Safety, Quality And Informatics 3 Essay Paper

Safety, Quality And Informatics 3 Essay Paper

Write 8-10 pages in which you identify a major patient-safety issue within your own organization and use evidence-based best practices and technology to develop a plan to improve the safety issue.Safety, Quality And Informatics 3 Essay Paper

Quality improvement and patient safety are central to the nursing leadership role.



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By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 2: Safety and Quality Practices – Incorporate concepts of patient safety, clinical management, and quality improvement to improve patient outcomes.
    • Describe a patient safety issue and compare currently used organizational processes for handling this issue with concepts, principles, and practices that contribute to quality improvement and patient safety.
  • Competency 3: Nursing Research and Informatics – Incorporate evidence-based practice interventions (for example, information systems and patient care technologies) as appropriate for managing the acute and chronic care of patients, promoting health across the lifespan.       Safety, Quality And Informatics 3 Essay Paper
    • Recommend evidence-based interventions, including technology, to address specific patient-safety issues.
  • Competency 4: Policy, Finance, and Regulations – Understand the scope and role of policy, finance, and regulatory environments in relationship to individual and population outcomes.
    • Analyze the legal and ethical consequences of not addressing patient-safety issues.
  • Competency 5: Communication – Communicate effectively with all members of the health care team, including interdepartmental and interdisciplinary collaboration for quality outcomes.
    • Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate APA format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a nursing professional.
  • Competency 6: Organizational and Systems Management – Apply knowledge of organizational behavior, nursing theory, and systems (micro- and macro-) as appropriate for the scope and role of one’s own practice.
    • Describe strategies to overcome specific organizational barriers to change.Safety, Quality And Informatics 3 Essay Paper

Assessment Instructions


As you prepare for this assessment, complete the following:

  1. Before you begin, examine your organization’s history of safety in a specific area and how your organization addresses patient safety issues. If possible, consult with a key stakeholder in the organization (such as an administrator) to better understand specific patient-safety concerns and how the organization is working to resolve the concerns. This person should also be able to discuss some of the organizational barriers impacting the patient safety issue.
  2. Next, look at the basic concepts, principles, and practices that contribute to organizational quality improvement and patient safety. Review the literature for best practices and how technology might be used to improve the issue.
  3. Finally, be sure to consider the legal and ethical implications associated with the safety issue, as well as possible organizational barriers to change.Safety, Quality And Informatics 3 Essay Paper


As you construct this assessment, address each point as completely as possible:

  • Describe a patient-safety issue within your organization, comparing the way your organization addresses the issue with the concepts, principles, and practices that contribute to quality improvement and patient safety.
  • Analyze the legal and ethical consequences of not addressing the issue.
  • Recommend evidence-based interventions, including technology, to address the patient-safety issue.
  • Describe strategies to overcome specific organizational barriers to change, based on your knowledge of the organization.

Additional Requirements

  • Format: Include a title page and reference page. Use APA style and formatting.
  • Length: Ensure your completed assessment is 8–10 pages in length, not including the title page and reference page.
  • References: Cite at least five current scholarly or professional resources.
  • Font: Use double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font.Safety, Quality And Informatics 3 Essay Paper

Clinical decision support systems are computer application clinicians interact with them in decision making and help them at the point of care. They interact with the clinician to determine diagnosis based on patient data or analysis of patient data. In addition, they link physician clinical observation with health knowledge to practice safe, quality health care. They vary depending on the complexity and desired function or application (Payne, 2000).

Purpose of clinical decision system in the delivery of health care

In today’s health care, the goal for clinical decision support in the delivery of health strive to provide information to the right person, with the appropriate format, through the right channel and at the right point in clinical work flow to improve health and healthcare decision and outcome (Osheroff et al., 2006). The intervention aim to:Safety, Quality And Informatics 3 Essay Paper

1. Delivery of quality evidence – based medical principals for diagnostic and disease management guidelines.

2. Alert for potential clinical safety and quality problem during the care of the patient and help prevent them.

3. Training and regulate clinician to updated information for the best clinical practice.

4. Improve the cash flow and operating margins.

Programs like internist 1, Dxplain and quick medical reference are functional computer application tools assists in diagnosis. Clinicians input clinical values like historical and physical examination findings, laboratory and test results and based on the data, the computer application, provides differential diagnosis. After the diagnosis, other clinical application tools can be used to improve the diagnosis and patient outcome. For example, the management of community acquired pneumonia, clinician inputs required data of the patient then the clinical decision application tool would provide a recommendation on how to progress outpatient therapy decreasing the likelihood of medical errors (Marrie et al., 2000). This tool can be also used in the situation where a clinician is not sure or symptom seem confusing or complex and this save time for the clinician to act and document and comply with guidelines (Payne, 2000).Safety, Quality And Informatics 3 Essay Paper

Patient alert-monitoring devices provide real time changes of patient condition, Warning and alert signal clinical staff for intervention. On the other hand, alerts and reminders provide tasks lists for clinicians, such as post-op checks for the purpose to assist in order entry. Application tool access different drug databases in different clinical setting system like laboratory, pharmacy and hospital system and it checks transcription errors and provide feedback to the clinician inputting the order on drugs compatibility and interaction, drug sensitivity, allergy and possible duplication in real time (Alliance for Health Reform,2006).

Clinicians have the standards mandated by their practicing or clinical setting to perform a procedure, intervention based on patient or clinical data. Reminders and prompts applied before or during patient interaction with physician can aide physician decide the appropriate step for therapy. They have effectively proven in increasing preventive care standard and prescribing. Therefore, clinician uses prompt and reminders in clinical decision support system for the purpose to improve clinical effectiveness. Patient based prompts contact patient by texting messages, emailing or voice. They are specific to obtain optimized results (Krall & Sittig, 2002). Lastly, the clinical decision applications tool integrates financial and clinical information to improve clinical performance as well control the cost.Safety, Quality And Informatics 3 Essay Paper

Benefits computerized provider order entry (CPOE) and electronic prescribing

Provider order entry (CPOE) is a computer application tool of processing clinician orders for the client or patient care in the health care information system (Hebda & Czar, 2009). On the other hand, electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) refers to transmission of electronic drug prescription from the provider ordering system the pharmacy system near the client or preferred client pharmacy (Blair, 2006).Safety, Quality And Informatics 3 Essay Paper

Many CPOE applications have access to evidence based clinical guidelines and interact with clinician with the aim for CPOE to reduce transcription and medication errors, decrease time for the time drug ordered to time drug dispensed, more ordering standards and completeness of the orders, and incorporation of alerts to warn potential drug dosage problem or critical lab value. In addition to allergy, drug interaction and contraindications such as during pregnancy and other health issues (Hebda & Czar, 2009). Medication error leads to adverse drug reaction, the largest cause of extended length of stay in the hospital before CPOE innovation (Sengstack & Gugerty, 2004).

Likewise, electronic prescribing reduces medication errors and provides understandable information to pharmacists from CPOE information system. This is one of the key plans to enable adoption of Electronic Medical Record to a national electronic health infrastructure in America (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2009). E -Prescribing has improved patient outcome due to new tools deployed to the system – drug-experience outcomes to provide the clinician feedback of the drug. This is a breakthrough to electronic patient quality of care (Schiff & Bates, 2000).Safety, Quality And Informatics 3 Essay Paper




Sir, can you please step up to the glass, put your palm on the screen and follow the directions from the computer? This is where our future lies…in biometrics, computers, and science. Soon there will be no need to fill out tedious paperwork, to try to remember medications or past medical history. I know it exists in hospitals across America, I have seen it in action many times. Are we as nurses changing with the times? What is nursing informatics? Why is it important to me? How do I rate on the nursing informatics knowledge scale? What is my plan to increase my knowledge base? These questions should be at the forefront of every nurse’s thoughts.

What is Nursing Informatics? Technology and innovation have transformed the way people function personally and professionally. In the past, writing and mailing a letter was standard but now most people send electronic messages and text messages to phones. Healthcare has been changing tremendously as well, not only are paper charts and records becoming obsolete, but now many facilities are sharing test results, visit information details, and prescribed drug lists. This move into the digital age has helped improve healthcare by cutting costs in the long-term, increasing efficiency with decreased wait times, and reducing medical errors. This evolving technology expansion, commonly referred to as nursing informatics SafetySafety, Quality And Informatics 3 Essay Paper
Nurses can review vital signs history for a patient to spot abnormalities and creating a baseline with a few clicks of a mouse and identify inconsistencies and changes in health quickly, which saves not only time but lives too when using nursing informatics. Opportunities in nursing care can be discussed with management and the nursing informatics team to better serve patients. There is a huge push to reduce costs in healthcare and nursing informatics helps save money while improving patient care. Various members of the healthcare team can now look at the same patient’s chart at the same time at many healthcare facilities. Nursing informatics professionals look for ways to improve the patient experience so that redundancy and waste are removed, but they try to keep the nursing process in mind to avoid sacrificing the level of care provided. Most jobs in this field are in hospitals, insurance companies, pharmaceutical and research companies, and healthcare consulting companies. The locations of available jobs are similar to those offered to a traditional nurse, but it is clear that this position is considered niche and the traditional nurse would have more job opportunities (“Johnson & Johnson Discover Nursing”, 2014). Education, Opportunities, Certification, and Skills The best candidates for a job within nursing informatics would be nurses with clinical experience who are well versed Safety, Quality And Informatics 3 Essay Paper