the existing theories fail to explain some phenomenon triggering another person to come up with a new theory. This model of development occurs in the nursing process when assessing, diagnosing, and treating clients. For instance, when the existing evidence-based practices fail to produce the right results the medical personnel comes up with ideas and gives opinions on the best practices to adopt. The models of treating patients, especially the mentally ill keep on changing with regard to the most critical paradigm (Kaushik, 2019)School Of Philosophies Essay Paper. Adopting new knowledge is the most crucial thing but one that has been tested scientifically and proven useful in managing the patient’s issues.

In addition, there is an idea from the paradigmatic school of thought that revolution in science takes place when a new paradigm is able to explain the observations better together with offering a model closer to the developed objective. This idea encourages research in nursing and the continuous development of new knowledge to have more alternatives when it comes to patents care. The theorist believed that revolution in science exists through the accumulation of views based on scientific outlook (Herrera et al., 2022)School Of Philosophies Essay Paper. In nursing, the scientific outlook is the way the patients present their case including evaluating the family and patient histories in order to come up with the most perfect solution to the problem.

Potential future impact of the paradigmatic school of thought

The paradigmatic school of thought is an influential model that has been crucial in the past, and present and also will impact nursing practices in the future. For instance, the model encourages the use of history, and philosophy in understanding scientific features. This is true because even the nursing history of family and patients is applied to understand the causal factors of mental illnesses. There is also the use of psychological aspects where patients have to visit psychotherapists or counselors to have their mental conditions well established and also managed (Parreira, 2021)School Of Philosophies Essay Paper. Thus, in the future, the paradigmatic school of thought will continue being applied in evaluating different patients’ issues and also in carrying out research for better patient care.



Deliktas, A., Korukcu, O., Aydin, R., & Kabukcuoglu, K. (2019). Nursing Students’ Perceptions of Nursing Metaparadigms: A Phenomenological Study. The journal of nursing research: JNR27(5), e45.

Herrera Velázquez, María & Calderón Macías, María & Alvia, Aida & Estrella, Alfredo & Sequera, David. (2022). The best paradigm for nursing research. International journal of health sciences. 1817-1824. 10.53730/ijhs.v6nS4.6483.

Kaushik, Vibha, and Christine A. Walsh. (2019). “Pragmatism as a Research Paradigm and Its Implications for Social Work Research” Social Sciences 8, no. 9: 255.

Parreira, P., Santos-Costa, P., Neri, M., Marques, A., Queirós, P., & Salgueiro-Oliveira, A. (2021). Work Methods for Nursing Care Delivery. International journal of environmental research and public health18(4), 2088.

Van Kemenade, E., van der Vlegel-Brouwer, W., & van der Vlegel, M. (2021). Exploring the Quality Paradigms in Integrated Care: The Need for Emergence and Reflection. International journal of integrated care21(2), 17.

Yip J. Y. C. (2021). Theory-Based Advanced Nursing Practice: A Practice Update on the Application of Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory. SAGE open nursing7, 23779608211011993. School Of Philosophies Essay Paper