Reflection On Adoption Essay Paper

 Reflection On Adoption Essay Paper

Does this finding reflect something about adoption in general, or does it reflect something about institutionalization of infants?

For this week’s application assignment, please address the following three questions

Question #1: As noted in the reading, Marcovitch et al

(1997) found relatively low rates of secure

attachment among children adopted from Romanian orphanages and their adoptive mothers

Specifically, they found that 30% of the adopted children were securely attached, compared to 42% of a

comparison sample of biologically related (raised at home) mother?child pairs. Reflection On Adoption Essay Paper

Note, however, that the authors do not provide a comparison sample of children adopted at birth (i






Does this finding reflect something about adoption in general, or does it reflect

something about institutionalization of infants?

Use this finding as an opportunity to reflect on your own beliefs and biases

Would you expect that

adoptive children and their mothers would show different attachment patterns than children raised at

home with their biological parents, assuming other variables (e


, age and socioeconomic status of

parents) are held constant? Would you predict adoptive parents to be more responsive to their children,

less responsive, or equally responsive? After you consider and record your own beliefs, you may want to

do a search of the literature on this topic to review some empirical data
. Adoption Essay

Question #2: The reading also cites a study by Chisholm et al

(1995) that indicated that children who

had lived in an orphanage for at least 8 months had lower scores on attachment security measures than

did children who were adopted before 4 months of age

How might this finding be related to the development of separation anxiety and fear of strangers?

Question #3: Using the intergenerational transmission of attachment presented in Chapter Four, please

discuss the transmission sequence as it apples to the case of Angela (page 165)

Describe two

interventions you would suggest to help members of this family

For Question 1- Use the Marcovitch article

For Question 2 – Chapter Four & 3 year follow up article

For Question 3 – Powerpoints & Readings This assignment will count towards your final grade and is due on Day 7 Reflection On Adoption Essay Paper

Points: This assignment is worth 100 points
. Adoption Essay


Chisholm, K

, Carter, M

, Ames, E


, & Morison, S



Attachment security and indiscriminately

friendly behavior in children adopted from Romanian orphanages

Development and Psychopathology, 7,


Marcovitch, S

, Goldberg, S

, Gold, A

, Washington, J

, Wasson, C

, Krekewich, K

, & Handley-Derry, M


Determinants of behavioural problems in Romanian children adopted in Ontario


Journal of Behavioral Development, 20(1), 17-31

Note: Reference for 3-year follow up:

Chisholm, K


A Three Year Follow?up of Attachment and Indiscriminate Friendliness in Children

Adopted from Romanian Orphanages

Child development, 69(4), 1092-1106. Reflection On Adoption Essay Paper